OCR Text |
Show -- ' , i - 1 . - , ' - 1 a: I - - -----s , , , 5 le . ,, , , , , . . THE . , DESERET NEWS , .. Ra,r :TUESDAY - AUTOMOBILES ,; 3 SPECIALS! 11:1 PORD 5our.-11trIsms, perfect Sa run-ora- 11 Tar;er. Itilodepit alrectore le the peueie of pee vir Mt, dribee 111111. LeSP anus. was, IL CHRYSLER cond,tion. new l L. S. co. a, watt ombalmers. Cola. underoikeTo. Zia lourtis Laic aka &Willi SoulkDocAlstless Preillitat ttAtOt,gal Weft att. MONUMENTS OUT THEY GO! SATISFACTION Coyne. - - WAS '-- -- . Sedan. 1124 :14O;1s. Landau. 1111 Sedan. 1124 1111 211Essex Cinch. 1124 113.Ce.da Coup., Sia--0:Cets2A 1111 314-0- ;4a. D. I. Coach. 111For4 475 375 125 1114 140.buIcli Coacb, Tudor. retity head. Buchanan-52Coupe. fi3C running shape real good one 124 Coupe. 1525 Toursm. g dandy car 1515 Coupe, :00.4. rim WI Ten Truck. Iasi rhel AM Ilani Other Bargain& 1474 1514 111 121 115 103,..ford Coup.. 1134 271 1114 Turn In Your Present Car As Part Payment 1377 Cheert,et Eeden. aniy FORD TWO BIG LOTS 4..r 80 West 4th South 565 South State HU TORD CORNICI Bakst. Idowr Comport,. awl Sri! E&at.. ATTO PARTS. IPS41 PARTS. 141 Sa Painting and Paper Hanging 'KC 1927 1977 1126 1925 1927 1927 1927 1991 1924 1924 1127 1425 1924 1133. Used Car or Truck, Buy One of These VI' ITS Joe-Carpen- 7in PPWIAL IMPH!Pft IL Its& prKo. Jacob Hy. efe ell 175 Ill SITT DON'T MISS Tux TAYLOR Salesroom, Chrysler I.Tsa Car Was. 112151 Motor Avenue, S. VALVES: - Was. 4111,, rtr Tilt BETTER Hri5c1 : CSED CARS AND TRIXICIL 1925 STAR 4 COUNTER priced SPias 1925' WILLYS KNIGHT Groat Ste Touring Car. Reg enclosure: a miter. Praced pool rubber. a p!p VITT SIODEL SUICIE COUPE. to fall at osco. SIIS. tzeltitent gentlition la aorv7 way. has bad fine ears. will ottriftei (or lilt, LAWN MOWERS BROWNING SHARPENED Eta Pout AUTO CO. Mato My. Wao SSIS-R,- -, ISIS CHEV. WI II SHARPEN eel rover taws mowUM IL MY. Caul er &Myer 1916 21n. 411186. ASSA TERI i Oh Salt Lai. Citz, , Was, 4114, Motor Bus Tramwortallon, YELLOWSTONE BY BUS UNION BUS r. , - ,..., Call Hanger r.....,......,,,,...,, , KE p5,-)- - i . & So tor Patottem owe 7w. 411110 '-- . w - - -- -E i, ' 1 Al i 4 - , I '' f 4101. , 10sx i ...v., 21 yr 4' 1.,,,,,.--- ,,,.,,-- 1 ,,,,,,,,, - - 4 . 7 . Z.0; Irlot iI aini........ ,L , i ... - .. ' tilitafillre - AZI11.11111 ,,,,At. - 511,;A: ., it,' oeolle, '''' 1 ' Wor ,.,1,4,1 - ' r-r-- , ,"3:1' ' - rangto him roots. FURNISHED 10,r TRONT rtr..th Sth Eazt nc.y faro- - In any ;ocatton, YRITSCU 3,1 'Ws& 2ii? tn& X & Twurt xEAL,T,JR Lan 3It out!). 2601 trip.. Owner Must Sell rive tult Ty tin ROOM firs brick bungalow types basement and Orman. (meet birth and annwar. butit-I- n . ;.' , ' 1 '. , ,- , if , ' 0.- , i - . '''' ' ov k t', l''' t....,',-t, :....,,---i- r,, ill, 0 - -- i v f a iniao41P; lalvei- ' '- -' It - 1,- - ,-., :' , ' 3 , . , 017,ew ...,. -- - - t '' mod 11 .', l'...: - ,, lip,-- taw- - - sttt f fritkilir' Oil 4019. ' a , ..,,.... ,i a." ',- 421,71trea A....sx...;.; , go', 1 ' ;', -- 2., .c..07,....11 ' , tr,' - - - 1, -'- 4U14111116101 if ie lie -- 0 itliTire tII 10141P -- '''''' - -- "npZn - ,, - , . ', ''' t. ,, : t , i ) , k so --- ti,.. ' t , - es 166 III; - , ' .itio,.. 1 - ... r11111T1 Kr it:Ltz.t.41,6Se r:.; . 13ttrirl, strikiRct, 1oll air 4: I S rel7,E,S.5.ir;,,, -670 E,1 t R. s ,4 6 5411 C,...,Sp. . - 4- I - z: -t. . - ILIA'- I K CALL '11- tars Poradry rel. CA a :a 1 '1 wa to- lac Asti sad NO. raps ;a. Was. sois it FIN isHING- IFIAK) brew FLOOP-S ACIF.... 11.4,1 A. ar rrrEtra - V - Ora'r- Hy li'a tror-nra- .' Cattst-er-. f ' a' - Ttc4, -- '',--- IL ...4 etr. - .....,crTzc... IG C.(.;C Its ,30- - - SHOE -: a le,: IL7an,.:11:4t,;e:t1.&64 co - - - - REPAIRING - E. REPAIR SHOP. III &roan 18888881 i pS.L..dAlll a, PT-- "' ' : , ,. 8 . , ! Dirt CLIFS, ,,,g,,,,...--,- Sr le A I , . til 0,1. -- 101$ 1 . 1 ,I, ... 0,14;mb.e. , ..at , - p' APA40 11Pir , ,,,.. p:.-,,-, , . ., ...i:., ,.. , i 0 1 , ; pii, i - t. z ,1,;...t 47 "7, . Bdwy, BI.CY,C,17;73KR.,tzotr;tsg. -,,,:,,...-;'; , W COLA'S iteie tad Math II R4risso4 attest We. Alt t st atitre- - ,.....