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Show NE cor. of N 13 Public Notice and June B. Wilson, Joint Tenants Beg 115 ft. W. of SE cor of Lot 1 Blk 22 Plat A. Nephi Townsite Survey, Delinquent tax list 1974 BOOK "A NEPHICITY Clyde D. and Colleen W. Kay, Joint Tenants Com. at SE. CORNER OF Lot 2, Blk. 1, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, Th. W. 13 rds., Th. N. 12 rds., th. E. 13 rds., th. S. 12 rds. to beg. $157.32 Sterling Christensen Beg. at cor of Lot 4, Blk. 2 Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th E 100 ft th S. 214.5 ft to S Line of SD It. N.W. th W 100 ft to S.W. cor. of SD lot 4 th. N. 214.5 ft. to beg. $326.61 Carl and Vona P. Jarrett, 4 Joint Tenants, care of Clarence Phillipson Beg. 47 ft. 3 Ins. E. of NW. Corner of Lot 4, Blk. 4, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 60 ft., S. 13 rds., W. 60 ft., N. 13 rds. to beg. $36.34 Ruby M. Gray care of Virginia S. Lowry Beg. at SE. Cor. of Lot 1, Blk, t, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th W. 100 ft. Th. N. 100 ft. Th. W. 57.5 ft. Th. N. 64.5 ft. th. E. 157.5 ft. to E. Line of sd. Lot 1, th, S. 164.5 ft. to beg. $206.91 Bonnie Romero Com. at SE. corner of Lot 2, Blk. 13, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. W. 4 rds. 22 Lks., th. N. 13 rds., th. E. 4 rds. 22 Iks., th. S. 13 rds. to $42.32 beg. Celia E. Stephenson care of Douglas H., Alma S., and Celia Beth Anderson Com. at SE. cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 14, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. W. 6 rds. N. 8 rds., th. E. 6 RDS., th. S. 8 rds. to beg. undivided interest. $29.50 Celia E. Stephenson care of Florence S. Anderson Com. at SE. corner of Lot 1, Blk. 14, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. W. 6 rds., N. 8 rds., th. E. 6 rds., th. S. 8 rds. to beg. undivided interest. $29.50 Rulon N. and Irene H. Broadhead, Joint Tenants Beg. 5.20 ft. N. of the NW. cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 14, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. N. 74 ft, th. E. 107.25 ft th. S. 70 ft, th. W. 40.25 ft., th. S. 4 ft., th. W. 67 ft. to beg. This property was sold for taxes 1972. $212.04 Melvin A. Read Beg. at SW corner of Lot 3, Blk 14, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th N 70.70 ft., th E 107.25 ft. th S 70.70 ft. to S line of said Lot 3, th W. $29.50 107.25 ft. to beg. Rex G. Kay and Rita Lynn Kay, Joint Tenants Beg. at N.E. cor. of Lot 4 Blk. 16 Plat A., Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. 154.5 ft. to a pt. 60 ft. N. of S.E. cor of sd Lot 4, th W. 214.5 ft to a pt. 60 ft. N. of S.W. cor. of sd. Lot 4, th. N. 233.7 ft. to a pt. 79.2 ft. N. of N.W. cor. of sd. Lot. 4, th. E. 214.5 ft. to a pt. 79.2 ft. N. OF THE PLACE OF BEG. TH. $62.84 S. 79.2 ft. to beg. J. Walter and Fern S. Pax-maJoint Tenants, care of Neil T. Sperry Beg. at SE. cor. of Lot 2, Blk. 18, Plat A, Nephi n, Townsite Survey, th. W. 88.5 ft. to a pt. 126 ft. E. of SW . cor. of sd. Lot 2, th, N. 99 ft., th. E. 88.5 9 ft. to E. line of sd Lot 2, th. $115.43 ft. to beg. Elsie Belliston Etal care of Jack Carter Beg. at pL 6 rds. N. of SW. corner Lot 2, Blk. Townsite 19, Plat A. Nephi Survey, th. N. 4 rds., th. E. 13 rds., th. S. 4 rds., th. W. 13 rds. to beg. Albert Henry, Elsie M., Gerald and Angus Belliston, S.-8- William G. Cowan and Gwen S. Cowan, Joint Tenants-B- eg. at NW cor of Lot 3, Blk 20, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E 13 rds to E line of SD Lot 3, th S. 95 25 ft. to A pt w hich is 12 ft N of I. th N 6 rds. th W 150 ft., th S 6 rds. th E. 150 ft to beg. $169.75 MT. Nebo Foods, Inc. All of Lot 3, Blk. 26, Pat A., Nephi Townsite Survey. $576.27 Maida L. Foote Beg. at SW corner of Lot 1, Blk. 29, Plat A. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. N. 13 rds., E. 5 rds., S. 13 rds., W. 5 rds. to beg. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $56.43 William G. Cowan and Gwen S. Cowan, Joint Tenants Com. at SW corner of Lot 2, Blk. 34, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 5 rds. th N. 13 rds., th. W. 5 rds., th. S. 13 rds. to beg. $189.81 Blair C. and Jessie C. Wilkey, Joint Tenants W Lot 4. Blk 35, Plat A. Nephi Townsite Survey, Also beg. 71 of ft. E. of NW corner of E. Lot 3, Blk. 35 Plat A. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 362 ft., S. 13 rds., W. 36 V4 ft., N. 13 rds. to beg. This property was sold County (Seal) $380.48 Ernest Nephi Townsite Survey, th running S 154.5 ft. to a pt. 60 f L N of SE cor. of sd. Lot 3, th. W 80 ft. th. N 154.5 ft to N Bdy of sd Lot. th E 80 ft. to beg. $10.69 t. 117-16- 0 George Clark Austin and G. Lavee Joint Austin, Tenants Beg. 145.2 ft. E. of the N.W. cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 47, Plat A. