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Show et seeeees _ JULY pescceys» 19, 1879 ized, is going to deliver a, series of — may the Lord have mercy on the cases 5 Says the Reno = Gazette: No vation. Indians that are “within .100-miles of Rhinehart trying to hire Rummy still Pintes No. Indian conrty Humboldt go on ‘Drowsy hundred “ gaining ground in the the way, however, we B&ta’es."" that SR terday voted mittee to to instruct the prepare articles Comptroller based on the Generai report of Assembly By the north. it also alleged that has Hunter discover fuel. and his some means of will to money- will have shutting off Some other, railroad duced to build king competing ¢an lines‘of to their be assessments. in- steamers, or local legislatures wiil discover their right investigat- P. Wright, Jay Gould much oats, the suffering people Goldsmith, been such’ monopoly ion and Exchequer Mining Companies in - the interest of the stockholdegs, Most of the leading mining companies of the Comstock lode have filed articles of incorporation in’Virginia City. Thisis unders:ood to be preparatory to removal there in the ¢vent of the carrying into effect of some of the provisions of the new Constitution, San Francisco, July 17. |’' The Pacific Stock Exchange this afternoon tock the same action in the Bullion-Exchequer matter,as the San Francisco Board, and appointed a committee to procure better management of the mines. An injanction will’ soon. be asked for to prevent the collection of to control freight It is EH? rates. We Gould will go ahead, and / Ave'll a friend of hope take Mr chances on getting a half dozen’ to his six in the game. the Comptroller, offered ta bribe two members of the Legislature. MORE YELLOW ‘FEVER. — THE Boston Economist states that the duction of gold and in the opinion of exceed silver this ported to thé Memphis Board of Health, mak- The divided between the two metals; crease in 'silver is met from Russia jary coinage of the Mint, against $95,000,000 during loss is about by and an stant. but the deThe is to ing a’ total of equally increased Spain. Germany state that sev eral new cases ‘of yellow fever of the last year. mand Our dispate hes this morning year will not, the Director $65,000,000, pro- be Large among wholesale departs from merchants. hattan and Emmett the city. yesterday, posits to the care of other banks. leaving their At Galveston, Texas, / vs The banks closed The result fs the price of silver Is rapidly ad/ and bullion dealers are unwillingto the oth in- is almost entirely suspended, vancing; Rell at present quotations. been re- crowds of citizens are leaving on every tyain that increased = sixteen cases since Business especially de- subsid- have Man- their doors collections the Board and of de- Health yesterday adopted a resolution that no freight, THE Nevada City ‘the following crea with sensible suggestions: Herald is While the miners are banding together in mail or passengers 8 a. unions to come via Travellers will be to disgover and the develop St. Louis same’ be or be allowed New ‘fumigated York, in allowed after the expiration of twenty-five of labor for this pur- the leaving of and based his portion More buisingss more places for combination the New oor of a weeks ago or otherwise, at a the wife Memphis, and at any as in the case of Memphis. THE mineis receutly bir.ed in the C. Hiery at. apartinent open in let their the the Inter- Washington sued. The husband in widow. Of course, widow got with a champagne wicked man belted treated rendered spread over much excitement Mrs. the Much Sutro, the head Adolph—the to a course The,scandal city, and among was soon the cause of the yirtuous but the name Suddenly, of the the Vir- perfidions nostrils of the however, the dark clouds lifted, and the miserable sinner learned that he was not abandoned and eminent one who divine knows despised ‘of all men. residing at how, it is Brooklyn— himself, so to speak—heard of the scandal, and straightway sent his condolences to the amorous Adolph. Further Here comment is unnecessary. is the dispatch of the rev. gent to the greatest borer on earth (as Barnum