------- A.4 ...-..-f- , . '''f' AiI z.:: Nf alit yip ;,,- .N.:,,b,,,,a, . ' ' o' ,'....,,.':---- rk, 1 , ..;,'",-,,e, -- Ilk11.1 4i r,,,- ,..i,. '1 i 4 ,ft, til ,, r 4 l'. lit 2' 14: ; logvinietto 4i -- 'al-it- ttitiv ,, t ,....,,,N.,,,, V, ,.. loW.... ,4 ",z ,, c , ...., , c' , 0,-,--,-i- lf ottl:ki.1 -- 1046 I i.q. , , ie, , ilk - ,. ,, ' EH iii- rt,-- -,- 104 ,ts CO l' '1 ,.., ,1,.,,,,1 , 4.1 ....,, 1 v , . , .1 XEH , . , --4 0, 1 1 ; I ..., 4 r :, ? f i , ,, i , ' ttreit '0 , , , MONEY rt24,,, aaciamces tsasotatt kers ',Kale. F,.,,t,,,,, i.urpi so 14., st. Iv: 1 , . , Sterrett. , , - " 'N ,A. . :,' ti '1116 v.me "...tr. . r andRefinanciDg4:4 .. -.,, ,,,.., FAIE 4 ' ' 40 -- 1 - , - inaltateat grrtnp 404S 411,6&1,0& t 4t1 I, , , -; , ,,. '......., f, ',,, ' - c.:', '.vs, - . , arm produces large crop hair a wall to heed. Owner too old to work tble p.sce. era, trade for Piet sell, come In and MO, properly, make ha offer. So. $124 ,Lat.,-a- .rt.es Acres certIlled flrbn eel sild dairy fILTM- - VITA crop hay in slack. second crtp being left PM. geed, water,. al from private owned ditcn . ha asFull line of nnachmerY. eebamenta horse, briek borne. barn fenced and ROOMS urntehed. & - 170 M111111.10113011t. l'N'T.VERSITT. co. s''' , ,,, le. .. ,r & Mo. Old 81.tti each Inqu!ra Wrest. Etat! Co., S4 West lat. $o Was $4. wutJEKkil:.; SolsrHE f 4,6604k 41171 ..9141". Hut,,ICH ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.1, 0, 41c! bni L. AR kl("Al' WHEN.' N - ' ......4:,,,,, 1 110.1E911 ,1, ., - . a, - 4111........ tr., .,t. A,7 fri plc - LI E5CACT "THH vo , ,, P- '11' pA. HAVE I, 4 I , - tou.. L , VALLEY- - West Tenth & 4th South Notoiy ttoitibed & furn4bo4 High C:aso 'Bigotries refolOratoro TURKEYS t wAS ALL sErriKr JESS WE H01,4. ,, A l's . IL ' .,.' IN HEART OF CACHE s Shubrick-Apartrnent- LN Mean, tab24-- 1- 51,1 rack its:dan Sak d.ning alt 125; breakfast set 1 pleek. 130 value for 123 50; Istteneneeab:net 114 SO. Is4 also Led and spring 112. SO. Many othor bar Sauna 27 lUchardi St. - -- ... p.. sy. ,,:,-,-,,,,- 1, WAS WITHIP4 A ', ,i,' mit.E oF IT! , as c. , ,, .,,,,.., iest 7 ,,,t. - 141)K1--- l'ilt. ..---- ,e- ' 2; . Fs: , - - a ...- ,,,,,,,,, Esisf OF US- - FURNISHED APARTMENTS FROM Cnmp.ate:y taralshae brick& nom OS I r.oms. eltcy dacorataL nag Coors. Sumac. Prep:ace, catonat ktLeben. furEtar irtepdas plant). phoncgraSk , Actin Washing W. 1.r36, lye. WE ARE PLEASED t turntab pow wftli Hy SC By Cliff - t,,, 04 714e, , STATION ,tob ail ' ..., Maaidoll kiEgT Gul OuT THIS CA4DLE. 6IIS A THE CLASSIFIED DISPLAY -- , cpsluFr-- S PARK Broadway. 'Phone Wasatelt 6:3142,32. 144-1- , 1 Well Ventilated Reim Leave daily tor Los Angeles. San Francisco. Denver. Chinas. Ely. Reno. Reber. Durham.. Verusl. Cos1v111. GraffIrrin., Alm pews. Nilo. Montpelier. Soda Springs. Twin Falls. Idaho Falls. BOIPt. Portland. Seattle, and all Idaho. Oregon and Wastirgton points-- Butte and Dillon. Montaluk Park City and Tonal& Wosair schedules to Orand Junction, Colo. ' PALSThe Japanese Sandman. POLLY AND HER watt Temple COW AN. 161 aTatto as. rierraEs Swiss ton IAN) relies dmaorta First, West. Was, count lel BENT A CAR. 3624. DftTVfitT TOrRaCLIIP CO, N. laver hitt Cara BARR CHEVROLET CO. Phan Ara LAW! 110WZAS dbarposall sod ripen.- - 16211 Wash MIN Ogdaa &kit taaa Wika 166q Pon NESS AND USED CHEVROLETS 1 C. A- - Few dr. 62 W. 3rd Sa Waa IS W 4ta Beath I. em north liret 2103-I- My. BLOCKS 17,c12tit t geed rtiontap car are ebeap'te op. rata tour tires almost row. Ppee'alii t SIM Phone Mr. Meughan. teal for au appointment. A Cel Z4 &Lot, 23650 on tonne 2 REALTOR 861 3661 t,' Motor Ave. South Stat. 1111 tot, lin DlitTVIRT-TOR- tase-Ip- PAINTING, torrorattos. PoOrrkooltog. All work f3liTalatft4- - Coll Hy 4702-I- L NOORDA ê PINS. waYerirt. Potott"t ksoisominuic 2274 So. litho L., Hy. ISM W. $t rooms CPSTAIRS 412 Trust Co., West 1. PONTIAC Wool Oh South COiO, 114 Fritsch Loan and in al.! (load r ter OAKLAND a BROWER. TOWLER MOTOR CO. ' Vstatimg, 175 rms.. plaatared and lasatrnd Perch. is !.no 141 W. 6,1a North. to !A.,. IN5IDE-2- MT Es. T, denn Chrysler Seilin ken Angedwairon Inn D,dge Panel Track 1924 Speeder4os 154on Ded g Ian 11,211 Interrtelienal 111 Chesrelet Packar4 truck. k truck,. Part e tor bP We our our EXPOSED TO WZ4T11-- i ER. 4 4 11' OAKLAND Coach OAKLAND Cet19411 lab OAKLAND Coach 675, OAKLAND Touting Rea Top 395 PONTIAC Landau Sedan 625 PONTIAC'Coarks 3t9 PONTIAC Coupe 315 OLDSMOBILE Sodan 476 BUICK Standard Sedan 435, NASH Coach. SPOCIOl gle 425 ESSEX Coup Ill ESSEX Coach 174 CHRYSLER ..,. 