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 69.3 ft., th. S. 181.5 ft., th. W. 52.8 ft., th. N. 72.75 ft. th. W. 16.5 ft., th. N. 108.75 ft. to beg. $232.13 care of Nadine L. Fowers Robert G. Crawford Beg. at SE. cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 52, Plat A. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. N. 109.5 ft. M. orL. to a pt. 105. ft. S. of NE. cor. of sd. Lot 1, th. W. 57.25 ft. th. S. 109.5 ft. M. orl. to S. Line of sd. Lot 1, th. E. 57.25 ft. to beg. This property was sold for taxes 1971. $106.45 of Ladell C. Prisbrey W. Lot 1, Blk. 52, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $88.07 Cox Corporation Beg. 44 ft. E. of SW. corner Lot 2, Blk. 52, Plat A. Nephi Townsite Survey, th E. 120.5 ft. M. or L. to pt. 50 ft. W. of SE. corner Lot 2, th. N. 107.25 ft. W. 120.5 ft. M. or L. th. S. 107.25 ft. to beg. $18.81 Cox Corporation Beg. at SW. comer of Lot 2, Blk. 52, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. N. 107.25 ft., th. E. 44 ft., th. S. 107.25 ft., th.W. 44 ft. to $44.46 beg. J. Blaine and Cecile A. Goates, Joint Tenants care of Jack L. Carter Beg. 100 ft. S. of NE. corner of Lot 1, Blk 53, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. 50 ft., W. 124.5 ft., th. N. ft., E. 124.5 ft. to beg. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $283.86 Philip C. Stilson and Ruby Kay Stilson, Joint Tenants Beg. 145 ft. S. of NE. cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 61, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th W. 13 rds. S. 69.5 ft. to SW. cor. of sd. Lot 3, th. E. 214.5 ft N. 69.5 ft to beg. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $121.84 Clark D. and Luona T. Prisbrey, Joint Tenants Beg. at NW cor. of Lot 3, Blk 62, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 114 5 ft. th. S. 125 ft. th. W. 114.5 ft to W. line of said Lot 3, th. N. property 1972. Dwane Tidwell and Ardys Tidwell, Joint Tenants Beg. at the SW corner of Lot 3, Blk 19, Plat B, Nephi Townsite Survey, th N 60 ft. th E 13 rds, th S 60 ft, ft to beg. This was sold for taxes 125 $137.23 Clark D. Prisbrey and Luona T. Prisbrey, Joint Tenants Beg. 114.5 ft. E. of NW. cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 62 Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 100 ft M. or L. to NE, cor. of sd. Lot 3, th. S. 125 ft th. W. 100 ft th. N. 125 ft. to beg. $10 69 Earl T. Chapman and Donna J. Chapman, Joint Tenants All th. W. 13 rds. to beg. $104.31 and Loa Carter, Joint Tenants S. Jack L. Jean of Lot 3, Blk. 20, Plat B, Nephi Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $127.82 M. Virginia Donna Joint Andersen, Tenants All of Lot 3, Blk. 29, Plat B, Nephi Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1971. $1,483.99 Samuel P. and Leland Nielson care of Bryan Nielson Beg. at a pt. which bears S. 13 deg. 02 02 min. W. 516.2 ft. and S. 0 deg. 09 min. E. 280.62 ft. from NW corner of NE 4 of Sec. 9, T. 13 S.R.l E S.L.M., to place of beg., th. S. 89 deg. 53 min. E. 446.83 ft. to ELY.Bdy, line of Nephi City, th. S. 485 ft. m. or L. to street, th. W. 446.26 ft., th. N. 0 deg. 09 min. W. 486.23 ft. to place of beg. cont. 4.98 AC. $101.75 Elwood E. Jenkins and Corinne K. Jenkins, Joint Tenants Beg. at SW. cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 6, Plat C Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 75 ft. th. N. 13 rds. to N. line of sd. Lot 1, th. W. 75 ft. to N. line of sd. Lot th. W. 75 ft. to NW. cor. of sd. Lot 1 th. S. 13 rds. to beg. $5.56 Winifred N. Wilson and Pearl N. Cowan, Joint Tenants All of the S Lot 4, Blk. 14, Plat C, of Nephi Townsite Survey. $49.59 David L. and Patricia S. Bills, t Joint Tenants Beg. at SW cor. of Lot 1, Blk 17, Plat C, Nephi Townsite Sur. th E. 107.25 ft. to SE cor of W of sd. Lot 1, th. N. 102.5 ft. th W. 107.25 ft. to W line ofsd LotlthS. 102.5 ft. to $176.99 beg. Sildem J. Gandy and Rella M. Gandy, Joint Tenants All of Lot 3, Blk. 23, Plat C, Nephi Townsite Survey. $41.90 Clarence C. and or Hildegard Phillipsen Beg. at SW corner of Lot 2, Blk 31, Plat C, Nephi Townsite Survey, th N 175 ft. th E 13 rds. to E line of said Lot 2, th S. 175 ft. to SE cor of said Lot 2, th W 13 rds to beg. Subject to easement for irrigation ditch across east 4 ft. $207.34 1, , Steele Brothers care of Gene of Lot 3, Montague The S Blk. 34, Plat C. Nephi Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $17. Robert W. and Magdelena of Larson, Joint Tenants N. Lot 3, Blk. 35, Plat C., Nephi Townsite Survey. $79.53 Thomas Lynn and Maxine H. Parkin, Joint Tenants care of E. Lamont McPherson All of Lot 2, Blk, 37, Plat C, Nephi Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $48.31 Jeff Rosequist care of Rex Gordon and Rita Lynn O. Kay Com. at NE. corner of Lot 3, Blk. 5, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. 