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Show JllA Ut-oic.At- FILM STAR WEDS NEW YORK BANKER WteGaNGC II. S. SCDETlLLi. .PAXTAGES "T1U of mptrooa&4 filiMtl. VfiQdtVlllfi ACii I Ml too obtains m ltfc and tight othor vustri la fcgthteg htanty cant A OC&D i ' President Summons Com mittee to Get Facts For Conference Later; Financed. Privately, WASHINGTON'. July SO (AP) Looking to a National scale organization In behalf of tha nation's greateat aaset." Its children. President Hoover has set his planning committee of experts to the task of preparing the groundwork of facta and experience for a white house conference, probably a year or 18 months from now, on child health and protection. The committee, comprising authorities in various fields of child welfare work, is headed by secretary Wilbur and is equipped with a 1500,000 fund subscribed from private sources and admimsteded by Edgar P.ickard of New York, to finance the preliminary work, the contemplated conference, and the program that will be evolved. Drr ErHTBaTtiard of In r! hi na polls, is executive secretary, and the' Secretary membership includes Davis of the labor department, 28 about subcommittees will be organized, at the president's suggestion, to make intensive preliminary studies of such problems as the growth and development of children, medical service, public health administration, and care of those mentally or physically handicapped. Emphasizing that tha project is a most important movement to the nation as a whole." Mr. Hoover called upon the planning committee to "take a national stock of the progress and present situation in the health and protection of children" and ezpressed hope that "out of this investigation we should also develop common sense plans for the further advancement in these directions. "The greatest asset of a race Is children," he said, "that their -r rs ' ; ?V A i, ff nf I fu I . 3U lirzy Ifc?ftehs Praises Efforts Of Hews Writer riCTCUA !a Richard Barthtlmt Drat. with Lila Loo ana All-- liar Tha Smith brotnoro an tha com ainAinc oertoa. ' , ady oooteh. ORAXAPA Victor MtUfiMi first a taiksag pteturo. Tno Black Watch. with Myrna Lor Boltina and Bor D Arcy, nth CAPITOL h-- Meeting a! Washington Result in Treaty -- To ' Settling Sovereignty Of Pacific Holdings. ound sewn. with Not Quito Docont V1CTOBT Juna Coliyar and Maria Draaoar, a Our Gang cam lalkeCg' plenjro ady. Spanking Aga Para- ' mount (".'.vX'rmu 7'va -Tha Squall. with Alic Joyco and Mrma Lor oa tha vita phono. oovaliy nowa BIALTO BT JOHN V. WHITE. (Special Cable Dispatch to The Deseret News.) BUENOS AIRES. July 80 The Aires Buenos Herald, a British owned English 'language daily, devotes two columns on it front pagq today to an American correspondent's memorable) achievement . la bringing about the understanding. The correspondent Is Edward Price Bell of the Chicago Daily Newt and The Dearer News Service. The Herald prints a long editorial Bell's upon commenting achievement herein it ea S ;t be a may broal pr:n- accepted a, ciple that statesmen are chary of the r secrets to the entrusting press. But there are exceptions even todav and it is of one of these that we propoae to this morning. We refer to thespak mis- eion underaken bya well known Edward Piice BeU. Bell1 visited Buer.os Aires with Hoover and vist'ed the Herald office. He1 Anglo-Americ- j , conceded an' interview on the pressing problem of Anglo-Am- e ran relations wherein u said friendship is east . tial to the preservation of wo: peace. You will always find j pis who seek to sow trouble b that means nothing in tho lor run. 'That tha man was speakin, with conviction in all sincerity a n that he was not merely spinnir words, is now proven. Whether onot any permanent result come from his effort the fact win retrain that he has achieved something that it has been the lot of few men to achieve. He has reeded where formal envoys failed." (Copyright 1929, Chicago Dally New Inc.) $ 5k Y h.e BY CHAHLES P, WILLIAMSON. p j July j last outstanding question of Preview of Press Story over insular sovereignty possessions in the Pacific is expected to At Victory Makes Hit be settled this week w.th the sign nR of a treaty betwe.n the United With a atmosphere abates snd Great Brifa.n, and a well cast group of piayera Negotiations to determine the headed by Walter Huston, "Geutie-masovereignty of the turii islands of the Press," was wsli re- and establish the sourhern bounceived at ita preview showing Monbeen the- dary of the Phkpp nes h&i day evening at the Victory concluded here and axe incorpatre. orated drafted a View of the fashionable high noon wedding of Anita Stewart, film in treaty being Newspaper life aa It ia is the the state department. An untheme of this drama.' An 'excellent by star, and George Peabody Convene, Kew York banker, at the Chausual arrangement, acknowledgof human cast a carries variety teau Elysee in Hollywood before a throng of the movielands elite. American sovereignty in the characterizations with stirring ef- ing islands and assigning admin Left to right in the photo are C. M. Converse, brother of the groom, fect. The entire picture depicts turtle ration tol the-L-rir I&ii,,.4s,.axpecu -, a,dmirabi)f-it.amDr. James lAsh, the minister, Anita , emotion yet-i-a. and best man; to ed be evolved. The negot.ailons The real strug- - have been ed and on f Stewart, and LucIHe MurphyV sizter of the bride. of going jr only a few the, gle in the minds And heart men behind ihe scenes in "get- - as seven Includes bodilv strength and development governments.