146 "lir Touring DODGE TOUring 154 EASY O. 14. A. d. TERMS Open this evening until 4 pm 155 165 110 Mtn Sisa. 200 4111 tea Ill MI $e - 771 180 Used Cars 'Good-Wil- l' 475 1114 lb Willyritalgkl Owda Itilt Wolverine B7ougliem 11 II Weiverins CAbricAet VI NOD. Overloud sodas. 1TILit. Foe et orfoo Cyr-- Nett 1141 oast GUI SI rumzst DTI 47t I AND 2 - 8400 COMPANY If You Want a Dependable - geoltrE4p Was. 6707 South State. )pen Evenings and Sundays. DEALER ALTIV)ItIZED trd South and trd 14 Sorb 1Prbtfit Zee's Coupe. retold a.- -23 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED al Pam Pass FoTda 51 BAKER MOTOR COMPANY ,E 'SPECIAL TODAY Paso Pao SHARyAN AUTOMOBILE IS seat It'd I I I I , Faris 17$ u pc good one 152i Cheer's:et 15211 Bodge Touring. sty.- - Motor Co. TIM? AUTOL Plattaa 325 125 IS Coacn 1224 ?seen Adeenced 124 Buick Coach. fine car 1521 ntudebeker Special Coach Howard-Toursse- n -- 4i Paso Paso Paso Pass Pass 4 1 $ 7 Cap gain COUPA A car Lexington 8 Pam. onough for nyono jDd Ford Roadster. A snap Cathliat Touring. 7 kites TIME PAYMENT contracts handld ourosivcs It big savings to ono. charge it por cent per annum on daforrod payments. Find out what compotitars charge. These Cars Sacrificed SO EASY TERMS $115 455 445 MODEL 'Tt FORDS 37t Ira 1117 Sedan. 4icli 20 1114 Taring Coach. s. De Lusa Sadao Packard Sadko, 4 Cyl Hndson Coadcro Sadao 14prorb ila Sadao Oaand Sedan Cc.clarrksb!le Fadao Dodge Sedan MODEL 'A' FORDS Tudor. like nese $le 1St, 40,5 1622 Roadeter, run very Mite 411 1321 Boadiger. In dandy shape Pa.. S I 6 CO37,-- irudsotTkighi ffl 335 7 Paso $ Polka $ I It C.Se14..er 3rd South and 3r4 East aft 1117 Pedals. I Fords 214, ..., Landau. 211.-0- ;4a. 114,...0'.1s. LsOae IVA 1I north lot In. Hy. , CLEARANCE SALE SHARMAN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY CTAII'S OLDEST AUTOMOBILE DEALER INCORPORATED 1905 CORNER 111 4. 1018 Sadao ' Sadao Cocige Sadao DO THE JOB FOR YOU! HY. Montana Offers So. '1169; ER 1001 rAricAltD SEDAN. ittb:r.t and rota .Jed to look en,i run like brand mew. 'Ibis to one of th (Inge ',I tticdele moat ever MLA by' Pack fad new. 18100 Will cost and sacrifice for CSIIIIIIC Ca 11:loo CaddiaO LaSaLe ALL kinds desks Vat top 'arid roller top. $12 20 and up, twin bole delus sPrige es. 125 each. kitchencle te.t tra table. and chairs. 12 lid up. Claris Jewel gas range. sit. A D Tobin Furniture Co.. 32 West. First South. Was. 1:32. Ca.I Hy. laaa-chickbobs. I arge ,upto-dst- e I3.0. garage, srnet: thsrn, a test LOW. bit IC K R acres tla srap. berrba and a.ta;la. TRFrx.vtoom MEL bedrooms. Cassel-i- n sittanitS ginonta.a sprmg water. p.ral to a.,t all tacit.' good to. bath, butbui.d,nts. good water view Ws rEsd tet kitchen. crnented basement. Itet- sucrose ol:y tontatnea, sar:y. r,te and rase. Lot inalab. Fia somas,. flown. maw potatoas.V earLy an4 ;ate pees-C- a lawn Call Hy. lebOW. Ir. ad 01,11110:, Mt. rambernt a tO trpea. TORONTO COMPANY. floc tr.. Beal extet.ent sandy .oant, REALTOR. A ,trartits termo to responatb.a buy. 111 WEST SECOND POUT!! BT. era. M ylt scept get IA Ile Property WAR 11a3. Was. labs. in trads. NEAR EAST. Annit AND CATHEDRAL SCH301., brlek bungalow, "'aping, tarth, moo tanned at sta. L.:rates, garage. DA-en coops, bath ToiSUrn. 