5 rds., th. W. 13 rds., th. N. 5 rds., th. E. 13 rds. to beg. $171.43 S. of David B. Lunt-T- he Lot 3, Blk. 6, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1970. $128.68 Harry and Rhea Beagley, Joint Tenants care of G. Marvin E. Brooks Beg. atSE corner of Lot 4, Blk 6, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey, th running N. ft, th ft, th W. 158.5 ft th S E 158.5 ft to beg. This property was sold for taxes 1972. $198.79 Glen J. and Emma J. Wilson, Joint Tenants Beg. at a pt. ft. N. of the S.E. cor. of Lot 4, Blk. 6, Plat D., of Nephi Townsite Survey, th. Running W. 158.5 ft. th. N. 118.5 ft., th. E. 158.5 ft., th. S. 118.5 ft. to beg. $50.57 Oliver T. and Carma N. of Penrod, Joint Tenants S. Lot 4, Blk. 17, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $119.27 James Leroy and Lawana A. Stanley, Joint Tenants Beg 70 ft. W of NE corner of Lot 3, Blk 24 Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey, th S. 13 rds. to S line of said Lot 3, th W 144.5 ft. to SW comer of said Lot 3, th N 13 rds, th E 144 5 ft to beg. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $129 Leroy Stanley and Lawana A. Stanley, Joint Tenants Beg. at the NE corner of Lot 3, Blk 24, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey, thW70ft, thS13rdstotheS line of said Lot 3, th E 70 ft to the SE corner of said Lot 3, th N 13 rds I 1 Betty Levieve Anderson All of Lot 3, Blk. 27, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1971. $36.77 Andy Lee Anderson and Bettie S. Anderson, Joint Tenants All of Lot 2, Blk. 27, Plat D., Nephi Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1972. $59.00 Annie Anderson care of Andy Lee Anderson All of Lot 4, Blk. 30, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1970. $45.32 Floyd Wayne and Georgia S. Taylor, Joint Tenants Beg 210 ft. E of SW cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 36 Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey, th E ft. to a pt. 129 ft. W of E line of SD Blk. 36, th N 107 ft., th W ft. to a pt. 107.5 ft. S of N line of sd Blk. 36 and 210 ft. E of W line of sd Blk. 36, th S 107 ft. to $206.91 beg. Leroy J. Daley All of Lot 2, Blk. 38, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1973, $29.50 Larry and Gloria P. Bryan, Joint Tenants Beg. 252 ft. E. of SW cor. of Blk 48 Plat D. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E, 177 ft. to SE cor. of sd Blk 48, th N 107.25 ft. to NE cor. of S of Lot 1 of Sd Blk 48, th W. 177 ft. th S 107.25 ft. to place of beg. $251.37 BOOK Lavon S. Paystrup Beg. at the NE. corner of Lot 4, Blk. 19 Plat A. Levan Townsite Survey, th. S. 10 rds., W. 6 rds., S. 3 rds., W. 6 rds., N. 13 rds., E. 13 rds. to beg. Int. Lavon S. Int. Ora Lavon Paystrup; Paystrup. This property was sold for taxes 1971. $89.08 William G. and Betty G. Marshall, Joint Tenants Beg. at the SW cor. of Lot 2, Blk 25 Plat A. Levan Townsite Survey, th. N 125 ft. th E 206 ft to the existing fence line; th S 125 ft, th W 2 ft to place of beg. $37.88 Eugene L. and Norma C. Fisher, Joint Tenants All of Lot 3, Blk. 31, Plat A, Levan Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1971. $38.71 Robert T. Sherwood Beg. at SW. corner Lot 1, Blk. 34, Plat A, Levan Townsite Survey, th. E. 7 rds. N. 13 rds., W. 7. rds., S. 13 rds. to beg. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $33.72 Rulon and Wyla W. Sherwood, Joint Tenants care of Daryl M. Carter All of Lot 2, Blk. 34, Plat A, Levan Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $37.05 Lowell E. and Ferae Bartruff Joint Tenants All of Lot 4, Bik. 34, Plat A, Levan Townsife $8.74 Survey. Zella Carter All of Lot 4 Blk. 42, Plat A, Levan Townsite Survey. Ida Pearl G. Lightner $106.14 All of Lot 2, Blk, 52, Plat A, Levan Townsite Survey. $27.06 Gerald W. Carter Beg. at SW. comer of N. of NW Vi, Sec. 32, T. 14 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., TH N. 9 rds., E. 33 rds., S. 34 rds., W. 33 rds., N. 25 rds. to 0 This beg. cont 6 , A. property was sold for taxes 112-16- ' 1972. $18.32 Gerald W. Carter Com. at a ft. S. of NW corner of pt. 412 SW. of NW 4, Sec. 32, T. 14 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., th S. 172 ft., th. E. 300 ft., th. N 172 ft., th. W. 30C ft. to beg. cont. 1 A. 30 square rds. This property was sold for taxes 1973. f $144.44 Ruby M. Terry, care of Verla Carter Com. at a pt. 584 - ft. S. and 300 ft. E. of NW. corner of SW. 14 of NW of Sec. 32. T. 14 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., th 223 ft. E. th. N. 172 ft., W. 223 ft., th. S. 172 ft. to beg. cont. 140 square rds. M. or L. This property was for taxes 1973. sold $3.75 BOOK A MONA TOWN George Carter and Donna Carter, Joint Tenants All of Lot 4, Blk, 8, Plat A, Mona Townsite Survey. