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Show — Qpotheravies. - Merchants, fj. WAGNERY Drugsist APOTHECARY, Main and Centre KEEPS constantly on hand a_ well-assorted : _ stock of ~ DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC., Grocers & Dry Goods Mercha SELLING FOR extraordinary nis FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, They are retiring permanently from business an. are disposing of 8 New and Well Selected Stock of at all hours of the Constantly ROUEN J, BIRCH& CO, Leeds ~- - Utah. on EE—— SOLE AND GIANT —AGENTS FOR— the natives.| ee AGENTS FOR IN SOUTHERN or | Of | We AND ,. ——— CLEAREST COST, The public will plese recollect that our Stock is not composed of oid, unsalable aud worthless articles, but of entirely new goods, clean, well selected and of the best purchaseable quality. sarry ithe Best In all which WHITE and Heaviest hues & FANCY Seuth of Salt Lahe city and at all prices. LINEN & WOOLEN OVERSHIRTS. We recommend our large assortment of SPECIALTIES: Mission UNDEROLOTHING, TOBACCOS & and Flannel Undershirts — Eorwariling Merchants. ~ THE Flour Which willbe Silver and HECHT to any BROS. & CO’S BOOTS Also a fine assortment and of Chikiren’s MERCHANTS. OF .ee. entire interest of each and all of you wiil --Utah Terminus Utah Southern Railroad Aliso a good ARE DOING THE PRINCIPAL Forwarding from that point, and are the only Company that can furnish teamsters back loading, which secures to us the best outfits on the road, and enables us to guarantee the delivery of all classes of importations on the shortest possible time. , a Bit a Drink. Supply Out of the ward goods at one-half our former rates. of stock And below fron his) and cos Seltin lion aa Remember this place any other house. First sella cheaper than n27 Wash-House, Bonanza, (LOWER MAIN 8TREET.) ; or all SADDLES Kinds. -_ Ores and Bul- of the law. H. 8. LUBBOCK. 8, 1879. JOHN STEWART AND LUIS MOZER— You are hereby notified that there is due me from-each oi you for work—done upon the Hardscrabbie Mine and Mining Vompany, situated on Harrisburg Mining District, Washington County, Territory of Utah, the fc llowibg sums for assesemwent work for the year 1877: From , you, John Stewart, the sum of $16.66, from you,, Luis Mozer, the aum of $1666; and for assemsment work for the year 147s: from you, John Stewart, the sum of $16.66; and from you, Luis Mozer§ the sum of 16 66. Now, the:efore unless you ehall pay to me or cause to be pai to me the various sums above set forth within ninety days from the date hereof the entire interest of each and both of you will become mine by virtue of the law. A. HARTMAN. Silver Reef, July 7th, 1879. NOTICE. V E HAVE THIS DAY SOLD TO JULIUS SULTAN our general merchandise business in Silver Reef. He assumes all I) Work done promptly.and in best of style. points promptly... Miners’ ; i RS te YoRK/ venn, ; 7 Pg Having this day purchased the general merchandise business of Jacobs & Sultan; in Silver Reef, I request a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon them. ULIUS SULTAN. Sitver Reer, July 9, 1879. Tools, Etc. NOTICE PR : IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership , heyetofore existing be- tween under W. O. Kogers‘and 'J. R.- Rickards, the firm name of Rogers & Rickards, doing business. at_Silyer Keef, Washington county, Utah, is this day dissolved by mut! consent. J. iekards business at the saine place. will continue the All debts due said rm will be collected by J. R. Rickards and all ligbilities will be paid by him. a; Silver Reef, June J. a 0. Roarrs, Roy RickaRDs. 15th, 1879. eB — And everything. appertaining to the same, Ete., R, WARNOCK & GO, Oils, &c. Parlor and Cooking Stoves, freight on in liquidation for all accounts due the late firm of Jacobs & Sultan. :; H. JACOBS, re LOUIS SULTAN. SmvER REEF, July 9, 1879. Fuse, | “= a Specialty. all and Lard, Coal and Lubricating Address: - b WASHING, IRONING AND FLUTMNG:| Steel, Shipping ne wagon and Railroad all goods consigned to our care. Will give rates of freight from East and West. All communications answered WING and Powder Sampling, - FRESH BUTTER & EGGS AT ALL, DIMES. - Saddlery AND HARDWARE, od SAM HARNESS ‘Tobaccos, Cigars and Pipes, oe Handling, Clothing Baaziness and is selling { by virtue Reef, March liabilities and.is alone authorized to ‘receipt E “FAMILY GROCERIES. Going CALIFORNIA CIGARS THE,..... Our increase of business enables-us to for- is GENUINE oe Work BEST LIQUORS © He mine Silver Principal place of business, ~<a at WASLEY NOTICE, Borders. fo be had in Town ' T° Wall Paper ,-AND the teet distant. From post No. 4 of said minin claima large granite boulder bears south 6 deg east 74 teet distant. The nearest known Iceations are the Buckeye Lead, Mystic, CValifornia, and McNally mining claims. ‘the location of this mine is recorded inthe recorder’s office of iiarrisburg Mioing District, in \ ashington county, Utah ‘Yerritory, at Silver Koet, in said county and Territory, on page 172 in bovok b of said records. s f : .1 direct this notice to be published in the Silver Keef Miner, a newspaper published at Silver keet, Washington county, Utah ferritory, that being the nowspaper published nearest the said) Savage mining claim. for