Show NEW RICH COUNTY COUR courthouse TROUSE NOW UNDER construction excavation for the new well luch county comity e aulthouse cow aur la Is now under way by wa A workers vork eTs vw avilio have razed the he old courthouse a landi landmark nark for ninny years the new will house county ind aid federal officers board officers and a court and council room A second story over the rear lorgion tion will house a small fireproof jail the courthouse will be of reinforced one rete wall with wood floors and folo roof the old jail on oil the courthouse property suppo w bisto co haw have beau a light li frame building with rustle exterior haq i found to he be constructed of 30 10 inch p cai top of each other and spik ml ed together forming a I 1 10 inch wall tile noor floor and coiling ceiling were of the samp same thic thickness kneS |