10- SUL kin. ciao. tIQSAtiL West, ment into the best homes of Salt Lake City and Farm Southeast Bench EXCELLENT opportur!ty for en cupboards. ryle an young bardwood trim with stenographic experience ca Ms Ewers oak and fir ttniab; garage, los Cray groeery refrigerator& meat ore-Wwho ;sable of taking dictation and HOTELS crated at Emerson avenue and let la SMITH REALTY COMPANY ease. (entlre equipment for marcan assume considerable reeponEast. A teat buy. CALI erne.r. HY. 11013-- 6 Deserm. Lack ECds. Was. 111113 ear ket) sea)es end aeon register& ex3663-sibty. One with rahroad offic HOUSE. 44 E. let den Sln term& Hammel. lle W. ird So. Petry LINCOLN perience. sreferred but not eseential. 35 c. 40c, 60c. rms. atrthzed at cleanHotel This is a reit; opportunity with ton new aew faattire rcanagetaant; of the oldest Automobile Manufactnroudnout; tarts lobby, malt' for. tures and a bright future is.assured Steel Clothes Line TO the Induct-loPosts; rma. farmer who Is soot. CAR or va,00t Pst a. ricw, rarrnent and b. lertIng reading, the r.gtit man. Pleas answer nt room it!rl, Iurr-a,los a new location unequaied oppot, bast Lath& barber ,ehola once In your Own hand writing. giving ASSEMBLED. grille& relate& ready for ftoor to acquire a borne an Irritated tun IS per gam Monies, Iron & Metal ties os& Lragoa. ELM nea r So &Vireos. cumber and phone Coitpleie aa SO.. SISLO.Ot. ;ow W. ncerv... Yrs) West. land Oo and en rell 2nd at most 4Se Coil PIYI.ents We& LENox EtIf brit only Co, Slat dotal.. of pest experience, tc., we A etililliderals vorab. triaI., 123Iterms,. 11,..dern it,et reasotnb.e rates will arrange for an Interco's," a in Ater of farmers from Utah and Idaho SHOW CASES AND In town by day. meek or month few days, write Box Deseret REFRIDEBATORS, FIXTURES. BOTH NEW AND SEChays Creedy taken dantsa et thoot News. OND HAND. SALT LAKE CABINET opportunittss ha, been suecassful and STORE FOR RENT. tia FIXTURES CO- -, 33 RICHA.RDS ST. SIAN about thtrty. good appearance with organized branches tie the L. D ONLY 2950 S. Church. To afford opportunity to WAS. 3210 S300.00 to iniiitst. to Right Man wili LAIIME. well ilritted eters. Sol,able for orrictip mod. butellorr, Clem to Maki, sows: persona inspection pay 150.40 week sod expenses. Give rooms to or Manias retail business Ltbtrry park. lienth in famtly eaus.1, rGUIll trip aummar rates base been SUGHTLY used washing machines partieuiars with phone or address. 014 sact.t.te. Call Ey. 1;37 tot full toe Ntaw 06111TOt News bid.. on Niemnew triads. Fie partietilars writs w!th machine guarantee Bo z No. 34. 'Deseret News. at and. at. first floor south of mato derk!,k LEONARD BALL reduced greaVy prices. en floor. Rent V.r ground 'inane Easi. 4th IS. Idaho rains. !dab& Ele,tric Co.. rotoonablo Call at office, Sad floor. lEg Weentrh rssort La LIttla Coto: WANTED-FEM- ALE HELP Was. 354. Of bows BMg for foribm informa wool canyon. Leta for as;. Enay 23. ACRE YARM Al' DRAPER. --- Marble Co. terms, L'fala Gran Ita reclaimsew PIPE and SITTtP:08. TEACHERS Arrp school. Waa 2653 or Jae. ff. Walker. Was., stow 1, rUrht. first Fins class err ed soil, Or pant. pUrpose. WTI, grade. rural. by rail today. SALE-FURNIIf 14. TURE 4,4 to sugar trte'.31 nel ars:n SALT LAKE PIPE CO. crop FOR Cnntinenta 1 Tea eners Agency. gie .111 W. Ith 10. Was. WS. with En 94,1. V.0 down. ety go: ,0 brooks Areal LL et Salt Like CItY house 011 ttruut on boanre fili Jens, or lry1, eneap to 1 Via 11. Id ea. t4r ckfricere, arr. vent. largeet stock ot need torMturo en. Was,. 135;, is West See Torotto NIISSION Oak dlnind room set. round THE room,. or bleh tax e..strIct., 14:2 beck St. of Lao evy .comostins dmlng ,, chairs. leather 'ooze. St., South !shit, WOMAN 0 !tarn hut!rera ambit:ow:. bedroom. rugs kitenen furniture, Call Hy. 2211-.L- . ;..hIna catf,ot. $25. ii3 1st &vs. Apt. ara.: oducaal. perm:meat, flood attar,' ilno.eum sod ranges. Tbese geode ars FOR BALr zo acres toren land with : 4. w44. 444,. to start. Write LAST BENCH. coos $od up to dam and you cos May Boa DOorot , nd,s. 37 in water Also Utah. soy. night core. srmwstel tn. regular Pm,. sores inrat,y in fruit, good lector rightthem at one-beNwa f,;rears. AT a satertre. Mani Loom, aultabba tor WHY PAY MORE? Halt Lake Iturnt rsngs, b!meln drapes. Ene.e.rra. SecSr. 