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Show Segpeemnnente eetbeintarempean a" ee| = tito a BPG oj tte } i} | Devoted to the Mining Interests of Southem Uth NO. 76. SILVER and A Terrible Tornado in Massachusetts. Saturday. One of the severest tempests ever _experi-} PIKE & DUNHAM, enced here swept over the city this afternoon. The duration of the storm's greatest violence was about twenty-five minutes, and in that “PROPRIETORS. RATES OF SURSCRIPTION; period great damage was done to life and , OMS JOBE, 0 oes cn cissedciscnccccsesscnsdicter Sh OO Bix See nT crerometa iy trncetsitns 4 50 Three Months,.,. SASS een secqceSecssncens 2 Oe Moiuthily.. suveeeine = £56 Delivered m silver ts heat,and “immediate vicinity at 25 cts per week. property. ptrent, Boom isco, Migs,Fe Be FR. uskbany; Fritco, Utah. pact yachts and other boats, which were capsized. The most serious disaster yet reported is that : 4 NN. B. Our agente dre authorized to cvllect moneys due this office, take orders for advertising aud attend to all other business devolving upon them as the representatives of the’ publishers. |- 9a. m. tol p. m. and from The Northern meil closes at 6:30 a. m. The Southern mail closes at 2:30 p. m. The Tcquerville mail cioges at 8:30 a, m. Lawyers. HM. SALT LAKE OITY, Orrron: No. 81, Main Cornick's Bank. Notary Public in Office. D, P UTAH, Street, next to Mc- waa capsized off Bird Island, and all. excepting the map, who clung to the topmast, were drowned. In the southwestern part of the town it was particularly severe. Hail fell in large quantities. A large number of win- dows were broken, many trees blown down, c es PirrsFIELp, Mass., duly 16. This afternoon a tornadd“from the west struck the southern suburbs... Two persons were killed and three or four-wounded. PITTsFIELD, July 17. Buildings were unroofed and blown down. Hundreds of trees were--leveled. A black cloud springing ap suddenly in the west, while the the thermometer WHEDON, (Late assistant U. S. Att’y for Utah.) Attorney-at-Law SILVER REEF. UTAH, Will attend to any legal business entrusted tv his. care. ™ “YANKEE FORK, The Bottom Knocked Out of the Big Stories About the New EIdorado. A correspondent, whos: knowledge of mines end mining ia conceded to be good, writes a wery discouraging letter from Yunkee Fork to the Mammoth City (Cal.) Mining Review, and sums-up the result of his observations as tollows. First—There is some rich rock here, but far from being in such quantities as represented. Second— | he veins are from 6 inches to 6 ft. in width, aud, so far as worked, the Norton is the only one that goes down 150 feet, Third—The country rock is porphyry and is filled ‘with iron pyrites and sulphurets, contain- ing no's ‘Iver or g Id, and look to one not familiar with that kind ot ore, to be rich; and, consequen ly, lets of people are fooled on first sight. Fourth— Fogus has nowatunnel 24 feet under where the Custer and Unknown ledges are suppersed to be, ‘and had ore on top, but none at the bottom, Fitth—Rustler had ricb ore on top, rua in 140 feet expended $8,0°0 aud has nothing. Sixth—Estes mountain is eight miles from here, whereon ths Montana is located, and the owners have beeo working it for three years and are now down only 40 feet. Theschooner $3,000. Attorney-ac-Law, At that depth they find 12 inches in width of $100 ore in sight, Seventh—The owners of thé mine will not work their claims on their own account but ask $20,000 for a mine with 20 tons of $100 ore in sight, and no chance for anything bigger being struck, as there are norich deposits opened ia the camp. Eighth—Three arastras are at work heré with the finest.kind of water power, and the ore worked wil not assay $75 a ton, when they cae they have $2,500,000 in the mine, Ninth—The only thing inthe world td save the camp will be the Indians, asthe siow has gone Off and reveals the true inwardness of things. Tenth—Duffy McCaffery and all the boys are disgusted and getting ready to leave. ‘Thing stood at 86 de- grees, was the first warning of the approach of the storm. In fifteen minutes the sky was so black that gas had to be lighted. Rain, a ‘and four weekly. Idaho. The Stock Exchange wants him taken to San Francisco and in the six days’ walking match, givreason its belief that “four ofa kind is hard to dbeat:"* So are, ., it are, ee EXCHANGE SALOON, soit MAIN. STREET. } —Pat Donahue writes —The California and coat mining companies have passed for July. Saloons. “Fonr-of-t-kind” is