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $46.34 Thomas M. Garfield and Ellen Garfield, Joint Tenants Beg. at SW. cor. of Lot B. Mona Townsite Sur. th. N. along the W. Bndy. of Sd. Blk. 1,150 ft., th. E. 110ft. th.S. 150 ft. to S. Bndy. of Sd. Blk. 1, th. W. on SD. S. Bndy. 110 ft. to pt. of beg. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $251.91 John E. Orgill and Susie N. Grgill, Joint Tenants Beg. 48 rds. S. and 25 rds. 10 Lks., W. of NE comer of NW. 4 of Sec. 32, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., S.L.M., Th. S. 13 rds., E. 13 rds., N. 13 rds., W. 13 rds. to beg. cont. 1 AC. 9 square rds. This property was sold for taxes 1972. $48.87 Claude M. and Savina R. Kay, Joint Tenants Beg at SE. cor. of SW. U, Sec. 29 T. 11 S., R. 1 E. S.L.M., th. N. 341 ft. th. E. 1201.825 ft to beg. cont. 9 408 acres. Also known as Ina M. Kay and Ina Kay. $16.01 Woodford W. Wilkerson and Renon C. Wilkerson, Joint Tenants Beg. 2 rds. N. and 2 rds. W. of SE. cor. of SW4 of sec. S.L.M. th. W. 71 rds. 7 Lks. to E. Line of R. OF W. for U.S. highway 91 th. N. approx. 9 deg. W. 80 rds. M or L. along SD. R. of W. Line to S. Sixteenth Line th, E. 5 rds. 20 Lks. M. or L. to center of SW'4 of SD. Sec. 32, th. N. 7 rds 17 Lks. th E. 15 rds. 2 Lks. to a pt. which is 30 rds S. of SE, Cor. of Lof 1. Blk. 2 Plat C, Mona Townsite Survey, which cor. is B J. B. Ranch That portion of the W. of NE.i4 of Sec. 22, T. 10S.R. IE. SLBM. Lying W. of the Etly Bdry of R. of W. of U.- S. H'wy 91, Cont. 28.1 AC.Less 11.5 AC. for U.S. Hwy 91. and 3.8 AC. forR.R.- TOT.AC.12.8 Claude M. $1.61 and Savina R. Kay, Joint Tenants All of the N. of the SW.4 of Sec. 16.T.11S., R. 1 E S.L.M., Cont. 80 AC. Also known as Ina M. Kay and Ina Kay Less 12.4 AC. for highway total AC. 67.6 $78. Erma S. Keyte care of Claude M. Kay Jr. of the The S. SW.V4 of the SE.4 of Sec. 17, T. 11 S., R. 1 E S.L.M. less 2 AC. for county road. Cont. 18 AC. $20.88 Claude M. and Savina R. Kay, Joint Tenants Beg. 174 ft E. and N. 13 deg. 15 min. W. 187 ft. and N. 5 deg. 27 min. W. 417 ft. and N. 24 deg. 15 min. W. 155 ft. M. or L. to a pt. 36 rds. 20 Lks. S. of N. Bdy Line of Sec. 19, T. 11 S., R. 1 E. S.L.M. from SW. corner of NE.4 of the NE.V4 of said Sec. 19, which pt. is the place of beg., th. E. 62 rds. M. or L. to W. Bdy. Line of S.P.L.A. and S.L.R.R.R. of W th. Nly. following W. Line of said Railroad R. of W., N. 4 deg. 30 min. E. 36 rds. M. or L. to N. Line of said Sec., th. W. 1280 ft. M. or L. to NW corner of NE.V4 of the NE.4, S. 530 ft. M. or L. th. S. 12 deg. 45 min. E. 40 ft., S. MIN. E. 20 ft. to 4 DEG. beg. Cont. 14.16 AC. M or L. also known as Ina M. and Ina $16.38 Kay Claude M. and Savina R. i ' Kay, Joint Tenants Beg. at the NW. Corner of the SW.4 of the NE.4 of Sec. 29, T. 11 S., R. 1 " E., S.L.M., th. E. 80 rds, S. 32 r rds, W. 80 rds, N. 32 rds. to Hbeg. cont. 16 AC. also known as Ina M. A Ina Kay, beg. 32 rds. S. fof the NW. comer of the SW.4 Tof the NE.V4 of Sec. 29, T. 11 S, R. 1 E, S.L.M, th. E. 80 rds, S. 32 rds, W. 80 rds, N. 32 rds. to $12.21 beg. Cont. 16 AC. Claude M. and Savina R. Kay, Joint Tenants Beg. at the NE. comer of the SE.V4 of the NW.4 of Sec. 29, T. 11 S, R. 1 E, S- .L.M, th. S. 269 ft, th. E. 879.4 ft. to beg. cont. 5.563 AC. Also beg. 1013.2 ft. W. of the NE. comer of the SE.V4 of the NW.V4 of Sec. 29, T.ll S, R. 1 E S- .L.M, th. W. 729 ft, S. 269 ft, E. 691.2 ft, N. 9 deg. 30 min. E. 271.1 ft. to beg. cont. 4.495 AC. Total 10.058 AC. Also known as Ina M. Kay and Ina Kay. $57.83 Claude M. A Savina R. Kay, Joint Tenants Beg. 1920.2 ft. S. of NW. corner of Sec. 29. T.ll S, R.l E S.L.M, th. S. 78 deg. 18 min. E. 929 ft, S. 143.5 ft, N. 77 deg. 40 min. W. 1668 ft. to E. side of S.L.R.R.R.of W, th. N. 4 deg. 44 min. E. 140 ft, S. 78 deg. 18 min. E. 723 ft. to beg. Cont. 5.32 AC. Also known as Ina M. Kay $29.56 and Ina Kay. George P. & Renee B. Joint Tenants Comm, at SE Cor. of Lot 1, Sec. 4 - T12S-R- . 