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Show account of sickness, have much Im- Allen and eeven of i the inmates, but ' DESJ2BET EVENING NEWS. ou fled. r: suffer Allen John less or more proved, but yet, at17. Ban Justice careful! Francisco, Field, in from weakness. Through Gil . rEDITOIt' tendance and our united faith, we trcst by all will be sufficiently strengthened desruBusiiin Lord to reach our friends and " lha tined home, v . Yours respectfully, 0l4br 19, 1863. " and1 Mond7, F. C. Anderson. i ; For OuDetertt Eitning Ketet, The Presidential Campaign is being on each side, that grows more vigorous .1 It Awna Continued from Saturday1 8 d'wpatch Both parties have declared themselves been out of the scale we should have MAvfatn nfatiMtMi n a fa nltrava 4 na mioa succeeded, or that remaining if the perSmwtm k aImaa versions of Gen. Blair's position had been out of the scale, we should have secceeded. It would be paying a poor Gen. Grant to say his compliment to not been worth to the .has popularity half the. meager majority Republicans bv which they have carried Pennsylva nia. Put the half of that small majority on the other side, and the two parties would be eoual. If that small number of votes be due to the popularity of Gen. Grant, and it would be ridiculous to suppose the contrary, the election, had it been deemed on me issues, would have been in favor of the Democratic party. The same remarks will apply to other States. On Democratic principles, that thft onft which xta Hia chnlca of pure and simple, we should have sucof the ceeded; and the narrow-escap- e the Convention will not be successful. to not due their prlncl- is The bitterness of aspersion and the Republicans to the but prestige of military Sles, and the on Blair. cast so entered' have which aspersions personalities we should of have the richt In principle largely. Into the campaign are features succeeded; and we may succeed yet if which, to a greater or less degree, mark wo can remove or neutralize tneseaa- all such contests. But memories are verse muuences wnicn nave reany 1 i i i j wuuuus now reviveu nothing to do with the questions. uy iimem, auu oiu can this are torn open to bleed afresh, which The World proceeds to ask to recommends this the atbe and done, lad no existence at any previous time tention and roost earnest reflection of In the history of our country. The.blt-ternes- 3 the recoznlzed leaders of the party. We of the days wheq the North and still have three weeks for action, and South threw their serried masses against nromnt and Judicious action may ac wonders. It says the political each other, and mourning was carried complish which does not advance with the party to thousands of firesides by the deadly nation and enter into tne run essence or uiaat oi war, is again caueu into exist- Its expanding life, is a declivity which to decadence and decrepitude. ence, by allusions to times and scenes descends Democratic The party is full of vigorous, which were better burled In oblivion, if youthful, aspiring elements, bimilac peace was sought and union desired. elements In the other party are yearnto join It.lf we have but the boldness Party feeling runs so high as to talk of ing to build a bridge on wnicn tney can 'bullets instead of ballots," and the ap- cross. peal to the last resort of , arbitrament The article is the talk in all the adIf is war as as of deadly spoken glibly political circles, and is considered to withdraw to the vice Democracy the subject were a trivial one. and Blair. Seymour "What the Democracy , may do within The evening JNew ork papers com lha narf fanr ilava wa will litv. tr ment on it, but think the advice comes . for to learn. Messrs. Belmont and too late. Washington specials to all the New Schell, leading New York Democrats, York and Chicago papers talk of little deny the possibility or practicability of else! and measures are being taken to ticxec m.iue neid. rne changing their front at this late hour; put anotner or and it is more than likely that party weight opinion seems to iavor rjnase and Adams, though the chances are will fight it out at the ballot-bofor Hendricks, Franklin and the candidates who have been selected others will beHancock, freely balanced. Seymour and Blair. "Whichever way The Herald says it has