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Show THE DESERET NEWS TUESDAY JULY 30 1929 Honor Memory Of School, Head Central and Southern Utah Dependabe Merchandise at Prices ! Lowest-in-the-Ci- ty No Premiums l Utah Peace Officers Association MIDVALE SETS SCHEDULE FOR MAIL DELIVERY Committee Plans Meet Program pjj Convention Will be Put Over in Logan Sept -- Spanish Fork Must Purify Water Supply 6-- 7. PROVO, July 39 Th compiet program to be carried out at the inual convantloa of the Utah Peacemakers assoclatioa to he held 10 Logan September and 1, mas drawn up Monday at a meeting ot the program committee of the or ganisatioa, held in the offtio of Sheriff J. D. Boyd of Provo. The committee was headed by Sheriff S. M. Bliss of Price utaera in attendance were Sheriff W. H. Shaw of Local. H- - L. Bauer, secretary of bait Lake police department, and bheriff Boyd. The sessions of the convention mill be held in the auditorium of the Logan chamber of commerce and will be presided over by Chief of Police Joseph E Burbidge of Salt Lake, who is president of the organization.. It If possible that Governor George H. Dern will be present at the convention.- - An JavUationfea been extended to the governor and he has signified his intention to be present if no other duties Interfere The address of welcome will be given by Meyer A G. Lundsirom or Logan and response wil be made by County Attorney George S. Baliif of Utah county. The detailed program is as foln lows Auto Registration Lee H. Welling, secretary ofstate 'Cooperation ihs Citlsen Can Give the Officers, Congressman Don B. Colton; The Indeterminate Fred W. Keller, ilontlcello. C Juvenile Delinquency, Alma Belt Clayton, attendance officer. Lake City schools; Auto Thefts," W. E Shoppe, suoerintendent of tht National Auto Theft bureau, - Ban Francisco, The National Fingerprint Bureau, E M Egan, inspector of the U S department of justice, W ashington, D. C. T L. Problems Extradition Larsen, chief crlm'nal deputy sherJuvenile iff. Salt Lake county. Problems of Todav, Joseph Hansen echool cl principal of the Woodruff Proc-e- Spanish fork, Former jiy Utah, With a report of purity received from the water tested by the state engineer of sanitation, Spanish Fork City has been without drinking water except that which le boiled end eooled for tb past two days. Warning was aent out to all users of water to bolt the same before using as the source ofn supply yid been conteminat-whe- In a small cloudburst the canyon caused a freshet which washed impurities into the reservoir from which the cltv water supply Is obtained. The water will be tested again a soon as possible. 9,557 Serving of C'vll Attorney Roy B Young of Ogden Allen J Private Selective Work Hedges, special scent of the Balt Lake and Los Angeles railroad. Traffic Problems George F Phillip, sergeant of police In Ogden Th Collecting and Preserving Ot Fvidence, Henry C. Taggart, head of the local bureau of the I. oret service department The Officer a a Witness, John I Rice county attorney of Sait Lake countyOne of the novel features of the convention wilt be the staging of a pistol shot contest for the members of the association with a beautiful silver trophy as the award for the winner Musical numbers will be furnished $7.-7- rlod of 192$ The county Infirmary fund with exnenditure for the year of $7 $2 $$ te more than half depleted The budgeted allowance for this being $1A897 pumoM The total receipts for the month are $77 9$, but $75 see this amount fa represented as notes nav able v -- at the convenion by the Imperial Glee club of Logan, Price Brother of Waiisville; the Harmony Four of WeilevHle, N. W. Christensen and CLEANING FLUID fftW&pMk't ) t -- S. d Ro-L- McCormick. Advertising and invitation: Melvin Wilson, Louis Bat. Dr. L. C. Potter. Mrs. Alfred Wilton, Alberta Nebeker. Stanley Wilson, Madge l.eece. Janies U. Mojntiord. L. D. ntewart. Fern