1 E, S.L.B.M, th N 686.0 ft. along the lot line to N line of S of SD lot 1, th W 317.5 ft. parallel to the S line of SD loti, thS 686.0 ft. Parallel to E line of SD lot to S line of sd Lot, th E along the Lot Line 317.5 ft. to pt. of beg. Gapp-maye- r, $.64 Area SAC.MorL. Ann F. Olsen Beg. on S. Bdy. of NE.4 of Sec. 20 - T. 12 S.R.l E. S.L.M. at A pt. of intersection of SD.4 Sec. line with E. Bdy, line of R. of W. of U.S.Hwy.91, and running th.E. on Sd.yi Sec. line 513.5 ft, th. NTy on a line paralleled with E. Bdy. of Sd. R. of W. of U.S. Hwy.91 A distance of 513.5 ft, th. W. 513.5 to E. Bdy. of Sd. Hwy. R. of W, TH. Sly. Along SD. E. Bdy. of SD.R.OF W. 513.5 ft. to pt. of beg. cont. 6 acres. M or L. $584.68 Walter A Ruth P. Hansen Beg. 50 rds. 12 Lks. E. of the SW. Cor. of the SE. 4 of Sec. 20- T. 12 S. R. 1 E. S.L.M. th. N. 13 deg. W. along the E. side of the railroad R. or W. 26 rds. th. E. 33 rds. M. or L. to W. side of state highway, th. S. 8 deg. E. 26 rds M. or L. to the S. line of Sd Sec. 20, th. W. 30 rds. M. or L. to place of beg. cont. 5 AC. This property sold for taxes in 1972 $6-4- Elwood E. Jenkins Beg. at a pt. on E. line of the RR R. OF W. 88 rds. 4 5 Lks. E. & 62 rds. 17 Lks S. of the NW. Cor of the NE. of Sec. 32, T. 12 S. R. 1 E. SLM. th. E. 13 rds. 23 Lks. th. S. 83 rds. 8 Lks, M. or L. to a pt. 14 rds. N A 102 5 rds. E. of theSW. Cor. of the NE.4 of SD. Sec. 32 th. SW'LY 27 rd 10 Lks. M. or L. to a pt. on the E. line of SD. RR R. of W, which is 107 Rds. 5 Lks. S. of the place of Beg. th N. 107 4 Rulon N. A Irene H. Broadhead, Joint Tenants Beg. 407.88 ft. E. and 269.94 ft. S. of NW cor of SW4 of sec. rds. 5 Lks. to the palce of Beg. Cont. 8.26 A. M. or L. $77.42 Paul Ockey, Dora O. Shaw, Emma O. Carter -- Com. at a pt. .49 rds. 2 Lks. N. and 62 rds. 13 Lks. W. of the SE corner of the of Sec. 32. T. 12S..R.1E, SW. S.L.M, th. W. 81 rds, N. 41 rds, E. 81 rds. S. 41 rds. to beg. Cont. AC. Don V. $54.29 & 1972. W. Zumpft M or L situated in 40 SE.4 of 26, 1974 , OF See. 31, T.14 R. S, 1972. 7 $32.99 BOOK "D" JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT Rulon N. Broadhead Beg. 2672 ft. S and 366 ft. E of the NW. corner of the NE 4 of the NW. 4 of sec. 4. T 14 S, R. 1 E, S.L.M, TH. N. 93 ft. E. 270 ft. S. 93 ft, W. 270 ft to Beg. Cont. O. 57 AC. This property was sold for taxes in 1972. $.64 James R. Paystrup in care of Dale M. Wright Beg. 40 rds. S. from the NE. corner of the SW Beg. 4 of Sec. 40 rds, rds, T 18. 14 80 R. S, 1 E W. 60 rds, S. 40 S. W. 20 rds, S. 80 rds, E. N. 120 rds to Beg. Cont. S.L.M, TH. ac. 55 $84.81 in care of Beg. 80 rds. E. of the NW V4 of James R. Paystrup Dale M. Wright of the SW. corner sec. 19. T. 14 S R. 1 E, S.L.M. TH. N. 80 rds, E. 108 rds. 11 ft, S. 80 rds. W. 108 rds 11 ft. to ac. for State Beg. less Road Cont. 54 ac. R. IE. SLM. thE. 115 ft. th. S. 122 ft. th. W. 115 ft. th. N. 122 ft. to beg. $2,564.22 Rancho Trailers, Inc. Beg. 668.92 ft. E. and 269.84 ft. S. of NW. Cor. of SWV4 of Sec. E SLM. th. E. 356.72 fth. S. ft. th. W. 356.72 ft. th. N. 399. ft. to beg. cont. 3.27 AC. 399 M. or L. together with A R. of W.: Beg. 407.88 ft. E. and 669.9 ft. S. of NW. cor. of SW4 of Sec. SLM. th. E. 261.04 ft. th. N. 20 ft. th.W. 261.04 ft. th. S. 20 ft. to beg. $6.43 Vern G. Miner care of Frank McNeil Beg. 34 rds. 12 Lks. E. and 40 rds. 15 Lks. S. of NW. 1 E Dor. of SW4 of Sec.9 T SLM. th. E. 27 rds. 17 Lks. th. S. 31 rds. 10 Lks. to the irrigation ditch, th. SW.ly following sd. ditch to a pt. due S. OF THE PLACE OF Beg. th. N. 58 rds. 10 Lks. to beg. Cont. 7.77 ac. M. or L. together Wl- - th R. of W.: Beg. 407.88 ft. E. and 669.9 ft. S. of NW cor. of SW4 of Sec. SLM. th. E. 261.04 ft. th. N. y4? FT. TH. W. 261.04 ft. $12.85 th.S. 20 ft. to beg. 144-16- 0 V4 Trailers Inc. Rancho Nephi, Utah W, SLM, Cont. 526.45 acres. This property was sold for taxes 407.88 ft. E. A 122 ft. S. of NW of Sec. 9, T. 13 S. R. cor. of SW 1 E. SLM. th E. 115 ft. th N'Ely to a pt. which is 132. ft. E. A 21 ft. N. of pt. of beg. th E 13 ft. th N 9 ft. th E. 472.76 ft. th. S. 184.94 ft. th W. 617.76 ft. th. N. 147.94 ft. to beg. cont. 2.514 ac. M or L. together with R. of W. A easement over N. 20 ft. of following tract; beg. 407.88 ft. of Sec. E. of NW cor. of SW $3.21 Glen J. and Emma J. Wilson, Joint Tenants Beg. at the corner between Secs. 3 and 4, T- .13S, R.l E S.L.M, th. N. 18 rds. 23 Lks, E. 31 rds, S. 18 rds. 23 lks, W. 31 rds to beg. Cont. ac. All of above description except a parcel in southwest cor. 12 rds. square. Cont. acres. $242.58 Louis