tobeen decided Chase and It may go, there Is little dcubt.but the to give the nomination Adams. John Quincy contest will be waged' witH keenness Belmont and others, members of the and determination to the end.' The National Committee met Seymour at Utica so become elated with the may Chicago, 17. The Republican's Washrecent successes, as to relax in their vigiington special says the cable dispatch, lance, and the leaders of the opposite indicating the early adjustment of the party may increase their diligence and Alabama question is not thought to be thua ettVct a change at the Presidential altogether reliable. It is believed that no instructions election as startling as it would be un- Minister Johnson hadAlabama on of the the claims, expected. Such might be the" case, but but thatsubject it is quite probable he has sucIt is not likely; and the chances seem ceeded iu settling the naturalization now to be strongly in favor of the Re- questions. It is believed that the news telegraphed from London is the result J I publican candidate, of a manoeuvre on the part of Lord Whatever the result of the election Stanley to secure the success of the at the coming electien. may be, the bitterness and .vindictive Tory party election returns show that latest The feelings that now exist and are being tho Republican majority in Pennsyl11 fnrlKai n rniv Aall Uuo rVr soil will vtrtf 1B1 tit I II klllll vania is about 10,00. into a condition of quiescence as easily Preparations are being made to conAnd rapidly as under other and ordi- test the election by all the Democratic candidates of the city of Philadelphia. nary circumstance. Mauy thousands Fox's majority Tor Mayor is ISoS. In throughout the nation have become ac Indiana, Baker's majority is about 1,000; customed to the sight of blood during) the ofllcial returns may increase it to a bloody and desperate war. Habit has 15,000. Voorhecs Is elected, but his by Reid. The made them reckless of life, and they seat will beofcontested who is declared competitor 121 Julian, have accustomed themselves to place elected contest his will by majority, vote one because at the value one It. is This poll in upon gt election, alight was Richmond out of the thrown city the curies, which war lull lets upon any the Judges. nation that engages in It. The coming byIu Ohio the majority will reach over election Is viewed as haying so many 1S.000. Interests at 8take,that itis not torturing General Blair, in a speech at 8 1. Louis, ' said he expected to be a cannight, prospecU to suppose scenes of blood last so long as the Democratic party will be witnessed lu various parts of didate desired it, but he would surrender the the country, directly traceable to the position whenever so doing would add element which we have Just spoken of. one vote to the strength of the DemoBut other more peacefully, inclined crats. Democratic papers'all over the country will become involved Ju them, either comment on the proposition to change jersoualIy, or in their feelings as part- the ticket; the most prominent journals isans. Thus ibo angry feelings and generally reject the plau. The question now me withdrawal or Seymour animosity which now exist, instead of oi would aflVct the bills pending on his being allayed immediately after the seems to form an important contest la closed, may increase in vir- election, element in the discission. ulence and intensity, and discord and Washington 1G. But two or three of either branch of Congress members disunion relgu for a much longer period were present to day, and the respective than Is desired by lovers of peace no Speakers' declared both Houses ad matter which party's candidates are the journed to Nov. 10. f choice of the electoral college, ii lite follow log is tne answer to a dis patch from this city, asking whether 4 the proposition for a change in the Democratic presidential candidate was New prompted by the Democracy In ' in such contests; and both sides have put forth their powers to insure success. The recent elections In Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and New Jersey, have given increased confidence to the Be publican party, who assure themselves of success In the national contest. On the other hand, as will be seen, by today's dispatches, some prominent mem-beof the Democratic party see in them an indication of failure on the Sd proximo; and the talk of a change' lu the ticket, at this late day,1 indicates a fear -- rs . 