Dr Sports. J. Gray, T E Reece, ll. L. W llson, E. Flanders. E. H Street, Paul Davn is, Flojd Wilson, Bert ftevens. Bean, R. W. MiUuUin, Stanley Wilson. Fair: Ray Monson, Mrs. Ann J. Dixon, George loveless, Selby erase, Mrs Jack Dixru, Mr B (j. Jensen. Mrs Mabel Stewart, Ivan Pallard, Dewey McKeb Reception Julia Hancock, DrElls-L C, Potter. Mrs Genevieve worth. S E Taylor, Mrs. L P Stewart, Albert Powell, Ma Leah Utah Green Corn, a dozen Flour, nt 48 lb. bag SC 1.29 Calumet Baking' Powder, 27c Fruit Jar Caps, Mason or can Self Sealing. A dozen Breast Fish, Oranges, 250s 27c OChkken 2 cans 2 doz. Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. Tuna 97 P B Parade David Shuler, David Wil-nMrs Melvin Kathryn Beti. Dr. A. Curtis. U Mse McBeth, Mrs Rsy Monson C O program Philo W,gh,man. Nc'son. John F Ole.o : Golden TayLake lor Mr. Aurora Duncan, Salt Decoration C, H Diaon, Clyde Jime Cloae, Dr L D Wilson, I'fouta, B. F. Ott g-- r. n, Co-o- p Judge Dismisses Case Against Hairdresser PROVO, Wilson Corn Beef. 2 cans Hires Root Beer Extract, 2 bottles . Potato Chips, large pkgs. small pkgs. ,19c apkg. ,45c 3 lb. ....... .. Supreme Pure Jam, Cfl jar Jut Skinners Raisin Bran, H- EReady to Eat, Jb 2 pkgs. for Sham Rose Soap, Jap ,43c 17c to ..... 9c P. 10c bars CRr . 09- - Raisin Bread, 2 loaves Assorted Marshmallow Cookies, a lb. OC-adoz- ...... 4uU A alb. - Sirloin and Steaks, 2 lbs Rib and Loin Pork-OCapitol Lard, 2 lbs. Chops, a lb. ; Spring Frys, 30c Q a lb. .... -- e. Stone Lodges in Editor, Publisher Throat of Man, Dies at Bingham Threatens His Life BINGHAM, Ltah, Julv 89 62. died M Daniel SPANISH FORK. bur. July I (bpaclal) Tba atono of an Elbert ptach, lodssd in hia throat Sunday .Iternoon, threatened the life yit hann.lh Thomas, It, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Law P Thomaa, of this city, and caussd a nasv trip to ths t fries of Dr. L W Oak at Provo, ho haa th nearest appsrttus for rrmovtn foreign objects from ths ttirost and lunra. 55 hil Mr. Them was eating th aton slipped lodging peach v that It in his throat In aueh a ebstruetad hia breathing Dr J W Hagen waa summoned and took tbe outh to provo. Th atone a so that It r as vary difficult to large rrmov with delicate Instrument but th gfta physician ware succeeding when the yeung men draw tn his breath srd th gten waa taken into th PROVO. July 19 Pleading fuilty ta x chare of apaedinf Monday In stomach th city court. Clifton Van Waft-na- n aantaned by Junta Maurice Hardin to pay a fin of US and 9 da acrv In th JalJ. The Jail acntanca-wa- a city auaprndcd Van Wafancn rafraint provldln from drltln an automobll for n days, cxc.pt to and from uork. He PRICE, Utah. July 30 Special) waa arreated Sunday by Traffic OfPlans and fathficer U C. Davis. ers and Sonsarraingments day ara being madt. by icout Commissioner Oeoree A Rowley, fogethet with three memPossestion Suspect Is bers of the Price troop of the Cat-bo- n council The men visited the Given $100 or 100 Days proposed site for the outing near the fecofield 105 0, July It O, 8. Comes ot Tbe date setreseruir. lor the annual enDividend entered a plea of guilt, and 9 One Monday when h was arraigned In campment is August 6 over to the th city court on a charge of posaea-ato- n evening will be turned sons and the other to the fathers of Intoxicating liquor will in The afternoons the w program oontenced to pay a fin of ..It J100 or aerva 100 days In hiking boating and game Brush ths county be a large flat and was from cleared Jail. He waa arrest.d Monday by a baseball diamond laid out The Sheriff C. D Coate. More Arthan 100 bottles of homo brew were general camp was also planned are under direction of Price Scouts Plan Fathers, Sons Day rangements Aaronic oM'h'vod the of Carbon stake and tha Carbon district Boy Scouts MIA Cedar City Lets Sidewalk Contract CEDAR CITY", Utah, Juljt With a low hid of i2,. 