D. Tidwell Beg. 66 rds. W. of the SE. cor. of the NE. y4 of theSW. V4 of Sec. 3.T.13S. R. 1 E. S.L.M, th. N. 264 ft, th. W. 200 ft, th. NWly 120 ft, M. or L. to a pt. which is 364 ft. N. and 255 ft. W of place of beg, th. N. 440 ft. M. or L. to the pt of intersection with a line which run from a pt. on S. bank of Salt Creek which is 183 ft. Wly along SD. bank from a pt. on SD. bank due N. of place of beg. to a pt. which is E. 1,023 ft. and N. 14 deg. E. 655 ft. from the SW. cor. of the NW. 4 of the SW. y4 of SD. Sec. 3, th. SWly 203 ft. M. or L. to a pt. which is E. 1, 023 ft. and N. 14 deg. E. 655 ft. from the SW. cor. of the NE. y4 of the SW. 4 of SD. Sec. 3 th. SWly 370 ft. M. or L. to a pt. which is E. 899 ft. and N. 4 deg. 37 min. E. 374 ft. from the SW. cor. of the NE. 4 of SW. 4 of SD. Sec. 3, th S. 4 deg. 37 min. W. 374 ft. to the S. ling of the NW. 4 of the SW. y4 of Sed. Sec. 3, th. E. 652 ft. M. or L. to the place of beg. Cont. 7.91 ac. M. or L. Subject to R. or W. 33 ft. wide, the N. line of which runs E. from a pt. E. 1, 023 ft. and N. 14 deg. E. 655 ft. from the SW. cor. of NW. 4 of SW. y4 of sd. Sec. 3. $1,621.99 Bernetha Bland Beg. 66 rds. W. and 264 ft. N. of SE. cor. of NE. y4 of SW. 4 OF Sec. 3 T. 13 S. R. 1 E. S.L.M. th, N. 100 ft. th. W. 200 ft. th. N. 300 ft. the. E. 200 ft. th. N. 425 ft. M. or L. to N. bank of Salt Creek, th Wly 108 ft. along N. BANK OF sd. creek, th. S. 40 ft. to S. bank of sd. creek, th SWly 20 ft. M. or L. along a line running to a pt. which is e. 1023 ft. and N. 14 deg E. 655 ft. from the SW. cor. of NE. y4 of SW. y4 of sd. Sec. 3, to the pt. of intersection of sd. line with a line running N. from pt. 255 ft. W. of the place of beg. th. S 440 ft. M. or L. to a pt. which is N. 100 ft. and W. 255 ft. from the place of beg. the SEly 120 ft. M. or L. to a pt. 200 ft. w. of place of beg. th. E. 200 ft. to beg. Cont. 2.09 ac. M. or L. Together with R. of W. over tract of land 33 ft. wide from W. lind of sd. property to Juab Co. Rd. the N. line runs E. from a pt. which is E. 1023 ft. and N. 14 deg E. 655 ft. from SW. cor. of NW y4 of SW y4 of sd. Sec. 3. th. S. 244 ft. th W. 452 ft. th. S. 4 deg. 37 min. W. 20 ft. th. E. 652 ft. th. N. 264 ft. to $2.57 beg. cont. 1.72 ac. Paul Ockey, Dora O. Shaw, Emma O. Carter Com. 17 rds. 20 lks. W. from the SE. corner of the NW. V4 of Sec. 5, T. 13 S, R. 1 E, S.L.M, th. W. 34 rds. 20 lks, N. 7 rds, S. 89 deg. 30 min. E. 34 rds. 20 lks, S. 6 rds. 14 lks. to ac. $2.89 beg. Cont. Paul Ockey, Dora O. Shaw, Emma O. Carter Beg. 19 rds. 2 lks. W. of the NE. corner of the SW. y4 of sec. 5, T. 13 S R. 1 E, S- .L.M, th. S. 17 rds. 10 lks, th. N. 89 deg. 30 min. W. 34 rds. 20 lks, th. N. 17 rds. 8.5 liks, E. 34 rds. 20 lks. to beg. Cont. 3.77 ac. $10.60 Paul Ockey, Dora O. Shaw and Emma O. Carter Com. 19 rds. 2 lks. W. and 17 rds. 10 Lks. S. of the NE. corner of the SW. of Sec. 5.T.13 S R. 1 E S.L.M, th S. 24 rds. 7 Lks. W. 34 rds. 20 lks, N. 24 rds. 8.5 Lks. S. 89 deg. 30 min. E. 34 rds. 2D Lks to beg. Less 0.6 AC for county $17.03 road, cont. 4.67 AC. Douglas A. and Dorothy H. Jorgensen Beg. 14 rds. 18 Lks. E. A 67 rds. 6 Lks. N. of the SW. cor. of NE. 4 of Sec. 8, T. 13 S, R 1 E S.L.M. th N 303.6 ft. th. E. 311 ft. th. S. 303.6 ft. th. W. 311 ft. to beg. cont. 2.168 AC. M. or L. undivided Int This property sold for taxes in 1972. $70.35 Douglas A. & Dorothy H. Jorgensen Beg. at a pot. .86 rds.6 Lks. N. A 14 rds 12 Lks. E. of the SW. cor. of the NE.4 of Sec. 8, T. 13 S R. 1 E, SLM, th.W. 575 ft, th. S. 130 ft, th. F. ft, th. N. 130 ft to beg. cont 1.5 acres. This property sold for taxes 1972. $63.61 Samuel P. A Leland Nielson care of Byran Nielson Beg. at a pt which boars S. 13 deg. 02 min. W. 516.2 ft A S. 0 deg. 09 min. E. .280 62 ft, S. 89 deg. 52 min. E. 446 83 ft. from NW. corner of NE. 4 of sec. 9. T.13 S R. 1 E S L.M, to the place of beg. th. S. 89 deg. 53 min. E. 247 27 ft, th. S. 1 deg. 18 min. E. 484 2 ft th. W 261 24 ft to E. bdy. Line of Nephi Cith, th. N. 485 ft. to place of beg. cont. 1 66 ac $2353 E. 552 88 ft. E. of NW. Cor. of SW. 4 of Sec. 9, T. 13 S. R. 1 E. SLM. th E. 472.76 ft. th. S. 85 ft. th W. FT. TO 472.76 ft. th. N. BEG. Together with R of W A Easement .92 AC $15.74 SW.U Sec. 28 - T.12 S.R.3 E. S.- L.M. $5.14 Dean and Theresa Schuyler of Joint Tenants N of SE SE 4 of NE '4 of Sec. 29 T12S, R.