1 . - -- x, Be-public- ans to-da-y. " i 1 M uM A. m. A tAOL m. 9 W MAM.: MM WM M. 1 a. buildings. Loss, ' thirty thousand dol... lars. San Francisco, Angel Martinez and Placldo Vego, of revolutionary notoriety.lt is reported sailed for Mexico yesterday, on board the Mazatlan steamer. The Oregon legislature has adopted a resorption withdrawing the consent of the state to the passage of the fourteenth amendment to the- constitution of the United States, o w Arrived the steamer Idaho , from Honolulu, with advices to October 5th. Leprosy prevails to a considerable extent among the different islands. The English war steamer,' Scout, en route for England, from Victoria, arrived atHopolulu, September 23d. The flag of the North German confederation was raised over the residence of Theodore C. Henck, recently appointed consul by that power, on September 2Gth 'with unusually interestingceremonles. ' All foreign resident ministers, the officers of the United States steamer Mohong, and H.B.M. steamer Scout were present. The French ship, Uenry Sixth, with rour nunoreu and mty umnese coolies, for Callao. arrived at Honolulu. Oct. 1st: seventeen . died during their passage from China. Rev. Lorrin Anders died September 29th; the deceased was a natlvo of Conthe necticut, and has been a resident of ibishu oi nee ioio. , - . . " prosecuted with a vigor and earnestneea A. to-da- y, 18.--Gener- ala THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. , Tbe advertisement ofttia Weed Sewing ila the circuit court, has granted injuncchine Company, which appears In our columns tions in the suits of Goodyear against Is worth: the attenUott of all who desire several dentists In this city. ' , to purchase a really first class machine. The A fire in Spear Street, between Misof the sewing machine, has been be invention sion and Howard, , destroyed, several one of the mst useful ever GEORGE Q. CANNON, 7 TSk 1 . . j ! ' '". v ; York.' ; . , "J. D. Hoover, Esq. There Is no authority or possibility to Albany, Oct, 5th, 1SG3. change the front. All friends consider Editor Dcscrel JNVic. The 'following It Impracticable and equivalent is a list of persons now en route for Salt to totally disbanding our forces. We in New Lake City. r York are not panic, stricken. Signed, Samuel, Ann, Eliza. Mary Ann, Alice, BcnKiX." Lydia and Sarah wilkie; Ann, Ann. Augustas rum C. and William been General Hooker has and Bird; Mary placed on Hy Bhoda Price; William and Harriet Star- the, retired, list, with the full pay of . . . tup; Johanna Shalr; German and Wilch-imin- e Major ueneral. Dan Voorheea telexrraphs that he is Rasmussen; Peder, Bodil and Jens Hansen; Johan P., Anna, and elected to Congress majority. or uovernor is defeated for uenoricKs " and Lars Kasmussen; Emllura Ludvig- - Indiana by 1,000. sen; Neils Tolbo; Christopher, NIcholiue isevr Orleans. The Tunc has an and Anna Sander; Neils C, Johanna, article deprecatory to the Christen and Nellsen Jensen; Bergetta or eitner Keymour or Blair, but If it is ChrUtensen; John Carlson; Jens B. and considered necessary, it suggests the Dorslna Tnorsted; Pernllla Cramer; propriety or leaving to these gentlemen Pernllla Swendsen; Karen and Jens the selection of thrir successors. Anderson; Anna C Anderson; Karen, Baltimore. 17. The motion to vacate Borcn and Jens N Johan sen; Ellen Nell- the writs in the suits against General . sen; Dorthea Olsen; Anna 8 Olsen; Butler was argued emiJensen; JJaren from the Margaret Jensen; Metta Convention Delegates w. Korensen; Caroline met Anderson: States Maria societies of United the grant and Carl Wlitorhnm ir.nt.. a committee here and SI: Ti QlbW from h Liverpool Ofllce; on business and appointed tm juonuay. adjourned Joseph II. Leo, returning mission the 21st disGreenabrrg, Pa., 17. In trict Foat r'a majority over Covodo is Vfe le5 New Yor on Saturday his officially t. CoTode has announced determln: 'on to contest the seat. New 17. A sailor was robbed .ater. Potion of our little com- - at John Yc.'x, Allen's dance house last night, mg oe?n uetainetl - ; j " t by-10- to-da- 0 y. Kr-.il to-da-y, ' ;- j -1 -- . ' K yond all question, made, and