1M9 undtr th T0, bidder. George A. Wood, "was go 000 wrdd th contract to feat ot cement aldewalk. lay Property owner hav tan yanra in which to pay for tb paving Soma of th ttreala bav been tmpasaatole In aarly spring pecans of mud. It I pari of the city effort ta aecura city mail deliv.ry as those streets served with free delivery moat bar sldewalx which the mall man can carry tb mall. Th atraatt Includes in tbla k district ar both aldaa ot Th.rd East between Canter and Firat South, waat aid of Third East Canter and First North, earn Id ot Second Eaat between Canter and First Sooth, both tides of First East hatwaan Canter and Firat ,.orth, waat aid of First West between Center and Second North, eaat tida of Second West batwaan First and Second North, north nld of First Rorth between Second and Third West, both tides of Fourth West between Fit at North and Harding,- - aouth aide .of First N'oith hatwten Fourth and Fifth West, both tides ob First East between Center and Firat Sooth, taat a!d of First Wast between Canter and Firat Sooth, both sides of Third Wast batwaan Third and Second North, waat aid of Fifth Waat between Center a tract and Harding at tide-wal- 29c CEp Odb 97 p anssa. tSpe-de- l) Mon-da- y Clark. xfternoon of bart failure He waa born at Baldwin, Kansas, and came west at an early age He waa editG of the Bingham Neva at one time and also operBeated x newsptper at Midvale fore coming to Midve.e he resided in Salt Lake for several years Leaving Midvale two years ago he carre to Bingham two Mr Clark is aufhed bv brothers, Frank Clark of Salt Lnke and Byron Clark of California, and ore sistej, Mrs. Minnie Mitchell cf SPECIALLY PRICED ITEMS ADVERTISED FOR THIS EVENT. BUT NOT IN THIS PAPER, CLASSES HOLD OCTTTQ. RIVERTON. Utah, Julv 30 (Special) Member of the B'uebird and Trail Builders clsse of the First ward held, an outing at Saratoga Springs Friday. Dinner was served ro $6 guests Games were played ar.d x swimming meet held. DANDRUFF FALLING HAIR ITCHING SCALP The first is directly responsible for other two. Dandruff always makes scalp unhealthy alway choke hair roots, starve them, end causes hair to fall out. the the the the T. KILL MANSFIELD'S Capillaris-- X Expert f11 PAINFUL CORNS A .CHAPEL BUILDERS .WARN CHILDREN July 30 fSpe-1t- h work well under way on tha new 39 006 Midvale Second ward chapel, ara warned to local re dent kep children away from tn Midvale. a ccor dnir yvrvtitmsr official? Serious accidents hav ta suited in th past during catt-- t ruction of othar buildings and to avoid thaaa tha caution should b followed, it wxs one-da- y 457 Prs. Womens Footwear Shoes Originally 5.95, 7.95, 9.95 BEAUTIFUL SANDALS, PUMPS, SLIPPERS, TIES SOME RED CROSS SLIPPERS and COLORED KID SLIPPERS :s4 $6 .. Your opportunity to buy ehoes enough to tide you over until fall . at greatly reduced prices. Buy now and save . . . buy now and get a choice selection of attractive summer shoes. Sizes 3 to 8 ; widths AAA to D. WOMENS CLEO KED OXFORDS Just 16 pairs in red, green and tan. Broken sizes. Originally 2.45, 1 QR .Iiuw now WOMENS COMFORT of black kid in p sizes. Just 27 pairs. SLIPPER 3.35, now Made style. Broken two-stra- WOMENS DEAUVILLE SANDALS Attractive color combinations. Just 29 pairs. Broken sizes. Originally WOMENS KID COMFORT SLIPPERS Just 20 pairs, in black only. Broken sizes. Originally 3.95, now Originally 5.45, now IDE ..... OiUv Heber Spring, Arkansas makes the hair soft, saves the hair because It stops Danglossy, beautiful druff. Thu wonderful akin food and to tonic recommended by hair specialLandscape since 1882 keeps the scalp detn Advise on Plantings istsfeeds the heir roots stimulates the MVRR AT, Utah, July 30 (Sp-cla- l) growth of heir end preserves the Advice suitable lustre end texture of the hair. Cam. regarding will various at buildings Slantings by Professor Emil Han- Ujit-- X insures hair health and hair son. landscape specialist of tho U beauty. 