1101 or part. 4 wise sonth Wiii vraavihrt ra4 rtlas. Alio a few nig 127 oast Brow:tool. tare Company. IV( Emerson H. WI. WI' ANTED-SITUAT- ION of Ogden. Write 1141 2Sth St. Ogden. rags Mhat se;1 tmtne,dlatm)y. phone, Mar. 701-- 1. 565 Woat 1st North. C:ty. or shoo 3713. I MATCH ALL TRADES name. I piaci RANGE, 6 bole bin bufa! ra ATLAS BLAX.E-- , P. B. X. Telephoto Operator pith a. BUT and eell Freett c,,eto all It'nds catit NORTON. Gab ding mutt.. taEe, CRICKS year. eapartanca in gait IAA mod fet!. ch!na cabinet. com,late $17,10; POULTRY-BA- BY tle A- - T. Saunders. 2672 So. State Hy Los Atit,ea and matt:Alec Call Was. 1541 or Write sant couch U.S; 200. Business barCetbor Opportunities 354 weal 4th. North. Balt Laka. Utah. i; f braes bed and sprint 616 BAST CHICKS ef pagular var.oltsa VIOLINS AND REPAIRING. CIKATLO Also blimmotk Pe Ica Ducklings &ad gains. 27 Richards St little ir Of,VY, it.ht g Sna'soL, VIOLIN gaol,. sIS Deseret Bask Bdg Book of. NEAT Brenz. Mammoth Turkays WANTED-SALESMCholch location. EN Ma South Ilth Lam. Elec. $3, Clark Jewel WESTINGHOUSE Was. 3705. ISlore taw ".. tor' surernof itroi fa:i kdarear $71, sew Monatekt it arm. S'frtI for fres ory. ilk, caralck ....LUNCH CStUNTERo iastia Da. breakfast sa:a 113 56. PEDIGREE Gertrean Police Pups. REDSCINfl liaTCHERT. 2146 S, Itat ' LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR SO. STATE212i no. $15. Inquir 1504 So. 14th Z. piece everstuffel $O. Ice Boot $k busby Illefonce ass. Lo$ Angs,es. Califors'ia STe. 1St Es, Etats. WANTED Hyland 3562-I MONEY TO LOAN Bay-Litt new wianUfacturer A largo PERSONALS of the W Mil ED. CHOICE our:tots chsao. Drivo out ant) FrievrrritE -I Signs - wants an xclusiv SH)a South 117th East. a,o floer, ,04 wird adwintry Ltbs Itt 1 Auto Loans beedbourtbreilmps- astritory for the worlde Most sene , EtLICIr.. LIBERAL LOANS ON beet pXIcS. SI SQ. Weal Temple. Woe. WANTED-- TO BUY sational stIvertising altris for tho top 302S. TOUR CAR. OF BEAUTY CULTURE of delivery trucks, business places. BUDGET WEST. window displays. street IN BEST INC Tkr THE sigma. etc. DZAD or osoloso cows or horses. Will HIGHEST cash prim; paid for good SySTEM, Work. 122 MOTOR AVE ALL, (atom ot BEAUTY Burps daylight which produces an PHONE WAS. 1311 usod furs:tura. rugs and naps. W. FSI cash. Murray, Ist. more illumination brilliant than Ezra Thom NOD bldg. rhea ball. electricity and costs nothing to OpeWaa. ISSO. Cat Skiff 00 rocuost WILL call tor promptly mid Par raelk Erwin Loan & Investment Co. rate; no wires. no batteries., no contor dead or use;eto taros, and co... WOULD Vico to buy a bouoefull of nection whatever. This Day.Lite Sign tolloet nearest factory. Colo. Phon. 223$. AUTOMOBILE OF SCHOOL BANKERS Furniture. LAKE SALT R. nells like hot cakes wh Intro. rado Animal ByProdocto Co.. Balt duced due to its low price in corn. Continewal Bark Buildtne -!Ake City. Ogden,. Logan. BEAUTY CULTURE TYPEWRITERS ft et Laic We want C'tY Partion te electric signs. , 'w----court-tr- z a man 1,ho is capable of organizing coorsw. a3 sublecta. AUTOMOBILE LOANS mod C.1F11 snake& binveles Good far RZBUILT TYPEWRITERSAll Ins ratter. US rut and handling. Melt The profits Sr. canoed E. RoPeacrinor. hangers. Bows of Uoppeg. 140 easy ayment& tu17 guaranteed. Late large sod rota should elesn up from Broadway. Was. SST. Get mouth. Waa. rented. por models 11',0011Mee rbno Our Broadway. Cal. to this year. if you g3.000 EarNmentatt, our price list. Wholesale TYPOMt., THE UTAH HIGH SCHOOL 11'.4 are alive to the unlimited possibili?bon Vries. oick. ow. or berm& Will Covrtolas Aged CO.. Salb SO. CoatMent la! ties of this opportunity wire or writs DEAD or wales , roan171. solvAes. s Phone par Murray to Sat. Sign Co.. 101 immediately OF BEAUTY CULTURE Lake Street,. Minneapolis. Minn. Phone Visa WI. ALL wakes rebuilt for sale or rent. 12 to Me Cl Ire Rids. LOST AND FOUND 8!Strost aid roost school west et atlState dealers for New Corona, - e- -Mural sow EMPLOYMENT TRAINING as... 33 amide to poop!, with a olooi7 Utah Egebange, Typewriter LOSTBetween Lehi and th rolat or 7. ; 'iocossno, ats cattalo-zerEast lit South. Was OK roots:rod owl mo the ',fountain. a black traveling bag MRS. ERICKSON, ISS N. Men. Pt. MEN 'WOVEN, 11 up, Want a Governtol laPo. an Foy it bort to airy pay. ANALYInfant's and 'roman SCIENTIFIC CHARACTER containing ment sob? $156.60 to 1331.00 month. so t Moots to to City your iniswntenta. AS Staccoos SIS. ad.tes Ii domestlo clothing Return ) battery FIREPROOF STORAGE AND Steady work, ghort hours. Feld sum. Lehi. Utah- - Phone St. Reward, $EE no P1P.S1 mer vacation. Common education EMPLOYEES LOAN SOCIIETY. MOVING : sufficient. 