would say). The Virginia Chronicle is responsible for its pub-' lication: To A. Do Care at... Broox.iyn, N. Y., July 14. S., Virginia City, Nevada : not bend beneath the load of affliction. not for the tungue of slander. Cheek it Yours, fraternally, pbk Ws If Mr. Sutro doesn’t take the advice of a whose experience s} well fits him to | gpeak, then he is a fool indeed, and deserves to be-corked up in his own tunnel until every particle of passion for miscellaneous widows penta: out of his lecherous old carcass, The they were question raised whether the Jong and distres-ing is uncer- lieved had a microphone been employ-d. Also whether it would net be possible to devise and make workers known to ail underground a simple code of microphonic signals, to be com- | of sympathy was manifested for Adolph was as a stink in people. a row—en- over alive, but did nct succeed. that tainty as to their fate might not have been re- a pretty necessary the imme- diate purchase of a wig. ginians. with bottle, while — was sprouts which bed friends outside know municated the by rapping microphone, and heard by means whereby some of sort of inter- course ‘might be kept up between those withou: and those stances. within Perhaps a mine undcr Mr. Edison such circum- can throw some little light upon the subject. SHORT TELEGRAMS. Postmaster-General Key called on Governor Talbotiat Boston yesterday and held an informal reception at the post-office. General William F. Barry, Colonel of ihe Second Artillery and in command at Fort McHenry, died at Bosion yesterday. > ~-> Cood News <= <-> for the Ladies- der; until August all for those a first-class article of goods at bottom figures can supply all their wants at prices that will axtdnish the meerere “Batives. Suc / ual cases. —PREaCTICAL= BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, _. MAIN: STREET ~~ SILVER REEF WEAKES TO ORDER ALL KINDS 1 of -Boots and Shoes from the best French Material. . being practical in the busiess, | can make whatever style of boot or shue is desired. Give me a call. Good Fit he envees Dress Buots and Shoes a Speclalty. _ REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. All assistance will be grocery or- J. Lower Main Street, Silver Reef, GENERAL LUMBER York, July 18. and escaped in the darkness. 4@ Shop, -orner of Centre aud Firat Waat 4. WINQUIST,. Tailor. om” THE Co-Day. 7 j ah NENA tiny f adil ere LEAR TOANK THE ron, FOR PAST FAVORS and solicit a cuntinuance of the same, as I now prepared to geil) 1 the cheapest and the quality of bread in the Reef. Remember bread is not adulterated and we ure selling Ibs for oné dollar.) Be sure when you buy a loaf that it welghs a pound and a half, Pies and Cakes, the Best in the Reef. pe ANN, All are invited to fall at the Bilver Reef Bakand elas. sharge to every pest Streets J. RIBBERD, Prop'r. ery to try our b nover buy anywhere GRAI. free of IN ALLITS BRANCHES. Fine suite made to order. Anassortment of Fine, Imperted ENGLISH CLOFIS, alwaysor hand. blver Rast Bakery This is his sec- ond offense of a similar character, having killed a man-on the Red Cloud road some | IB TAILORING. grounds set forth in the complaint on file in am b-at our 1634 and Goods delivered thie district. we re sure you will LEEDS Banking Semceny, Silver Reef, . Transacts BANKING eirdases cisco, and : Utah. a Ceneral et eAR Paes Exchenge on falt Lake, a Praaparte of the Aasterm States and JOHN H RICE. Oash ier. sekathorn & Miler, At Their Old Stand. DEALERS IN Lumber AyD SHINGLES, Doors, Sash, and Moiding, —ALL EINDS Carpenter DONE ANDO OF— Work SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. as all Must be Sold by August Ist. NEw DEALER Groceries. Provisions, out Sale of Dry Goods at Woolf Jordan's if you want to save 50 John Hope, convicted of the robbery of the B. STEPHENS. J. A. TURRILL, my office. And if ore fail to appear and answer the caid complaint as require1, plaintiff Burrato, N. Y., July 17. wil] take ¢e‘ault against you and apply to the It will be remembered that a party of six Court for the iclief prayed for. men started from Port Colbourne on July ad, 4 in Soetnny whereof I have bereunto set in a sail-boat, bound for this, city to spend my kin d affixe: OS oe of said Court this ‘ath a it July.A the Fourth, and were drowned. The bodies [seaL.] ray WilL TEA EAD, of five of the unfortunates were recovered toA lerk of ProbateC curt. day. A party of gentlemen from Buffalo Setu a Pym: Deputy. dylt 9-4t-law were fishing in the river near Beaver Island, and found a floating bottle with a paper in it, Don't Forget the Great Clearing on which was written the following: ‘July 3—1 p. m.