among the many machines now In the market there are some very excellent ones. The Weed machine la equal to any or all of them In any really useful specialty they may possess, while In one point it Is certainly superior to all others now before the public. Jn purchasing any other machine it is necessary to have an eye to the particular kind of work; it is specially designed for, IX It be for general famUy use only a certain number of said machine will answer that purpose; if desired for heavier work, such as men's stout clothing, sacks, or leather work, care must be taken to order the number designed for the performance of such work, and should a mistake be made, so: that a wrong number is sent serious Inconvenience or loss jnlgnt result, especiaUy in a poor family. But in the Weed machine no such risk is run, each machine, with merely a change of needle, will do any kind of work, from, the finest 'net, cambric or embroidery, to the stoutest leather work. This Is the point of superiority possessed by the Weed machine over all others At the late Paris Exposition the Weed leeeived the highest prize awarded to any tewing inachlnt; while its Increase of sales la this country, as bared, upon the quarterly returns of the several companies,' made under oath, for tbe year priding June 10, 1&S7 is fully 13d per cent higher than any other. Its construction is or the simplest character, and its price is lower than any other really good sewing machine in the market. ' to-da- v .- . to-da- y. - . . ; SlJItVEYOIl fc ENGINEER. . nl Ltnd. nd, togei Snmyr THR aodrIf Is prepared op Lessees & 1 d2Sl:lm " Provo dty. , ' - at New York and the polices have arrested Commercial 'r t s59 Sm;d2aw Enterprise No. 47 DEAEBOEN ST., "... r Is the LAROESTTiAKO pHIS MENT in Chicago and the and has a Htock ni neariy AKD CHICAGO, Wter;SU c83Sr5?S PIANoSRINa We sell at the SAME price for same Piano can be in Ne wr wh Ji, bought Boston. Circulars and Price List r? H ,tt all persons sending us their names. sent Direct yonr letters to "REED'S TEMW V nL. . MUSIC, CHICAGO, ILL.?I j ' . ' s53-3m!a- I .'.;'' ' (Established m I 1812.) 5 Wm. BIiAHl 6l Co.. 179 and 181 Ifamlolph Streit i 1 . ' '. SWEETHEARTS -- Mlftfing;, In part, of Kheir IIardware Table and Pocket C utlery, V Axw, TallsJ Chalnw, ArAr. i . And I. MtHESZIK m J MLindsay J Uardie i&Ir J O Graham .Mr J E Iljde TEA. --- Mr Band ford Bill vL.ack ads v Mr . Coriis EugeniaMMMM.M..........M.M......i,.-..wMls- I aura Mrs IJelL. O Q S&Q t lMMMt GROCERIES, "' -- 1 COAT. Oil.. Jtc. - nil! InKonsid. Rover, Red ,.....31 r. CXAREXCES, BAItOUCHES, Coaches, Phielons, all kladi Bretts, 1.1 Grant's Shifting "op M 3HESLT Old AdamM....M......................Mr It Beauchamp a.1 Den............. ai r j Tnompson o . the Gap. ..Mr P Marietta Guy Glenb-ae.Mr J K Uyde a Brand n the Brae...............Mr J M Hardle A MerrlU Black Wylle. ... m uraocr...... urowrner u iris Mr J B Kef ly Fergus ................. La urette...., . ss Adams .Mrs M A Romney . Miss Piatt Mos.4 Troopers, Soldiers, Peasants, etc. ' qDOOR3 OPKN at 7 o'clock. Performance commences punctually at 7Ji. I.-rs- 41 & 43Eandolph Street, READY-MAD- E Iwrence, CLOTHING Of Every J. PRINTS, ! , . DENIMSv l' &c, etc., ; ' STEAM ENGINES , i - 1- GENERAL MACHINERY . MATS AMD CAPS, t ... , 4 ' i t S Wrought Iron Pipe, b Brass, Iron and Malleable Iron Goods, for s and Gas" Fttters and Engine BuUlers, 1HL r.lalleable Iron! Castings, SCO., C ' 44 46 4 LASSW ARE, " 44 WE &J. STEAM WAEMnrGIAPPAEATUS i .For Public and Private .Building. I, And a Great Variety of. other t i 10 North Jefferson Street, i MERCHAKDISE, K. T. B. . Calas) Preeident. CHICAGO. vaunt, V ic Pnm, : . W. Asajcs, Swretary, sS8 ly:d2aw , Salted to the waatsof Clfy sad Country Ieople, wnlcli we wilt dlspesie) tm.t 4. 44 f .... i. . ; WAXTED! " - Lower Prices tfian- ever. 1000 CEDAR ijPOSTS . ! W. II. HOOPBB- - T- itm?mm GALL AC9 : - F. Auorbach Ci Bro's. ; dlSl-C- PXTMPS A.XD 6 5 - SmAM L '."", " STRIPES, ...:J.25 " ..23 " CircCKS,- - !