50c. a )ar it all dealer. Ue A C at Logan, who will spend guarantee it absolutely. Monday and Tuesday, August 6 and in Pelt 6, Lk county. Several schools of the Granite dis- CapOlaris Mfg. Co., Glen Ridge, If. J. trict will be visited Mottdev with S Smith aupenntendent Dr. to plan proposed landscaping Church grounds at West and South Jordan and other districts will be inspeoted Tuesday Mr Henson will be accompanied by County Agricultural Agent Vera L. Mertineau. be-t- Down Stairs Store Meat Dept. Shoulder Pork SteaksO Warrants of arrest for Hill Jex and George Oek-lcharged with speeding, were s'gned by Judge Maurice Harding Monday when the two men failed to appear In the city cooi t to answer to the charges. OakJev was arrested Sunday by Deputy Sheriff George Davis, while Jex was apprehended the same day by Officer L. C. Davis. 0'r Down Stairs Store Bakery Specials Rasin Cup Cakes, Charges of Speeding confiscated. Pilgrim Cookies, Hellmanns Mayonnaise, MANY MORE BOARD MAKES FUND REPORT VO fr ..59c selling of all broken sizes, incomplete lots, odds and ends, soiled articles, etc., at relentless reductions. Seasonable wanted merchandise at prices which afford genuine economy. Come early and shop in every department of the store. ; W'es-to- n ,20c A fast 1978-19.- 9 Of Car For 90 Days (So Down Stairs Store Specials for Wednesday EMPTYING tran-elto- Judge Deprives Man Fvllo H- .- MIDVALE, Utah, July J9 ISpa-cia- l) Climaxing more than fifteen weeks of community controersy regarding choice of x favorable .mail schedule for Midvale, announcement was made Monday by Carlos HansjFn, postmaster, of a definite selection. The deciston was reached following post-offic- e Salt Lake Firm Gets Steel Barn Contract Two Provo Men Face OnONITE WASATCH ?10 lsr w PROVO. July 30 E BETWEEN MAIN AND STATE. WEDNESDAY ONlYl -- Hansen-declare- July $0 A complaint company and the Smlthfleld Ladle charging Mr. Arthur Bla'n of chorus. hairdressing with practicing More than 299 officers sod their without x license was dismissed in partners are expeeted to bo in. at the city court Monday by Judge tendance at the convention. Maurice Harding It is understood , that an amended complaint wi!) bi issued by the county attorney. PROVO. July M Th Prank A. Alien Steel Engineering company ot bait Lak submitted the lowest figures. $$19. on tho bid to furnish steel for tho proposed cattle barn at tho Utah county fair grounds Monday, when bids wers opened by tbe Utah oounty commissioners. The only other bidder, Provo Foundry and Machine company had a bid of $111$. The Salt Lake eom nany was swarded the contract and tho work will proceod Immediately DEPARTMENTi'-STORON BROADWAY. trial of numerous suggestions from residents and combining the best features of each to form the d mogtconvenient plan, Mr, All mall dispatched to Mnd from j I Midvale is now being transported by Utah Joshua, the Bingham Stag GRANTSVILLE. Lines and Clark who died Thursday. fords two major deliveries daily. Grantevl le, the son of Mail arriving from bait Lake reachJuly 25, atAnd Esther Rlnker Clark, es Midvale at J 10 a. m and i 30 p Hendricks was born at Navarre, near Canton each day Mail from Bingham Stark county, Ohio, December 11. canyon arrives at I It a n and 10 p. m. 1849 matter ieavea ot age hia par- Midvale for Outgoing When fouy bait Lake at S JO a. E 3d ents moved to Indiana where he p. m. dally and that for was educated in the schools of the Bingham canyon leave her 7 10 a. state At the age of 21 esra he m and 1 30 p m , according to th enlisted In the 44th Indiana Volun- newly Initiated achedule Mr. Carlo requested that all outteers company 4B and served two years In the army of the Mis- going mail be mailed at th local at least 15 minutes sissippi under General Halleck. He was discharged on account of sick, prior to the time for departure. In view of the