- - he suggested that me turtle group ting the story has alwaya beeqj total should prepare them te receive the may eave yearjs of national the hidden chapter whteh thie pic- is.uc.ds of ro. nut's s.ze with a coast heritage which each generation progress if we can secure some ture with the talented actor, Wal- population of 'J near the i486 the of Borneo. must bequeath to the next. These measure of unity as to view and ter Huston, in the leading role, unbnt.sh bine islands have been administered by questions have the widest of social unity aa to program based on cover. Importance, that reaches to the "certain examination of facta and Hustons performances as a the British government under the f roots of democracy itself. By the experience. newspaperman is flaw less. Huston provisions of a of health and safeguard protocol. After the Philaa Wickland Snell, night city ediprotection of children we further contribute ally. has ippine archlpeiego was ceded to tor on a metropolitan 1898 to that equality of opportunity given up every Interest In life ex- the United States by Spain in which la the unique basis of Amerhis business. He is fittingly the United Slates entered into i cept ican civilization.' described by one of the woman provisionar agreement with Great the administraAfter the planning committee has players in the screen dialog as fol- Britainwaswhereby to continue' in British tion lows: completed ita Investigations, he was United States the He hands, was although "He always busy. explained, the white houe conference of public officials, associaoff watching a prize fight when was fully recognized as having tions and others interested will be gallivantin' complete sovere.gnty. you were born and 0 The que.ion was dealt with b BOSTON, around Mexico after bandits whan (AP) called to consider recommendaJuly Claire Baby1 When died. mother you had a corr.rr.ias.cn estabi.ehed by the and McIntyre, your the are policies it sdopts tions, movie actress, arrived the influenza he was in Paris help- two governments. The chief Brit-s- h to be followed up by definite orhere today after a dash across the ing Wilson write the treaty. And d' legate was the British amganization throughout the councontinent in time to reach her now I supopse New York Just bassador, S.r Earns Howard, assisttry. grandfather, Theodore McIntyre, couldn't eat its breakfast if Wick ed by F. W. Fraser, a British T. While he recognized that major before on far eastern affairs and death intervened. The aged bneil wasn't there to give It the progress must depend on Mr. McIntyre has been critically news." A. Shone, first secretary of thr tary action and activitiea by local HI for weeks and had asked that Charles Buggies, well known British embassy. The chief Amha see his granddaughter before stage comedian, translates a minor erican delegate was Major Genera) he died. part into an outstanding role. Hii Fgnk McIntyre, who has , een When the child and her mother characterization of a nearly-al- prominent in American insular n received the news at Hollywood newspaper man, is an (a.-- s since the Caliv'Tnia. thov obtained permis- evenings entertainment in itself, war anj ia an expert on Philipp. n sion for the child to complete her Betty Lawford aa the daughter j quesionn Genera' McIntyre was part in a picture and hurry east- does splendid work and Kathrin:'asgl,;e(i by John K. Caldwell ward. The two crosed the conti- Francis another Broadway favorite, tne far eavtcrn d vjsicm of the nent by air and tram to reach the is well cast as the vamping sec- state department and Jacob A grandfather. retary. Metzger of the solicitor' office ot The perfection of the recording the department. coupled with the splendid voices While the islands are email, at cf every member of tha cast is or.e least one ot them. Taganac. is the of the outetand.ng features of the site of an Important lighthouse picture w hich will begin its en- for' the British port of fiandakan gagement st the Victory theatre the cap.tal and most important LAKE'S; CREATE ST ENTCRTAINMEWT. nxt Thursday. of British Borneo. The other The story was written for the city is .ends are Boaan. Llhiman, man. a adiptnewspaper stage by greater Bakkutigaan,andlittlf ied fer the screen by anotnerr al Baguan WASHINGTON. July n (API newspaperman, himself an u f her of them are w.thin easv sa.linf of screen and several eery plays Characterising the pseaent forest of the Borneo shore. fire situation as Tr.e most critical where around it is the atmosphere dt'ance The ieianda were originally un the nation has known in many of the busy editorial room of the der British juj.sd.cuon according NOVEL WIT-yeara, to the terms of tha treaty of Paris Georye D. Pratt, president daily press. of the American Forertry aasocia-tloBEAUTIFUL MUSIC AND signed in 1868. when Spain