- or x&xcrACTvaxss i SMoes SootLs Ct. per ynrd. DENIMS, ::....i.;.25 ' 1 1 ATTEMTFIOJV ! Set H s5S-8mdla- w QUEEflSl'JARE, Call and -- j' TDSFIOFlB'SraOHIEl SATEJ03TTS,w-.iT- t . FIjANNEIiS, D. d. CALDER. .' Sap'r, HEI.AINES, scrip, certificate of stock, transfer book, stock ledger. Ac, ftc Young men. and young ladles, now la au ex cellent opportunity offered you to procure a Take Education. First Classof Commercial : ; i ' It. advantage - The College, will open on Monday, Oct. 19th, ; . . atM.m, ,? is auvisatxe. Aarir application i ; .. j ft. ABBOT,' OEE-uTlS- At -- s. . ma. mm - - i I , . ESTBA1. . a t, ew 1 book-keepe- r, - - tts-Wee- Aboot, sndtecenUj Formerly with J.8.4K.A. A Co., of- - j j with Abbot, DowTitnz Concord, N, LL C. O.'lEX BBOBHt D. W. COAX, j.. .... Pres't. Secy. 1 Ieerlpllen.: nonESTics, ; 17I1IXTS....... ...... 15 SUJEIETITJGS, : 20 1 e. is Assortment ot Carriages S3, Lirgext from Bradley & .Tardee, Haven, Conn. ence, and being anxious . ;' I Commercial Training. 8 Businessmen eenerally object to employ A graduates of Business Colleges as book keepers until they have had aa actual experi- 3wl - CHICAGO, ! Wagrens, ExpressCOXCORD BUGGIES " C2s0 ; Omil-busse- s, ......i.-..MI- ? ' , We also mannfiictare at Srner of A'X sni WEST RANDOLPH 8TKEKTS, Cars, Passenjrer Coaches and Ijarki, Assortment of c Rail-- Firt Class- Stt-ictl- y 0 (D)32)S (S- - Including a ,-- .Mr book-keeper- t sjbt Work, Top and Open Buggies. MeKEXZIE I.mind. Mr J Lindsay that our Institution should excel all others in the completeness pf its Instruction, I have added to. the usual college business, a Commercial Bazaar, which Is as In its organisation, and In tbe detail complete or Its business, as the bouse of A. T. Stewart A Co., or of 1L B. damn A Co., New York; said to be the two largest and best conducted houses in America. Tbe Student, after grsduatlng; will enter the will retail department of the Bssaar where he be thoroughly trained as salesman, book ee per, and merchant. After giving satisfaction In the retail business he mUII pass Into the wholesale clerk, department, and, in inrn, become invoice inter salesman, delivery clerk, auditing clerk, mediate principal book aeeper, casbler, and manager. Sometime do ring the winter a Joint 8 lock be organized to do a Mercantile Companysowill s our as to give a more business extended knowlede e pf tbe science of accounts, with tbe latest and most approved - form of subscription book, instalment lists,- instalment CARRIAGES, I,AXAIJS, isSre; Tito Rose of Ettrlck: Vale. WAXDEHDJQ NTEEXIE. & FAMILY CAXDI.ES, I OR, texIbiioeke, CmGEMAMiiaWGCl COAX SPICES, Who has kindly volunteered. The performance will commence wilH the exsensational Scottish citing, romantic and Drama, in 2 Acts, entitled, TOJDEMIJG B. A Co." 1?ave ttie Largest Sltek West f New York, mid suarsiiler prim at Lowest Market Rates.' Orders by Mail filled promptly. 1 . s59 3m d2aw SUGAR, , TOBACCO. GYMNASTIC ACT, with Kefcoe'a Clnba, By the celebrated Athlete, j XV. COFFEE, Mrs Lt Wood man nee ..Mrs M Bowrlng Mrs M A Koran ey , . M Adams s i'. I Importers and Dealers In M TIN PLATE AXD METALS, The Demand for Tickets increases and Japanned and Stamped Tinware, n atill frester ImpetnswIH now lo civ en Tinners' Tools and machine. to tbe "EXTERIORISE" by tfae arrival of Sheet IronVSneet Z in cA Sheet Coppfr an Immense Stock or Mew Woods, eon Wire, Rivets, c.a1o English Comedy, in Acts, entitled, ADHIDAL FRAXHLlX. nr. Charles Franklin ..l...-:.- CIIICAGO.1 ILIA. i i . Will be presented, the very amusing, old S - - 1 OCTOBER 20,) 1808. , B, 1 I arai iNoruiweHtern AKent,1 Mr. DAVID McKENZIE! TUESDAY EVENING, ; Bait Lake City and Proyo BsnehV JJETWESN tbe 9tu of October, a POCKET some . Greenbacks and will be rewarded by tearPapers. Tbe Under P. 8T17BBH. Provo, or Jt. KIKK-WOOD'Mrs. ing it at Bait 7 Lake City. P Benefit, of V-S- O. , ? - . i. i OLD lrtt' manyiuable tproTemC Mhi ! JEANS,.............a5 accural executed, . ted cost of constrocUon. to lleronld also be glad to take a few i Instruct In the profession. - - . ' - pnplls are our Immense Stock of Ladles r Terms upon Inquiry. and selling Children' HITOK1. C"tTIliivri In tbe profe-aloyears' experience Twenty FAIfCY ClOOI, e.t Ac, ,,-- . .TflOMAH DAVIS, er Wrk IteMM polnu of the PROCRESSItfc. nnPAHAUELEFmpcTion or work or cxcartUoofl lor the const rucUon of roads, railroads or water supply, Ac accomsections and qaantitlrs of work to be panied by so as to arrive at the estiman. Orea B. Clavson & J. T. Calna- - Maosgers--.H- . tfarrt-yso-i . at the present perfectiT rT, for