the name of an Indian to the Reno J ournal : from, Bodie that the place is, overcrowded with their dividends eto miners, cancy. The —There fs an ormpuigailon an foot. to con-, struct a line of railroad from to Canon City. Malpiay: Col., —Two boys killed a sitive lion in Sonoma there being five men for every He-#®ays he never saw such anffering. idle men not only ee beg from every body but go around the dump su MME piles gathering up borne two or more valuable locations, and will commence work on the same immediately. —There is a scarcity of water at Austin, Nev-, but owing to the infrequency of its use by the population no harm is felt. —Reports from every section of Idaho Territory are to the effect that crops never looked better or gave promise of a more abundant yield of-grain. start on-a lecturing tour through the Eastern States about the Ist of August. He ETO., ETO. Open —The camels taken down from Nevada and turned loose near the Gila River, Arizona, are apparently enjoying their liberty and profiting by it. They appear to have ecome acclimated to the region, thriving as thongh they had been in their own native Africa. It is thought that the new generation wilk be used to the alkaline- waters peculiar to the southwestern section, and can be made serviceable in transporting the mineral] products of the country across the deserts to places where they can be profitably worked. —The militia of New Mexico is to be made effective. Tadependent eenenees are to be the sane A good —R. D. has gone Bogart, a well-known. ‘journalist, to Mammoth City, Lake District, move. Cal., where he will assume the editorial tri-. Bogart will give us a readable Day newsy paper. os Wines, Liquors & CIGARS, Obtainable in the Acstaurauts. —The Bodie mine is a puzzler for experts. A specimen taken from the lowest. point in the new workings of the Bodie contained free gold, native silver, horn silver, ruby silver and stephanite. SILVER UNITED STATES, 3.8, CASSIDY. REEF Restaurant, eerie Fe aoheanientant J - : Stormont Boarding House. rer a Ca of ee wood, engineer,;-and three others.will soon return to Bodie. This camp is gone in for one om even if it ever amounts to apy- Another placard threatening the King’s life wae found to-day posted on the walla of a prevent the confession being admitted in evidence, but the Judge overruled the objections. The counsel said a great portion of his defense would be that Mrs. Hull was not dead until after the post mortem examination, and that there was no proof of death at the pris- oner’s hands: Threats to Kill the Xi BrussEts, July 16. church of this city. /SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING oe yr OAN Do you exhe’s got a of Blue Without injury shootin’ iron in his grip ? I didn’t care about his dyin"; but I sure pop didn’t want to die myself. Mebbe he wouldnt a shot me after all, but I hadn't no call to wait and: see. In the present disorganized state of society in Colorado, ‘taint po man’s duty to suppose another man’s intontions are’good.*’ YOUR CEILINGS MADE Pure White, or in Delicate Tints! —Wild Jim, a Colorado desperado. thus argues justification of his latest murder: “He'd a shot me if I hadn’t a shot him. pect a man to take a risk when HAVE T. Little by House, AINTING,, IN. . . Done Prices, with ALL Dispatch ; Firat If& and west at. BRANCHES at ee y es Efaii Cjub Room in the HICKOX rear. & CO. Philadelnnue welocn MAIN STREET, SILVER REEF.’ J . FORTMAN, —The WINES, Prop. Cholcest Brands of— LIQUORS AND CIGARS Obtainable in the Market always on Hand. — mm GIVE ME A ELK-HORN Main CALL. -@& SALOON. Street. Next door to the Drug Store, patern Gigar always, the best Wines, tsaeied and 2 GEORGE MILLER. Kremlin Saloon, Lok QUILLAN & MAHONY. A SALE! Valuable le Property. Sixty acres of ised with water— brenty acres under fence, fourteen acres in lucerne and the balance suitable for gardening. Also one stone building at Leeds, suitable fora HUTCHISON, Pink ee Always on hand, Fine or Pink Paver, ee the finest Billiard Tables im the Territory, FOR to the Wall consulting yee . a ee First Class Liquors and Cigars LAFAYETTE RESTAUR'NT der of the: desert, where the trains meet and are supplied with water for their desert trip. The value of the discovery cannot be overestimated. = sore One Invited to Call. station, at a depth of forty-eight feet. This inexhaustible supply of water is on the bor- as ge All My Old Friends: from Bingham N. JOHNSON, Prop’r. ceaniouniion