Show ASK M ME E A quiz with answers offering information ANOTHER NOTHER Aj I 1 on various subjects the questions 1 was capt miles standish one of the pilgrim fathers 2 who was killed by aaron burr in the famous duel 3 what is the exact length of time taken by the earth in making its revolution around the sun 4 next to oxygen what is the chief elementary constituent of the earths crust 5 the word guerrilla is derived from a spanish word meaning what 6 what president of the united states was born on july fourth 7 what place is known as the gibraltar of the east the answers 1 capt miles standish was not a pilgrim he was brought along for protection 2 alexander hamilton 3 the trip takes days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds 4 silicon 5 war guerra 6 calvin coolidge 7 singapore |