- 3 E, S.L.M. Cont. 5 ac. M or Times-New- s acres. This property was sold for taxes 1972. $32.68 Realty Finance Lots 6, 7, 10, W. 11, and 12 and E. , W. Ralph H. Lange Jr. A Linda Lange, Joint Tenants Beg. Acres The DECEMBER $145.85 bog. $32.13 Charles 3 SLM. th. E. 261.04 ft. ft. to beg. cont 2 4 th. S. 299 ac. M. or L. this property sold for taxes in 1972. $469.99 Vern G. A Melva P. Miner, Joint Tenants. Beg. 407.88 ft. E. of sec. 9, T, of NW. cor. of SW. 13 S. R. 1 E. SLM, th. E. 145 ft. th S. 94 ft. th W. 13 ft. to pt. th SWly to a pt. which is 122 ft. S. A 115 ft. E. of place of beg. th. W. 115 th. N. 122 ft. to Lerene N'. Cooper, Joint Tenants Beg. rds 10 Lks N and 24 rds E of SW cor of NW Sec 33, T13S RlE SLM, th S 160 ft th W 147 ft Mori to A pt 147 ft. W of W Bdy of W. S. Highway 91 th N 160 ft th E. 147 ft M. or L. To Beg. Cont. .54 AC. This property sold for taxes in L. JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT BOOK A LEVAN TOWN Scottorn Carter N. of Lot 1, Blk. 21, Plat B, Nephi Townsite Survey. $8.35 Robert K. Andersen and approx. 37 rds. 17 Lks. N. and 15 rds. 2 Lks E. of center of Sd. SW4, th. N. 14 rds. th. E. 5 rds. 15 Lks. th. S. rd th. E. 13 rds. th. N. 15 rds. to a pt. which is 2 rds. S. of SE. Cor. of Lot 2, Blk. 1 Plat C, of Mona Townsite Survey, which Cor. is approx. 37 rds. 17 Lks. N. and 33 rds. 17 Lks. E. of the center of SD. SWU th. E. 44 rds. 8 Lks. to a pt. 2 rds. W. of E. Line of sd. SWI4 th S. 113 rds. to beg. Cont. 51.04 acres. M. or L. $64.87 Woodford W. Wilkerson and Kenon C. Wilkerson, Joint Tenants Beg. 4 rds. S of SE comer of Lot 2, Blk 1, Plat C, Mona Townsite Survey, which corner is approx. 37 rds. 17 Lks N and 33 rds 17 Lks East of Center of sw quarter of Sec. 32 T. 11 S R 1 E. S.L.M., Th S. 13 rds. W. 13 rds., N 13 rds. E 13 rds. to beg. Cont. 1.056 acres. $99.11 $42.32 Joint Tidwell, Beg. at the NW. cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 19, Plat B, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E. 134.5 ft., th.S. 94.5 ft., th. W. 134.5 ft., th. N. 94.5 ft. to beg. $12.40 Dwane Tidwell and Ardys B. Tidwell, Joint Tenants Beg. 94.5 ft. S. of the NW. cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 19, Plat B Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. 60 ft., th. E. 134.5 ft th. N. 60 ft., th. W. 134.5 ft. to place of beg. $7.70 Louis D. and Ardys Tidwell, Joint Tenants Beg. at the NE corner of Lot 3, Blk. 19, Plat B, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th.W. 174.5 ft., S. 6 rds., th. E. 57.5 ft., th. N. 56 ft., th. E. 117 ft., th. N. 51.25 ft. to $45.74 beg. Dora O. Shaw and Earl Shaw, Joint Tenants Beg. at the SE. of Lot 4, Blk. 36, cor. of the N. Plat A., Nephi Townsite Survey, th. running N. 56 ft., th. W. 117 ft., th. S. 56 ft., th. E. 117 ft. to $149.85 beginning. Tora Crawforth care of Mrs. Larry Kay Beg. at SW cor of N of Lot 2, Blk 37 Plat A of Nephi Townsite Survey, th N 67.25 ft. th E 13 rds. to E line of sd Lot 2, th S 67.25 ft. th W 13 rds to beg. $38.05 Mt. Nebo Foods, Inc Beg. at SW. cor. of Lot A. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. N. 106.ft. to a pt. due W. of the SW. cor. of the existing Mill and Warehouse bldg. th. E. 222.5 ft. to a pt. 8 ft. E. of W. line of Lot 4 of sd. Blk. 38, th. S. 106 ft. to S. line of Lot 4, th. W. 222.5 ft. to place of beg. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $202.21 Earl E. and Chloe Hawkins, Joint Tenants care of John E. Ingram Beg. 28 rds. 5 LKS.S AND 10 rds. 18 LKS. W. of NE. of SE. 4 of Sec. corner of W. 5, T. 13 S., R. 1 E S.L.M., th. W. 18 rds., N. 6 rds. 12 LKS., E. 18 rds S. 6 rds. 12 LKS. to beg. cont. AC. $146.21 Mt. Baldy Properties Inc. Beg. 10 rds. N. of SE. corner of Lot 1, Blk 44, Plat A. Nephi Townsite Survey, th W. 68 ft. 6 INS. N. 1 rd., W. 3 INS., N. 18.5 ft., E.68ft.9INS.S.35ft. to $49.16 beg. Robert K. Newberry and Cleda B. Newberry, Joint Tenants Beg. at N.W. cor. of Lot 2, Blk. 47, Plat A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th.N.33 ft., th.E. 214.5 ft., th. S. 33 ft. to N.E. cor. of sd. Lot 2, th. S. 63.5 ft to a pt.. 151 ft. N. of S.E. cor. of sd. Lot th. W. 143.5 ft., N. 15 ft., th. W. 71 ft. to W. Line of SD. Lot 2, th. N. 48.5 ft. to beg. $150.05 B. Ardys Tenants for taxes 1973. $90.21 Paul Ockey, Dora O. Shaw and Emma O. Carter T.C. Beg. at NE. Cor. of Lot 4, Blk. 36, to beg. This property was sold $8 .55 for taxes 1973. A. J. Bowers Jr. care of David of Lot 1, Blk. 27, E. Pass-- All Plat D, Nephi TownsiteSur-vey- . of Lot 3, Blk. 11, Plat B, Nephi Townsite Survey, and also: Beg. 68 ft. W of SE cor. of Lot 2, Blk. 11, Pit. B Nephi Townsite Survey, th W 146.5 ft. M or L, to SW cor. of sd Lot 2, th N 214.5 ft. to NW cor. of sd Lot 2, th E 214.5 ft. to NE cor. of sd Lot 2, th S 114.5 ft. to a pt 