extensive research ness. He spent two years hunting by Mr Hansen before trapping and fighting Indiana in conducted choice was made, h stated that th Minnesota. In 1864 he went to Montana gold current schedule should serve th, team town better than any of jth mining, driving a four mule from Fort Bcidger to Virginia Citv, outline. previously employed. Tn the 1S67 of Montana he spring came to Utah, traveling horse back On his way to Kalt Lake he atop-neat Farmington and heard his first Mormon ermon the next day March 10, XS67 he arrived In Balt Lake City He was baptised April 14, 1867 TOOELE Ltah, July S9 (Special) In 1868 he was aent East to meet Tooele county boaid of education some emigrant from Europe and to published jtg financial etatement of assist them in their journey Balt Lake In the fall of 186$ he the Tooele county achool district for went to Grants' il!e, where he lo- the achooi jear recent-- ) cated and taught school for five The report In the meantime he had n years t gned by Geo-- e become ecquainted with Mtsa Marv H Hammond clerk of the board and Louisa Woolley whom he married was subscribed to by E LeRoy Hhielde. fcJuh 17, l$;j It sho Julv ll. 1879 He was the father of 19 children, total iir.cuininf to $459,- seven of whom sre now Hving, Ma- $14 18. receipts, Administrative disbursement tojor J Reuben. Mrs Esther C. Naylor of Salt Lake E M Clark. Sam- taled $31,124 57 and Including notes uel W Clark John W. Clark of payable, or money borrowed, came of $101,124 57. Grantavllle, Frank R Clerk, Tulsa, Okla , and Gordon W. Clark 6thool operating expenses came of Redhouse, Nevada to $15i,27 07 Transportation Mr. Clark was a very activa man amounted to $12 565 93, and made a during the whole of his life both in total school operating expense of civic and religious duties He was $168 853 superintendent of Tooele9 countv General expenditures amounted to schools of 10 ars and served for grand total of614die $9 663 61 Aamounted 21 yeara as 18 tn $459 postmaster of Grant-rllf- e bursementa Served as assessor and colare $30,000 worth of outThere lector of Tooele countv for one standing bonds beltrirg four per term Waa superintendent of the cent due and becoming tfrest Grantff'ille for six 'ears on the first day of JanuHe filled a mission to the North- payable 009 bends $15 193! outstanding ern states for two yeara the last ary, at 4 per cent interest becoming eighteen month being the presi- due and on clay the first dent of the Northern States mission of Januarypayable 1934 and $000 worth of Was the senior president of the $Ut bond six per cent on rr bearing quorum of ae'enty fob msnv years before tha first day of November and at the time ot hia death was a 1933. thua making a total of $44 009 patriarch. outstanding bonded indebtedness. axien-ttvel- July 19 Expenditure, of th. various department, of Utah county during th first (la month ! y.ar war. greater by - than for th eorraapondtng period laat year, according to the monthly report of Auditor Ammon Tuttle, released, Monday. Th total amount expended this year Is shown to be (ft 55 1 as compared with :s,55 l( for Ihs Mrst six month in M2I Th (reater part of th Increaie Is found in the court house end grounds, legal notices and general fund miscellaneous accounts The largest single item of expense during the month of June was incurred in the highways department, f 17.A7S 73 Expense on the new county jail during the month amounted to $16,744 46, end courthouse end ground. $1,153 31 Most of the departments of the county are veeplng their expenditures on a level with last years figures. It Is shown by ths report Greater activity in the construction and maintenance fef th county roads Is reflected in the greater expenditure for this purpose the amount expended for this purpose during the first !x months of 129 helnr $75 7872. an Increase of 79 ver the corresponding pe Imogen. V iArce-daytne- sv PROVO, hen-tenc- e, ' Utah, Pay-so- EXPENDITURES Mil-to- Decision Climaxes Con It oversy ot IS Weeks. . July J0.