PIONEER 8. C. PERRIN, New York, July 16. In the Cox murder trial to-day the connse) for-the—-prisoner_made_strennons efforts. to. Night. CAPITOL. and Restaurant The Murderer (Cox on Trial. and 1 FORDONSKI. The pos- pod. oped Private Club Rooms, sibility that one of ourpriecipal mines may temporarily stop work, excites no little apprehension just now. Eureka. Sentinel; & by the aid of maps, diagrams, mineral specimens, etc., the characteristics of the West, | both in relation to climate, soil produetions, elc., and ethnology, geology and mineralogy. two cases of leprosy. the Eto. First Class- Lun Lunch, Stand. BILLIARD TABLES. — intends to embrace in his lectures the experience of thirty years residence on the Coast,.and to represent as well as can be done —The San Francisco policemen searched Chinatown the other day for a case of smallpox. They did not find it, but they did find —Says Claret Punch, An Kinds ofFancy Drinks. —-Prof. W. Frank Stewart of Virginia City, will ¢ DRI NES Egg Lemonade, company formed in Norfolk, Virginia, have commenced work in the old Hentytunneland have “purchased from-—Mri— Flowers —-the |‘Truckee mine for $7,500, and from Mr; Os- —Martha Bare, agda ™M, took poison successfully and purposely.at. Surprise Valley, last week. Cause, love. R MILK PUNCH SHERRY COBBLER the crumbs of bread thrown | ont of the miners’ buckets. }* —The people of White Pine are in good spirits over the mining outlook.. The new It measured ten feet _~——The best of — wees, Liquors and Cigars. va- mingled with hail, a rushing wind, and almost incessant thunder and lightning, made —Speaking of Peavine, the Reno Journal the storm memorable. In the village little MAIN STREET, says: This once famous camp is well nigh or no damage was done, the tornado taking deserted. There are but half a dozen families Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co's Express-Offive. Its course abouta half mile from the ‘busistill residing there, and those nae little to ness portion. The track of the tornado was HE Silver Reof is most conveniently Jo. keep-them there. not over sixty rods wide. cated for the laborer, business man and traveling public, and is conducted onor eeelatay Worcester, July 17. —A soap factory is to be started at Winnefirst-cluse principles. At its weli-eupplied tables A heavy storm of wind, rain, hail, thunder mucca, Nev., and an Elko belle, who is makcan alwys be found . the best that the market and lightning visited this country yesterday. ing arrangements to wash her pedal extrem- | at¥ords, prepared by the beat cf cooks. M, DONOVAN, Trees were‘torn up by the roots and crops ities, has engaged the product of the factory badly damaged. tlt ann for the first month. SPRINGFIELD, July. 17. A terrible storm yesterday afternoon en- | —Old timers who have not met for years are once more gathered together on the banks tered Connecticut valley from the northwest, of the Yankee Fork. The old Salmon eaters at Whateley, uprooting trees and prostrating sit around the saloons and stores watching crops. Trees are scattered everywhere everybody and regarding them as intruders. through town. It is impossible to estimate money damage, but it will seriously impair —On the Fourth of July the shrill whistle OENTRE 8T., SILVER BEEF. the town’s picturesqueness. > of the locomotive at Las Vegas, New Mexico, ee sounded the death knell of prairie schooners ONDUCTED IN, FIRST-CLASS STYLE AND More Base-Ball---Return cf Reynolds. east of that enterprising metropolis. Ere seta the Best Tabie in Town. Sat Lake, July 17. another year may the iron charger quench his Single -Meala sc seseee tetaag sete S| 60 A dispatch was received to-day positively thirst in the Rio Grande. Board by the Week . bee ees ceeas Wek toes 9.00 announcing the stopping here of the Board: hy the Month... ......:0....G000cs 40 00 —The Deseret. base ball. fellows of Salt Omaha Base-Bal] League Club, which is on Lake have signified their desire to play with its way to the Pacific Coast, and games with the Deserets have been arranged for the 24th, the Eureka boys. Pretty soon they will begin 2th and 26th. This club is saidto be the to think themselves good players and have the assuranee to challenge the Silver Reef finest fielding nine in the United States, havclub. ‘ ing played some truly phenomenal games this summer, one of twelve innings against the —A man in Washoe Valley, Nev., talks, of Patronage Generally Solicited. Dubuques resulting 2 