Show home beautification awards to be given in of the 1947 lial the L U D K S church is asking all its tw 0 take pirt jut ju t in a 11 hoine program for 1941 1041 ind when certain standards tro fra attained tilled At nu nvard award will bo be given in every stake and ward commit itei kiive av liwai organized ind they arr P to lead out and put this pro p rt giacin 9 ini over many judge jude our mr til living by th appearance of our ind surrounding A 1111 s it soundings roun dings are conducive condu cire to tio more cliber all and lives people living ayi a clean place are more apt to enjoy 1 ches in pis an and ra boiter the program rain is expected e to tart at ice ind and commence commell ce with a clonia A ati emiil in rey liy by the committee commit itce will show the conditions cond lotions of the 0 homes ani all v limit lit t will lie le nece airy ar in order to beautify them in each ward a suba will hr iTi ip pointed to judg e th thie homes according i 99 to tile ho following score oard card for a armagh cloan up lip of homes and 20 phinh will be allowed if bul buildings I 1 ling vre pre put in good repair 20 points wilt will I 1 he tie given th tiia land and caping ind and general op ar pen ne ronce arance cf the place and at of the rl itin of f the fint yard or public area the hie back yard or ir ervite pr vite arpa a rea are to be 10 gh kien en 3 30 20 points ten tell points nill n ill be given for the hie carp care of bi buildings filding ibid ili durina the season sn ason for well ivell copt k apt lawna wi front and hack baek yard 10 will rin I 1 lo 10 mid and for trees another 10 will hp be allowed when bell the file fool feol that a leopie imi fill ita iq ii worthy of 70 1 cinfo of ill li all hir r will va 4 ro re port rI NImi in a award wil will I 1 ha lie sent to the fawn the wore score card ani d for the fiorit year yea rilin lw 1 ipen con so PO arranged flindt the oh 1 ae fives tiep mn erin h birz lv J labor rind the pend inz of very inerney pride s and 1 a I deir I 1 to keen fihe fhe lidnie well pared il r will lr be in it the borin ewers inetha ineT hr of alie figi milr allion ld aike rn in h aping to make the home honic n nore more ore bellit he ifill tako take pc showing the pr of the before it is started ind and ahen complot ird it will cit verv verr liftee to home leti make our city noted fr fir its well ki fript pt ames homes |