(6p. home coming for all former Payton residents will be held in this city, sept 12, IS and 14 in connection with harvest festival and community fair. It will feature n sports and activities for which bae been known throughout He bi tory. Horse racing, foot taeng, rodeo, foctPaU, metou bust, riaucug, banu coheerte and apauat features will oe sponsored unutr toe old time epiru of Payton. Payton le one of the oldest cities in the state and has a large number of former citizens who are expected to participate in this celebration. Tba new athletic field, airport and race track will be used during- - tfte Payson at the present time, as in ha past, has some ot the fastest t. trees In the state. Ihete will lotm the nucleus of a read race and livestock carnival includn,et rodeos and stock th connection ing with the general community fair. General committee! are: Mayor L. D. Btewart. chairman. Melvin Wil-secretary, P. C. Nightman, T. K Tolhurtt, C. H Dixon, Mrs. Ann J. Loveless Mrs. Ray Monson, fcslby ,xon. Mrs. Julia Hancock, Dave Dixw btuler, Alberta Nebeker, Flint 8am-.l cn. Dr. L. C. Potter, Salt lake. Ells-H. Dr. J. Page, Maryavale; rth. Eureka Special committees are Finance, George Chase, T F Tolhurst, Lindsay, Reid Perton, William PATBON, v Rli Will dal) Annual UTAH COUNTY CLIMB Residents Join Celebration Sept.12, 13, 14. I Loosen Lift Out llttla xnown Japan herb, tha dlacovtry ot an eminent German scientist (Dr StiekeU In- taotly soothes tha corn, callous or wart than looeena it so that shortlynewyou can lift it Tight out Thl discovery called 'Corn Fly excite the wlt blood corto action and granulate puscles the corn at its root so that It drops out and leases no traca of scar soreness F1 ou wilt tiro find FVot Bath Powder a boon for ore, tired or perspirtng feet Corn Fl for corn, 35o Corn and Fly Foot Bath Ponder." "Com Fly Bunion Remedy" 60c, (all three $1 11 value for $100), re sold under a positive monev-bac- k guarantea at Thornton Drug Co, 4th South and Uaia, Wax $39. Wa deliver A4v. Womens Nelly Don All Washable 4 Originally 5.95, 6.95 89 Frocks Becomingly Styled I Originally 8.95, 9.95 5 95 Originally 9.95.. 7 95 Smartly styled of voiles, batistes, linens and basket weave materials . . . smartly tailored in the newest fashion successes of the year . . . smartly priced to accommodate the most enfeebled budget . . . smartly colored from Nelly Dons own wash-fas- h fabrics. Sizes 14 to 42. ODDS AND ENDS DRESSES AND SMOCKS Slightly soiled from display, but made from fabrics that will launder with perfect satisfaction. Voiles, batistes, a n Qr Winsor cloth and poplins in pretty light colors. Originally 1.95 to 5.95, 7Q. f Ub IQ ZiJJ The . Paris Famous Toiletry Sale! Once-a-Mont- A h event! These prices good two days, Wednesday and Thursday. CREAMS 50c size Java DENTAL CREAMS MISCELLANEOUS Powder 1.00 size Ponds 654 29 50c size Ipana, 50c size Glazo 1.00 size D.&R. 644 75c size Melba 2 for 62 Kit 34 Lov Me 60c size 66 50c size Pebecco29 50c size SOAPS Cutex 394 Sempray 1.59 size Bocabelli 30c size 34 LOTIONS 1.19 Soap 23 59c size Societe La 1.00 size Hinds 634 10c size Camay, 60c size France Per50c size 12 for 79 Forhans 34 fume 19 10c size Lux, .31 Frostilla 40c size Squibb. 12 for 50c size K 25c size Mavis 79 3 for 1.00 10c size Palmolive, Lotion 31 Talc 17 25c size Glycerine 12 for 79 Henna-FoaANTISEPTICS 50c size 10c size Romanzo, and Rcse 1.00 size 33 Water 17 Soap, 4 colors, L:sterine ' POWDERS lgfe. c . ,..63 x25c size Thcro 19 size, 3 for 50c size size Cuticura, 1.50 size Cotys 30c size Mum .19 Listerine 3 for Powder 32 1.23 50 looked-forward-- to .... For-ha- Kit...; na .... ... 1 m 19-25- 1.00 size Cotys Powder 25c size Wood- 69 burys, 3 for 60 1.00 size Lav- - oris , - 65 A . 35c size Odorono ... , .23 |