to 1, being regarded as stocking Washoe Lake with terrapin this the best game ever.played. Summer. He estimates that a few of the A number of the family and friends of turtles turned loose in the marshes will ina George Reynolds went to Ogden this after- few years stock the lake and make terrapins noon for the purpose of welcoming him on as common as Bigler trout on the Comstock. his arrival there. ~The largest bana fide mining sale ever in Colorado, was that of the The Heir Suit—Kicked and Killed—Strike consummated Bassick mine, near Rosita, which was purin the Ontario. chased by New York capital on the 3d inst. Satr LAKE, July 17. The actual cash paid has not been made ee In the heir suit yesterday the plaintiffs public as yet, but runs away up into the rested their case and Court adjourned till hundreds of thousands. HE LAFAYETTF RESTAURANT HAS Tuesday next, to allow the defense time to again changed hands and the new proanswer. prietor takes ‘this method of poeta eens his —The Rev. R. H. Kline has left Pioche and numerous friends and the public that he is A little boy, son of Peter Seldes, of-Fill- goneto Eureka, where he will open a gun prereree to accommodate them with the very more, was kicked in the back of the head by store, His stock is comprised of deringers, est that the country affords, prepared oe revolvers, shot-guns, rifles, bowie knives, etc., a horse on Tuesday and instantly killed. ~ cook that acknowledges no superior in his A new strike has been made in the famous all of which, in the early days of Pioche, were profession. No pains will be spared to please customers. Ontario mine. Work on the 600-foot level has presented to the reverend gentleman by the Patrons can order whatever they please out of the ordinary line. congregation over which he presided. been progressing finely of late, and yesterday N. JOHNSON. afternoon the ledge was cut in this level. —Pure arteblan: water has been struck by The ore is equal to that produced in the best levels above, and must therefore be very rich. the Southern Pacific Railrohd at Walter's have been grossly misrepresented here, and one man,.who has done much to bring in _& lot of deInded wretches, bas already beenser.t to Salt Lake by means of subscription raised by the peopie. John R, Murphy has an assay office but wants to getout, In the words of the immortal Zinc Bars “she ain’t worth a continental,’ and I advise all parties: coutemplatinga wip here tv stick by odie. Tt is said all one wants is can of lard and a trying pan as an outfit to come through Idaho, as you can get plenty o° salmon, but siuce my arrival or during my journey thither, I haye,not seen a single Dan Hayen, formiedly of the: Red Gioud; and Black- two four wonien, a man anda boy. ; The damage to'the City Hall is estimated at | KAIGHN, bas : , Sera oe JULY 16, chief in to have entered ing a8 a@ =A schooner of lemondade for-a aickel is what makes the Denver le sYnile. ae from tip to tip. cinity passed over the city to-day. It came down the river street and first struck the buildings near the Fitchburg Hotel. The tornado lasted but three minutes, and all the damage was done instantly. Thetin roof of the City Hall was launched into the street. office hours. ERMAN KRAUSE, kosatinaster. —Tucson county, Cal., last week. to-day on excursions of various kinds. One man was killed by'a falling chimney. ¥rreupunre, Mass., July’ 16. The worst tornado that ever visited this vi- @ hour ptter arrival | of the stage dae MAURICE WEDNESDAY, newspapers. of the small schooner Myrtle, of Charleston, having on board six persons, consisting of and some houses unroofed. Chimneys toppled over, and the flood in some of the streets formed a river several jnches deep. Along the wharves are many anxious people inquiring about the fate of friends who left thecity POST OFFICE. Registering doneauring Reports from various points down the harbor contain accounts of serious dam- | age and distressing accidents, mostly to AGENTS. OG. W, Crane, 328 Py ng aga rotate Deposit Busid {ng, Han F reco i Sto 7p ganda from ths UTAH, COAST: CLIPPINGS. NEWS. Boston; July 16. AND COUNTY, —The Denver mint has resymed operations. ye BY PUBLISHERS WASHINGTON a —tssUED “EVERY — Wednesday TELEGRAPHIC MINER SILVER. REEF REEF, Moderate store, and eight building lots opposite tt aie a good lam bee building, 24x24, in a a art of Silver Reef, with good watér at th eor. For further partionlass call on BR. C, BOREN: Silver Reet. Ng |