gave today urged government, state Swanee up the Philippines to the United THRILLING SOUND Singers Will n and private agencies to drastic S'atea. It was found, however, to prevent a hat might become 'GlVC S<aip Concert that the line of demarcation for a natlora! catastrophe the Spanish-Britisboundary in Mr. Pratt said prssrrt means for Saitair guests w il be entertain- the tnady did not inci'gde several an .r end prosetion agreement prsvcntlon ed tonight between 7 and 8 o clock other islands and to the original 'hopelessly Inadequate." snd point-e- by the Swanee Singera. Thay will supplementary to fires sweeping ove thousands sing in the lower pavilion and treaty and including the turtle nl sere in California and the Pa- furnish free entertainment tor tne group was Signed by Spain and the cific northwest with little relief usual Tuesday crowds of picnick- United S:atea in 1902. m eight. He cited that in the Mo- ers. The program will be conductdoc national fnreat In California ed by B. F. Pulham with Alma Prison Riots Blamed more thna SO.OOO.Orto board feel of aceompaniat. The eingers To N. Y. Baumes Law lumber have ben burred and more are under the management of John E. R. Kimball ia than 8,000 acrea cf fnreat land C. PonelsHt. (AP) ALBANY. N. T.. July 0 burned ever. Another fire is rag- president of the organization. for fe sentences The feature for next Monday at Mandatory ing in Minneaota. fourth Raltair. which is coupon day. will f. ions convicted for the state todav were llamed by be the giving away of Bla.-Jack time PREACHER ARRESTED. for eavage rioting in Clin-oGlim to all vsi'ors af tne lake and Auburn prvna. stageJ Free gum will be distributed ir. A CHICAGO, Juy 88 a week apart. preacher was held in Jail last shower, at the arrival of earn tra n almost Both Gov. Roosevelt and Raynight while police investigated and trfe boxes of gum ar offered AN OUT DOOR PICTURE REFRESHING-- AS of charges that he had cashed ev to winrfera of racing and other con mond F. C. Kleb, rommssioner corrections, brought up th theory era! worthless checks in the past testa, A MOUNTAIN STREAM TBaumes of the the that workings few weeks. TNI CURRENT OF THIS TALE OF- -laws resulted in a feeling of bitter, ness on the part of pr sonera causTabernacle Choir Will LOVE. HATE. SACRIFICE. PATHOS ing thm to flare up into open Be Guests Old Mill mutiny. CARRY YOU TO NEW FIELDS Of ROMANCE Touching on the Baumes laws Members of the Tabernacle choir the governor said "Thev rnav b KRI will be special guests of tne Old all right a a a dtrrer,t to erim. Mill Club.tonght. Several hundred but all wrong as to the prisoners - fcleP V, singers are expected to ne m at- sentenced under them. IVERY tendance at the dinner and div-The sentencing of persona for EVENING AT 9 P.W. in the popular canyon amusement long terms for crimes agains' place. property and not against persor AUSS On Wednesday evening the Del- bas a tendency to make an indita Epsilon sorority and their vidual feel bitterer than if he were GLADYS JAHOTORD: corta will be entertained at the Old sentenced for a crime against per-- 1 Milk Banqueting and danefrg will aona" LYDIA KILPATRICIRKA ROFfillL feature the program of entertainETHEL HOLnOREN ment. Cunard Liner Crosses and The other eight winners ir cowmod i uai new i Ocean in Five Days ARMY HONORS MEXICAN SAIT AIRS BATHING BEAUTY CONTEST N0 5 IN A KMJTIFUUY STAO.D REVUL- PLYMOUTH. 'WASHINGTON, July 30. The England. Julv 80 rfgnal corps of the army has pre(AP) The Cur.ard liner MaureiWi-LRV- f pared a memorai album commen-cratin- g tania. arrived here this morning the good will flight of tho after a crossing from New York In late Mexican aviator. Capt. Emilio five days one hour and one mln,-uther fastest eroselng this year Carranza, which will be transmitted to the Mexican government. The average speed was 25.58 miles . per hour. Her officers said she mid; no attempt to beat the recently established record of the Bremen Washington, The 40.-la- near-perfe- ct George-Convers- true-to-lif- "e l-- Child Film Star Rushes to Bedside Of Grandfather ld rt J Spamsh-America- j The Champion batter of the Prairie Team makes another hit when he treat the gang to a GREEN RIVER Milk Shake. LAST TIMES TODAyI Forest Man Urges Drastic Action pcnrEKi eb. In Fire Crisis Lan-gaa- '5 n, .FFECTS h d EQ US PAT OFF. 6TtO Order a GREEN RIVER Soda, Sun-daMalted Milk or Milk Shake or have it by itself . . . and, for .your home, order GREEN RIVER e, IBfDinrtLEES DENHALTER BOTTLING DW ALT LAKE CITY. ITSH. "'Kfen Compact 'ALL-WA- YS DELIGHTFUL CO. r fr t 1 offi-ia- LI- n is ! at e UTAH" I I joCO jOwyavs a fcorm ?fows - goQn irf aoinnni Five .Trams IEasit , Y . AS Chicago trains carry a palatial rear car desi for lounging Pu poses; drawing dining car for all meals; coaches and reclining chair car. (Seats free). Both Sc. Louis train carry observation car, dining car, sleeping cus coaches and reclining chair car. (Sens free). Far raw tdfmB Jttsdt shtmt less fiesg uno tr it asrske V ryji r- S rasa BURLINGTON TRAVEL BUREAU 900 A did may be caught with face mwdsr btf SuLci balueg powder lo hold naa . Gift Building Fhooa Wasatch ft. - NESLEN, Genera! A?ent 1899 It" - |