21 usuallY Experience nail, GOLD chain branoiet. with 8 flying Woo Cita ?,leCormitilt HASCING SCHOOLS. unneeeseary. We each ,rou 'withoui corpe lengs ettache,4. Initials E. L. 246 So tr, LZARN io dance. Weo4a,ard Pant& TURNITURZ. to.O leaving horn. 31 page .hook with tuft and S. N. engraved en back. Re- PINE CHINA HEAL ESTATE.. neritovEn GOODS Ma n. ?Masts lemma. $C.c. ZL Wig. HOCSEHOLD Free. and No comrokaoloo. particulars sample coaching No attorney I too. No 0 ,1. 0,1. ward. 5112. are worth lot and deserve spocsillted Write immediately Today. Franklin eastern No No camper, do!ay. consideration. Our storage accommodat 7 Institute A ttra env Dept.. 273 E Rochester, PCaU Orrrt LOSTLady'. .htts god wrist watch I'm men, women, boys and tions are splendid. clean and order!), SWIMMING T. TRACT LOAN A TRUST eCt at Saratoga Swings Engraved Z M g rco. iiselai rates. Gessrat Gym We are not bothered with rats or mice 151 Moan fiLroot 11 1t C. ME, 3007-avaasW R. 1424. Bryan : women. because wore do not store merchamties. Toll ARE WANTE13.--Gir- in. ward. Lesarn gown making Earn 131 week Our packer' are trained men with aM d 'ea proart no wootgoiroo 05 UNTO? BARBERS open ''.141' Eta' TERMS tro swo.od years of experience. We are Preniti Et up Learn while earning. ample lea- LOSTDiasnond anragamant ring on PreiwirtY city so. I k to Col P.m& 111:1;ards. to W. to& ear service and invite inspection. All Ione trap Write immedlaely. FrankLow rotoa rtcher tu Main anti Snl South,. initial's T. M. 8 priviloges. Possi; lin Institute. Dept. W.A. Itecheetor. Inwoototent Co. IS W. 24 80. two. to T. G., and dot. Liberal reward. Irquiries cheerfully answered. TOIL STEA MSHIP Ticiirrs N. T. Woo 23SO. Woo 100 or Hy. OH-R- ., ' I bly our aussurtiona Initht het, SUIT-PINPACKING. MOVING. IMOUGH. Uckerm anv STEAMEHIP IdOLER BARBER COLLEGE 11, nnY tine LIBERAL, loans on stecitn. LOSTSmall brown Witte Se ono mile 310 :stormsta no ttra coy. Cl,np et gpoetal for toe: S25 for Tie-- Largetn17; opportunity tor 4 or 5 roes. north of Lehi. Saturn to PT E. .1M4 Itedraln pireproor atorare loaze !rye. on an4 earn vluts tosnli Amerits. enni ic,n Street2S E. So, Tem. Provitiest Loan lior-tot-y. gaaaa 13f Att. 4th Wert 4 Tot4 C V; ;114 7,-1Orn Pa It FT Met. Reward.. Was. 14X3-4- -6 Wan :SO. CLEANING AND DYEING ON Utah ad Idaho larvae itharat op. LOST--- 3 Safety. bathlot sult at Sa Maly MonREAL SERVICEPromptness Oohs at;I:er VICa, 413 McCarakit DYER& and cleaner" import work. courtray and day. Call Hy Vit. Renard. HAT FACIVRT Expelenec Carefuirras. Btat:Ittng RESPONSIBILITY.. 171 rot but least. Broil. last. prompt doilvory. dhellop are all a part of the -- KEYSER War' ALL KINDS bats. sa!ta ePahlrg and CASH BrOlidirtl. WS. Rik ir :e-CARPET CLEANING for an ,2411- - tri nor. of do'ng busts's& Furniture shpped I ipreasma by spen& Vatted Hattora. tracts Toronto Co- - St test Secont to ri from aft parts of the world We call nog doliver. SI 170 So. Stara. liEntOpeelni. South. Wan 64tL CO. STORAGE Dye-1- st CLEANING. rtatortne colors. hand work. EICTSER riREPnoor Dor ult. $alt Laic Cleaning a21 West dod So. Was ant or 6:21. t Tamar's all grease or stains. reaeonth South. By. 4661. Co. net QUICK rein 12 Oita 10E31. UM rates,. AO. PIANO JAZ able. Frank Manta. kt nulls Wool Co. 3 2 Sown Wain. Was. 7271. BEFORE you store yoJe bouseloA goods Terry's AUCTIONS. 12 LESSONft. rots or sr Bey. sod al. ote get our pncee. Suil! $3; autorntoVACATION SUGGESTIONS ope. $3; &pea 'terse, $1 end up. We SPECIALISM on oristitti and domestic vanc,eil stedtrra Harry Ertclm-f- l THALER AUCTIONEER. tructor. 