—We cannot weather it any longer; blowinga gale; give up all hope. Good-by. Six men from Port Colbourne.”’ cents cn the Dollar. Call at once } Twenty Years for the Burglar Hope. ie J. B. STEPHENS, 13th. . The Zalu War Endod +-- Garibaldi Net Yet Unwafed---Wimbleden Shooting--Regatta at Toronto. Drowned in Lake Erie. OF Tin, Steel, Iron.& Copper Ware: 17. Loxpoy, July 18. In some quarters the war in Zululand is The Female Tramys. declared virtually at an end. San Francisco, July 17. | General Garibaldi’s application for the anAt1 o’clock this morning the ladies six- | nulment of his marriage with Signora. Raiday-go-as-you-please walking match com- | mandi has been rejecied. menced at the Pavillion in the presence of | In the prize shooting at Wimbledon yester1O-spectators: The-fothowhry tamed woday Frank Hyde (American) was ahead at men entered for the contest: Exilda La Chap1,000-yards range. Morse (American), Adams pelle of Chicago, Fanny Edwards“of New | York, Belle Walton, Mrs. Harry Maynard and | (Canadian) and fourteen others made the highest possible score at 800-yards range, and Sadie Donley. They started ata brisk gait, Hyde and six others made the highest possiEdwards leading, but Chappelle soon came | ble score at 900 yards. to the front, while Mrs. Maynard dropped beThe Hanlon Club will hold a regatta at hind. going leisure!». Toronto, Canada, from August 15th to the * At10a,m. Lac happele had made 34 miles 2th. Eight thousind dollars will be given in and Edwards 32. prizes. Elliott and Boyd will be invited. At7 this evening the score stood: La Chanpelle, 58; Donley, 48; Edwards, 44; Maynard. The Chicago Trotting Mecting. 41; Walton, 34. Edwards rested several Cuicaa@o, July 18. hours this afternoon. Donley keeps to the. The first summer trotting meeting, which track, and is slightly lame. Maynard is tak‘begins next Tuesday at the Jockey Club ing things easy. Walton is hardly considered Park, promises to be a great event in sporting in the contest. La Chappelle is fresh and circles. All the stables are now here and in walking well without hurrying. good condition. Ths trot on Thursday between Rarus and Hopeful excites great interFive New Cases cf Fever at Memphis, | est, as the track is fast andin fine condition, a gr SS MeEmpuHis, July 17. Five new cases of fever were reported to aa The largest assortment of Family and the Board of Health this morning. The cases Fancy Groceries at lower frices than, anyconsist of the members of two families where else at Woolf & Jordan's. named Hester, residing under one roof. The j —_—es yellow fever symptoms were not fully develA CoMPLETE line of groceries and miners’ oped until this morning, when Mrs. Hester supplies of the best quality will be closed out at once. Call early and secure bargains. had black vomit and at noon was dying. McManus & Reap. There will be another exodus of citizens tonight. Judge Ray‘s son still continues to improve. Mrs. James. Hester died just after 12 0’clock and wag buried at3 p.m. No new cases are reported since this morning, although there GOMNONA TIN THE PROBATE COURT. are one or two people sick in the city whose nand for Washington County, Territory cases are considered suspicious. NE BULTERWORTH, plaintiff, vs. ELLIOT BUITERWORTH, defendant. The announcement of five new cases this The people of the ‘Territory of Utah to Bliiot morning did not create a panic. Many MemButterworth, greetir.g: phians will leave the city to-night and to03 are hereby summoned to apnear up an action brought against you by the abovemorrow night. named Jane Butterw rth, plaintiff, in the t’roBusiness is severely injured by the