stopUeitydurabUl y Sff UaiU . f ef Worst may bestn at .i..isbfUp. Ssmples Sold at Chicaeo price. ROBERT Oi SlIiEATElt- - '. MI B? London. Dispatches received from Rathkeale. Ireland, state that In spector Murphy, while attempting to capture O'Brien, tho escaped Fenian prisoner, was fired on by concealed par ties and siignuy wounueu. ians. uauiois. a newspaper, lias a report of an unsuccessful attempt to snoot uen. I'rim at juaarid. Tne 'as sassin was arrested and afterwards set at liberty by Gen. Prim himself. Madrid. The coinage system of Spain will be radically changed to conform to that of France. ' Ros Deoluna, Count of Alumna, has been appointed Captain General of Cuba. Seuana Eston and Topi to have arrived at Saragossa where they had a in wnicn the wildest tnumpnai entry, was manifested.'. enthusiasm Dulce, who was appointed Captain has declined on account General of Cuba, of ill health. Aquirre has been made President of the supreme court. Dresden. There were further tumults here yesterday among the commission- aries, but they were promptly suppres sed. London. The Government of Spain has appointed Rios Rasas, minister to . r -.England. 16. Admiral Mendez Nunez Madrid, has been appointed by the provisional government, captain general of the fleet; his former flag officer, Captain Lade, has been appointed to the com mand of the Spanish Squadron in the Pacific. Paris. Elendar asserts that General Prim is intriguing to gain the prime power, but that Espartero; who is dally expected at Madrid, disapproves of the influence of ueneral l'rlm in the gov ernment, and will do his utmost to thwart his deslgncs. Ganlais predicts re that the European powers will soon cognize the Provisional Junta as the dejacto government of Spain. London. The Times In an article on the Chinese Mission, thinks the fact that Burlingame Is net a native Chinaman will be no obstacle to his success at the courts to which is accredited: and that they, will forget It it he does, if he will abstain from interference with political Intrigues, in which China can have no healthy interest, and acts as tnougn tuere could be no separate national interests in Europe and America, as indeed there are not, so far as their relations with China are concerned; and says If he accepts.lt as; the primary function of mission to discover and ex plain what aro the best lines of trade, both for China and the western countries he will have accomplished much for China and something for the rest of the world. The Times further says that no State can have so great personal interest in success on ills part as Great wilBrit tain,, and none could be more . to to it. ling contribute the basis agreed It is understood thatLord and Johnson Stanley,- for upon by the settlement of the Alabama question Is, that a mixed commission shall be formed, which shall hold its sessions In London, to pass on all claims preferred by English and American citizens. Paris. The Senate and Cbrps LegUla-Vffnx- c to meet on November summoned ' :L . H. Havana. Latest news from Los Tunas announces the successful progress of tne campaign against the insurgents, who are dispersed and fleeing ' in all directions. Puerto, Principe and other towns in the vicinity of the disturbance remain quiet, the citizens being inTavor of the present government. The excursion of Santa Anna has put an end to recruiting and . other demonstrations against Mexico. General Losendl says that while he remains. In. command ho will not permit any conspiracy in1 the island against any foreign government. New York, 16. A Havana letter says the Captain General will not trust the Spanish men of war, any more than to let them have one day's rations at a time, to prevent them putting to sea, as if they should they mighttootherwise do, new governconclude the recognize ment at Rome. ; Santa Anna has been ordered to leave tho island in consequence of his Mexican complications, Juarez's spy having converted all his plots. , ,He was given days to leave. He is so poor that thirty bis friendshad to pay his passage. THB i. : . FOZtSXGN. t "Grand , 'dAsl CHICAGO TRADE TjHAVK in my PO'?n'J?fbrndfcJ . litue wniie m w tW described U not if n date tbls from tUtrty days f in bidder, a JOHN highest i i ntiin. roVe iws, - fct.Ta.l8S3. U.IUII - .cfd 1 t ..... Dansi. 4 i I |