44 6 SQ. 11,1:st, HT 44,35-citanint. Cail us hist. S. L. Clean. pack ani Pip turolture anytehereWe rtal less end Pull free. SELL A EVERYTHING. e It $o. ar. Wein Ce. :GS ANY TIME chirp, AMBASSADOR HOTEL WARLHOU f0.t- . REAlt 11 LESSONS. onto or oar: ,o.lTy et. 4,1fi 1. BROADWAY ANYWHERE. CALL BY. 66IM commr N fly SIARRET., , fowls: 10,0 matt rottros. Darts Short Salt Lake's Newest Hotel. CO. PRONE WAS Agle. Not etc' post. but ROM NE Y R CALL J. B. HALL auettorkeer, 1113c 142 So 14 Stethod. Ortonta 1. Chino,. dom..Ic toe& beforo offing your furniture. state or to au-- to Rooms eves' Mad cur Ft t. Co-o- p trorn-- c? 'town ructfrr rancity or per day sod SM 14 So. I,b Lost, pwoode7 Z. C. LAROE Call M. 1. Woo MIT. Was. ISC3 or BEDBUG EXTERMINATION ts 3141. PATENT ArroRNEys Was. 104. EXPERT cleaning. resealing. vslitylag. etc-Written tenches. InEtifttGn, gnat, KDIEALL APTS. Salt Lake Carpet Cleaaing comPalti LARGE rnotort ,'&711, THOMAS THOMAS. V. S. Reg. Puty or out of town anree. Fenno:cit. M Yea. 6t Wag Speetat tverirt rates by day, week er out ate tram. 4111 Ueason Bldg Waa 424 South Tth East. Hy. 2011t bout Ca-Ito.:trup a. NIts. lit: or 1051 month- - Lerated Just ha.r ble-- k nerla , Was. 70IS. of Tent Ce Square. Garage arA orrice AND FRAMES COAL In eenntrettou. lag north Kam sTrrai En St. PRINTING w1-PICTURES and ggture frstess. one Of 1.1.1C coal and Walling. sick. 10v: 1 Armstrong-Ent:hinwest Elm t tOell'oS 1 CeatMS. SIEMSTITCHINI). GENERAL REPAIRING mks gut. Pie: I eke. nat. lt.11; nut ;button VI order. buttnlyttlioa the largest and meet gemCeto Pees QUALITY giVek. Wt.", peattitt. Weft. atorrIng ens. 1 coal 11..01; b.wek wend. 12 load W11 Tom 1,swo &co 2311 So ore PrfetIng, tiS $o. W. TOM of pictures ad tramee to the atty. Plreomaking and up Wnn 1221 Ot Sits seArrRicssits fntg Ilkg new furwiturg lo 1106S, egg gegovenKL Wag ,reupttoatorel i S2S) lAke Mattrsog Mfg Cs. 631 Packard Motors, Inc. 145 Via 24,4. Milo St. It 42' 1- 111 121 411 121 31SSta7 Coupe. 124 ItiLtAillra.ei 375Esses Coach. 1124 ,- Coatis. D 37..-0,,271Essen Coach. 11311131 405 THE ,issrit, 711 ITS 71 4Es . justlike way iroom EMINO-YOGROSIYELLS- -- Agants Cash Musters, VICTOR &rect. subtrattor Siddieg thachthe BUY. SELL, SXCHANGE. NABENT. REPAIR TIONAL Cash Reglatesh Barroush Da;ton 131CAMIL SA10- addints SHELL'S YIS State St. Groshall-Lov- e 13,4s, Was. 1164. Kit. 42 years. I 781 Ili and kackken. 11640-- 159 MAMMOTH BRONZE Club new Country mod. heuse, NEW REPLIES RADIO AT THE FOLLOWING DEALER'S WESTERN FURNITURE CO, WEADERN ARMS CO . 5COTT HARDWARE Co. helpor WANTED MALE HELP' PACKARD sedan very good condition. reDniahed. new Dres BUICior," 41,48-- STEWART-WARNE- R Fruit and Chicken mot strict:, thoroughlir viral's. good lots! loo Wd& .10.0031 Moane& THAT COUNTS SEE AND HEAR THE .1100" 611 BUTCK 1827 sedan. and refinireconditioned shed- New t.res looks 315 1121 Coa,.,k, 1781 STUDEBAKER coupe, per, 1E4 tzroulghnut. sandal. A good bui 1219. 1 Vs 11a lie be C115120t AT COST S . 81510 mochen condition told from new 176 571 114 1111 L, Coach. 1121 1111 212.Osorlan4 Csanh. Lannan..- - 1117 D. :da ICA1 1521 D. L. Ces,:h. 1131 Ceupe. 1127 Coach. 1127 321-0- 244-7- ord TRADE-IN- buy .NEW take your announce- new APPearanco-en- 665 SO. STATE FOUR 111 111.04a. Sedan. 1127 311-- 4) 4a. Landau, 111? 114Chaste lot C4.4ch. 1121 Ids. 1.edan. 11.1 114 1110Aa. Coup 1111 1 Sedan. 1124 341Nash Sedan. 