develbate Court in and for the county of Washington opment of new cases, and several \firms will and Territory of Utah, and answer the cumplaint file: therein within ten days (exclusive immediately remove their stocks and go to of the day of service) a ter the tervice on you St. Louis, Louisville and Cincinnati. ot this summons if served within thi county, Gaston’s Hotel closes to-night. The Peaor, if served out of this+ounty but within the istrict, within twenty days, otherwise within body Hotel will remain open. forty days, or judgment bi detault will be The Howard Assc: iation is ready for active taken against you, according to the prayer of work, but does not consider the situation raid oie and upon the proofs to be adduced there sufficiently alarming to begin, ‘Lhis getiea, "is brought to obtain a decree _ A steady rain began falling at 90 ‘clock. dis-olving the bonds of matrimony existing between aid plaintiff ard defendant, on the Pag READ. ma time ago. OMIA te it sea ACCC MANUFACTURER ders. where he has been employed, secured a horse Cash. desiring Cooking and Heating Stoves. Fart River, Mass., July 17. To-day begins the fourth week of the strike, and needy spinners can now obtain.aid. The officers of the Spinners’ Union were busy all day filling orders for assistance. They state that no segular sum is to be given, but ‘orders will be issued to meet the wants of individ- Lumber! Cheap into Court The Striking Spinners. Woolf & Jordan in order to make room for Manhattan Savings Bank of $3,000,000 in sean-immense stock of Clothing, Hats, FurnishT CUFIEES And CARN, Nas HEC SenleNnCed TO he ing Goods, Groceries, Liquors, Tobaccéos, etc., State Prison for twenty years. jiave resolved to close out their whole Dry Goods department and offer the same at cost Murdered in Cald Blood. price for the next thirty days. For further Srpney, Neb., July 18. particulars read their! circulars, we ge eee ee About 12 o'clock last night John Hodgson, alias English Jack, a hard character, shot and McManus & Read are once wore selling a first- killed John Brown, an. employe of Charles Coffee, whose cattle-outfit: is in camp near. class quality of Lumber of various dimensions town. Whilst the officers were in search of for $45 per M. 7eor the murderer, he,went to the livery stable Hereafter, 5:15~p. m. they TRENTON, N.J., July New the prob- liable to develope Suger Notch Pa., tri.d verv hard, by pounding of Adolph fame, burst sleeping her lord and man and of laborers could national Hotel, Virginia City, Nev.,and caught An against Orleans on the walls and doors of their rocky prison, to two veutea: of See an : raised moment, by’ a quarantine if : having or two laboring men are unable to work them. /Anovt if Orleans days from This action is ability of the germ of the disease being in very small expense to the association. : New Orleans. New cities. the city laborers is all that is needed to keep up the wages. Many /apparently good locations remain undev¢loped for the reason that one s00n be’ proved to be good / on provided those to enter to furnish to will be allowed to som: new mines, each man pledging himself which | 2ist should Mails prospecting union leaving New Orleans after ‘on July protect each other from reduced wages, etc., why would it not be a good/plan to forma pose. oe m: enter that port. at At 6:25 the jury came » hte e- Governor McClellan has reprieved Cove Bennett and Mrs. Smith; convicted of mur- to oust the present management of the Bnil- of prevent- IRON & STEEL. ~ Reprinved. San Francisco, July 16. The Executive Committee of the big Board have decided to take charge of the movement hoarding confreres begin to show signs of Loo impeachment titles to wild land. way Fiaraware. |}: with a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree, and the Judge sentenced Cox to be hanged on the 29th of August-next, ‘i ~ Changes in Comstock Mining Affairs. The first thing is to get the trans- When tariff. retired. facilities is of the designs of cap- effect ing charged the jury, and has been the same to-day, the thermometer scoring yesterday 9% and about 90 eae: - Silver Reef. : es torney