a full period of sixty days and any and all persons claiming adversely the mining ground, claim, lode, vein or premises or any portion thereof as aioresaid described, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed. #saecording to law within sixty days trom-the date of the first publication hereof, they will be barred b virtue of the provisions of the statute. JNw. K. NEL, Kegister. all descriptions. Commission ‘—BY— _ HAVANA and in Containing an area of 2U 3U-1l0 acres. become Of part: of GREENBAUM LOT 12 and paid to me the various sums above set torth within ninety days trom the date hereof, the Shoes, Forwarding JUST RECEIVED! FINE in the north-east follows, to-wit: , Beginning at the north-ea-t corner of eaid Savage mining claim ata pine . st 4 inches square and 4}4'teet long, marked NO , U.S. of,” which is post No. 1 of swid mining claim, thence running south 31 deg 30 min west 1,474 feet to & pine-post 4 inches square and 434 feet-long, marked ‘‘No. 2, U. S. 59,” which is. post No. 2 of said mining elaim, thence north 57 deg west 600 feét tow pine post 4 inches square and 4% feet long, marked ‘No. 3, U: 8. 59,” which is post No. 3 of said mining claim, thence north 31 deg 30 min east 1,474 feet to a pine post 4 inches square and 4% feet long, marked “No. 4, U. S. 59,” which is post No, 4 of said mining claim, thence south 57 deg east G00 feet to post o. Lot said mining claim, the place of beginning. Magnetic variation 16 deg 30 min Reef. Leods or the camp. eee aud | fore, unless yon shall pay to me or cause to Le BIRCH & CO. z meridian, NOTICE. For Mining, and Fancy Wear a spocialty. Ladies’ Grain, delivered ‘BH. M’CORKINDALE R. WARNOCK & CO. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Distrie ‘lerritory, an and A. Lemmon—You are hereby notified that there is due me from each of you for work done upon the :reat Western Lode-s Company Mining Claim, situated in Harrisburg Mining District, Washington county, Utah Territory, the following sums for assessment work for the year 1877: rom. you, F. Kessell, the sum of $20; from you, thomas Wasley, the sumjot $1904; from you, A. Lemmon, the sum of $0.67; and for assesement work for the year 1578, from you, F. Kessell, the sum of $20; trom you. Thomas Wasley, the sum of $1904, and from you,. A. Lemmon, the sum of $6.67. Now, there- iW B.« WARNOCE. Mining Utah 0 F. KESSELL, THOMAS Liquors! YOU WANT SOMETHING REALLY Good and unadulterated, pay us a visit. We sell cheap to Families and Dealers. We keep constantly on hand a supply of Harrisburg Washington, IN ALL COLORS AND QUALITIES. BOTTLED WHISKIES. Remember—Moyey Taxxs. : First-Class in in width, stone boulder bears north 65 deg west 43 56-1 stock. | GROCERIES, and the Savage feet distant 1,29'. feet. rom post No.2 of said mining claim a large granite boulder bears south 6 deg west 31-08-100- feet distant. brom post No. 3 of said mining claim a.large sand- , IN UTAH. We are prepared to fill any bill of any size on short notice and as cheap as any common lumber from other yards. of hundred and meridian bears south 78 os 46 min west TRUMBULL OUR F®s' County six Krom post No. 1 of said mining claim U. 8. mineral monument No. 1° bears south 81 deg east 1,275 teet distant, and the quarter section corner on the south line of section 1, township. 41, south of range 14 west of Salt Lake base | LUMBER! authoriz whose post- bearing silver ore together with ground east. UTAH. GENTS’ CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, At 50 per cent. reduction in Staple Merchandise, MOUNT duly fact, (1,474) linear feet of surface and Handa. cs al POWDER propoge to get rid of our OF his in on file in this office as iot No. 59 in township No- 41 south of range 14 west ofSalt Lake base DU PONT’S BLASTING POWDER Expenses being small we are in a position to REGARDLESS Gibfried attorney south-east quarter of section 1 of said township. The said lot No. 59 being described as BUSINESS. defy competition aud goods in thirty days Conrad north-west quarters of section At . Prices that will astonish -A single visit will satisfy all MEAN by agent and ottice address is Silver Keef, Washington county, Territory ot Utah, have made applica-. designated by the tield notes and official plat 022 WE whose postotfice address is Sil Washington county, Utah Territory, and Solomon Hreisacher, whose postotlice address is Pioche, Lincoln county, State of Nevada sitvated Prescriptions compounded » Unirep Srates Larp OFFicr, Salt Lake City, Utah Ter,, June 3d, 1879, OTIGE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Mathias Magney and Conrad Gibfried, mine or vein r Carefully PATENT. No. 498. tion for a patent for fourteen hundred GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS. : day or night. FOR Norice seventy -iour Tobacoos, Liquors & Cigars Physicians’ APPLICATICN OAsH. Clothing, ETC. ———— Regal Ratives. N RE CLOSING OUT AND BEG TO DIRECT SL ———— Read general attention to the prices for which they are now Sts .~ SILVER REEF, UTAH, & = LIDDLE BROS, & €0., Look Here! MeceMenus = AND— Corner . CARPEN Of iy Ete. as Cooking A. LEMMON, Carpenter, Builder and Utensits, ie R-TO OLS CABINET MAKER, | all Descriptiona, | One door South of the Lafayette house, aoe Silver Reef, 4 |