124 111-0- - . GUARANTEE. Co. ,., WE SINCERELY RECOMMEISEt. Ht. 1,dlewing b Irr.2 as troltional "good buys 't Why ba a renter takes own your kerns tor so MtHea rid nen mosey ? TEEMS Brir a Ibrotrri brick COttag", subtler anent haat. Mt 4.1 ?Asit loose tate., a aa satin rased street, amwssments a.i pat In a good east toorlit,od. Wily pay rant? Sae atta- IgOia RADIO Arrrk ALL ITS VIZ PUNCH - Classified Ad will PACKARD. Vpsel. sedan, 1)28. th youghly rebuilt and refmtibed. new t,res, Coatb, boautitut, FORD Special 114114 anima Aug. 1111s. Bearer to 110.44 This Ats Entitl Credzi en a U$ed Cat. da. 111 Remember! SELECTED USED CARS pass. 1827--e- o 211 papa 1E4 STIIDE Hie 4 Tooting. furs tine fine tor O'611 line P2ort Tour modal. erI 12I low entioaae. looke ;she new 1924 WILLYSWNIOHT Sedan,' in oaceilent coultt.on, new tired. AUTOMOBILES da. sedan. it rfear., can hardly be termed a -used car." New. Ursa ftnieh an mechan:cal onnelt,on perfect. Our PACKARD original finish.' POND' Coupenew a.rts; spools lanly motor 0 31A ON A STRICTLY-BUSINEBASIS AND BUT WITH CONFI DENCE new 1121 SALT LAKE liertrio &IPS 'Slostomealsil 0. Johnson. Prow M N Work& THIS CONSIDER new plator. etc.. De V, tires 1121 DODGE 4 C',U PC new paint. bearing!, near- tirea. motor ood 441 4 TOUR I ara-- 4-1 Hz,yOrie silo of doub;a bees. Four rooms. Wtrad for mecum Ong Ltd p!psd for gas range. Tub and 'hamar bath. Hot air furnace; Garage. Hie. basement. bee 3 at ail Bryan &voila& Cita Hy i4live. haus. sracc clucaan ram 121i mouth at Ita IherrusaAva. iss- ILS East IStit Eouta. 0111.111 USED PIPE. ISroodod. cot to trtosouromoat. Isttingt. vaivoo. etc. MONSET IRON h METAL CO. Woo. SU& 100 go. Srd West want to rent or buy A Deseret News , BETTER AND MORE 'VALE. ABLE PER DOLLAR THAN ANY NEW CAR. DODGE Peden, eleartrat 1s tomp New tiros; haa hal carfful owner Sti melt 15eot4 KING FLORAL CO.. 216 541 Need F911 NEWLY It you have an Article for sale: Property to refit Is 1124 III; bora4 4 , The Packard Used Car Dept. motor .partact .s US Co ch. a dandy motor pertect 115 Denerp-s- , AND BY ell oer Rebuilt Mtn"( It Over Guaranteed WHIPPET 4 finish like now aomil tires 1121 FLORISTS 911.1,1117; , REAL ESTATE Improved and UnimprotetL REAL ESTATE Farms and Acreage. RENT Rouses Unfurnished FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS A USED CAR beet of ne covers. ISIS .DODGE Coupe. -, F0P,ciA--- tirea . tooks tires. paint. gest DZSESET PIWITUAST. 'or 11011. &veep ad lb. public liketbberti 2463. Sea Insmbera' Wee 24t2 "Service Abere A;1 croosNELL Coln. Ping 12 Tudor FORD 11141 ax1. new itel1 1121 1112. tst.,-.- 0 , -- AUTOMOBILES ?gyro lle,litneOre -- -- , FUNERAL DIRECTORS TATte511 a ?5. IST let a 144- -0 - .. -- eigneei- -' i IL -- . , , OF THANKS. Wit aro spot-M.1-y des.riosa of thteltIn the PunuolY lgr. Key L. Walker. employer of our on end brother. Doug. las Ratan. We doel thet Mr. We leara 'twines seal was the rile' instroment me FORD TRADE-IN- S In the recoesry ef Our bor hody. AT COST aft no stone unturned inMe the accomsaes to Ine plishment of the resete. utmost of his otrettath and Ics moan& 1121 1545DGE CoupeAttettion. HeeIsd Istunbly arisnewadst to him and nan-co! Looks fine, sires good, ha entire staff Oil, hearts deep gra:Imotor ter 1111 MO. We wish also ito extend set' thenks BtICK Stand, dedanEitne;ent end epprecteuen to Coroner tiTilrstuey. 1121 rooter. Teo ts an exception 411 th Ads. county sheriff and ha to."rit. ssrsto the emomytio of the recants-W1121 ITAR Tour IngFine motor, ,ro; the Idaho Mato road corr.:him:on; 121 go d tiroslooks vory good . .the,Itisho Power company; the Mr. 'teal Wares 'telephone company. to Idr. 1121 OLDS Coupe. err good condilisowil Own:4 and his associates et the tion. with eacolient,tirts Ull Boas airport; and to ail others who as, tre'ed in say way for the vant sere. Mil OAKLAND Touring, oncloted, ice they performed. pent nnd tires good. no tine In toe restoration of the heir of 115 Hurry Do.11:es Ensise. ent in the tearatios Lae thet o otTO 1521 CHEV. r tires. 11.da-in good to rest hi laying Vasmanderis locks and Coupogood 15 rune Loa vest consolattOt for he rrth. we From the., deptha of to..1: hearts. 1121 CHEN' tiros: reCoopeNew thane Yoe ed. - built, hunday on.1 , 115 ryarely. Mr. And Mrs. S. l.. Ens on and 71141117 1221 111:P. Tour.. Ca:if 611 Lath avenue. top, motor slroent, tact tires. looks good 125 ba.t LAlli City. Cr talt Our V . Good Reading for Good Traders ----,Consult the Ads on This Page: CARD -- i - l 19'29 , CARD OF THANKS - - 30 , A.m.'. , 17' a , I . , .. . .., , . . ,, - , , . 446b4 ,., '' . . ' . . , ' |