in behalf of the people, Judge Cow- The heat was very oppressive yesterday and portation, after that will come the war on the the committee of the that ing the transfer of isa part the prosperity of Utah and the Territoriés Judiciary Comof Utah street. ~ [wroaTxn amp DEALER Df _ New York, July 17. Howe, in his address to the jury, expressed the opinion that Cox was not in his right mind. After an address by the District At- one of the lungs. He was brought tothe city and is now in the hospital, in a very precarious condition. The other party will be arrested. | and cheap transportation is the sine guanon in ATO Gen éral of the As Main Cox Convicted. side of the back, one of the wounds reaching nearly to the heart, the other approaching have besides, it must cheapen transportation, Tue Georgia House of Representatives yes- against moth corporation. ital," Whatever shows there are some fools in Germany yet. BAERS ARSE: TATE R PEE OEE UE mam- ing the cons-mmation the Gospel is German the county by the organization of this Any way. itis but ‘a graceful acceptance of ‘This shows,” will remark Jay Gould, it is asserted, the situation, as ‘there is no start from the Faiatinate, Lavaria, in a few days the Provo Enquirer, “that having some misundetstanding with a comtade, drew a knife and stabbed him in the after it is applied to the necks of the people. are expected to for Utah, tojoin the Mormons.” San the country; that it will welcome Gould with his chain and take chances on breaking it reservation. Department. persons rivers Colum- from ‘greatly in need of transportation of the 12th instant from Paris. ‘‘ [wo time is ‘anticipated. . © | general that it was better to close business About: half the " Night before last a number of Rinne from | than give up to the strikers. the Carbonate mine, Cottonwood, were in a | latter have returned to work on the old conditions. saloon at Sandy carousing, when one of them, stage lines, of the Fed. HALPIN | striking for the eight-hour system, and it was determined that ten hours should constitutea the base ball en husiasts, and an interesting | day’s labor as heretofore. The. opinion was at the mercy of a soulless corporation, but so Indians in Ball Club is to be here on the 24th, 3th and “‘M6th is creating a whirl of excitement among country to te thus owned and controlled, we very naturally take some interest in the scheme. We don't relish the idea of being oa reservation... to Rhinehart. A pisparom says of con- has finally developed his plans for controlling “Interior Depart- there. a special monopoly Francisco to Sitka. ment has ordered supplies to Malheur Reser- says, purpose bia), and officer all the steam-ships brought before the Federal Courts. It is only in criminal causes that they are temporarily out of their fees. Agent the @ig all the canals. navigate all the (holding Unrrep States MARSHALS are not in such They will terrible financial fix, after-all. " still get their fees in the civil | claimed, for roads in the country, run all: the Canucks. ye . > -__w is trolling the transportation business of the It will own all the railwhole Northwest: lectures on Mormonism to the Canadians next month. —Salt Lake Tribune. Then it ‘ ee Stabbed at fandy—Teo Much Caloric. ete @nxw Exiza Piscetlaucous. The Strikein ‘Cuicaao, July 17. i In a large meeting, at which forty-eight principal furniture establishments of the city Sarr Lake, July 18. | were represented, it was resolved ‘not to acThe announcement that the Omaha Base- ; cede to the demands of the cabinet-makers The Northwestera Railway and Transportation Company is a corporation with six millions of capital and a head of Gould, organ- ee ' z SILVER REEF F MINER, 1" SATURDAY. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS.| TRANSPORTATION’ MONOPOLY. WeE HAVE PURCHASED MR. JESsup’s interest in the Peter’s Leap sawinill and are prepared to offer better inducements. to part:es wanting lumber thar any other firm in the Keef, and can deliver “Epecial ers much’ sooner than any other mill company. R. A. SPENCER, - CONTRACTOR - ANDS BUILDER. Corner of Main and Boyd SILVER REEF, ures, Streets, |