100 ft. N of SE cor. of sd Lot 2, th W 68 ft., th S 100 ft. to beg. $131.67 Louis Dwane Tidwell and of sd Lot, th W. 95.25 ft. to beg. Juab Pursuant to Section Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended by Laws of Utah 1967, I, the undersigned Erma I. Goble, County Treasurer of Juab County, hereby give public notice that the following named persons are delinquent in the payment of general and all special or other taxes in the amount set opposite their respective names on the property indicated, reference being hereby made to the assessment rolls for the respective amounts which go to make up the whole amount of delinquent taxes set forth, and the same is hereby made a part of this notice. Unless said delinquent taxes, together with costs and penalty, are paid before Tuesday, the 15th day of January, 1975, I shall, pursuant to Section Utah Code Annotated, 1953 as amended by Laws of Utah 1967, sell the real property upon which taxes are a lien, to Juab in the manner County prescribed by law, for such taxes, penalties and costs, excepting only such property as held by the County under a prior preliminary tax sale. Said sale will be made on Tuesday, the 15th day of January 1975. Dated this 26th day of December, 1974. s. Erma I. Goble Treasurer of Juab County rds. thN. 135-16- 0 $41.76 Lavern M. and Eva T. Stephensen Joint Tenants Beg. 19.5 rds. S. of NW. Cor. of 4 of Sec. 31. T. 14 S, R.l E, S.L.M. TH. E. 78 rds, TH. S. 26.5 rds, TH. W. 78 rds, TH. N. 26.5 rds. to Beg. Cont. 12.92 acres less Deed to Utah. Power A Light Co. Cont 0.229 acres. SW. $15.10 Beg. 9 rds. N. of the S.W. Cor. of N. y4 of N.W. 4 of sec. 32 T. 14 S. R. 1 E. S.L.M. TH. E. 33 rds. TH. N. 13 rds. TH. W. 33 rds. TH. S. 13 rds. to Beg. Cont. 2.68 ac. This property was sold for taxes in Gerald W. Carter 13S-R- 1972. $8.03 Max D. Baxter and Janet S. Baxter Joint Tenants Beg. at the NW. comer of sec. 36 T. 14 S. R. 1. W, S.L.M, TH. S. 80 rds, E. 80 rds, N. 80 rds, W. 80 rds. to Beg. Cont. 40 ac. $53.97 Karin Elizabeth Sonntag All of lots 10 and 11 of sec. 2. T. 25 S, R.l- - W, S.L.M. Cont. 61 77 ac. This property was sold for taxes in 1971. Book C Juab School District John E. Runyan and Lila K. NW Runyan SE. V4 V4, NE. V4 $11.89 y4, se. of NW. 4, NW. of NW. '4, w. S. of Sec. 29-T14 of SW. y4 RlW. SLM. Cont. 280 ac. This 4, sw. sw. y4 of ne. 4 Rachel Strange in care of Margaret S. Foster The NW 4 of the NE. 4 of sec. 21, T. 25 S, R 2 W, S.L.M. Cont. 40 ac. property was sold for taxes 1973 ' ; $35.98 " John E. and Lila SE. Vi K. Runyan of sec. 30 - T12S, RlW, S.L.M. cont. 160 ac. This property was sold for taxes 1973. $13.81 John E. and Lila K. Runyan E. E. of sec. 31 - T12S-R1- ' SLM. cont. 160. ac. Thomas P. Kendall and Ada B. Kendall Joint Tenants E of SE. y4 of sec. 26. T. 13 S, R. 1 W, SLM. Cont. 80 acres. $48.83 Together with R. of W. Thomas P. Kendall and Ada Joint Tenants Beg. thirds rds. S of NE corner of NE A of sec. 26. T. 13 S. R. 1 W S.L.M. th W. 160 rds. the S 56 rds. th E 160 d rds to rds. th N 56 and $43.37 beg. Cont. 56.33 acres. of W. Fred D. Morgan E. B. Kendall, 67 and two one-thir- d one-thir- of sec. 17, T.13 S, R.2 W, S.M.L Cont. 160 acres. $20.56 Fred D. Morgan The W. of of the the NW. 4 and the W. SW. 14 of sec. 17. T.13 S, R.2 W, S.L.M. Cont. 160 ac. $43.69 Fred D. Morgan Lots 15 16 27 and 28. The NE. y4 and the SE. V4 OF Sec. 18. T.13 S, R.2 W. SLM. Cont. 480 acres. $97.66 Edwin F. St. Clair care of Paul J. Frampton All of the SW 14 of Sec. 14, T.13 S. R. 3 W. S.L.M. $10.28 Edwin F. St. Clair, care of All of the Paul J. Frampton NW y4 of Sec. 14, TWP.13 S.R.3 S.L.M. $10.28 Edwin F. St. Clair, care of Paul J. Frampton All of Sec. 15 T. 13 S, R.3 W, S.L.M, Cont. 640 ac. $41.12 Edwin F. St. Clair, care of Paul J. Frampton All of Sec. 16, T.13 S, R.3 W S.L.M, Cont. 640 Ac. $41.12 Edwin F. St. Clair, care of Paul J. Frampton All of Sec. 21, T.13 S, R.3 W, S.L.M. Cont. Edwin F. St. Calir, Paul J. Frampton 22, T.13 640 ac. S, R.3 W $41.12 of care All of Sec. S.L.M. Cont. Realty Finance S. N. , of sec. 13. T. 14 S, SE. R. 8 W SLM, Cont. 240 ac. This property was sold for taxes N. 1972. $14.94 Realty Finance SW. 4 NW.4, N'W. 4 SW. 4 of Sec. 14, T.- 14 S, R. 8 W, SLM, Cont 80 acres. This property was sold $4.98 for taxes 1972. Realty Finance SE. L4 NE. of Sec. 15, T.14 S, R. 8 W, SLM, Cont. 40 acres. This property was sold for taxes $249 NE. Realty Finance S. SW. 4, SE. of Sec. 25, E. T.14 S R 8 W SLM, Cont 320 acres. This property was sold $19 92 for taxes 1972. Realty Finance Lots 5, 6, 7, 1972. NE. S, 8, E. W. 4. W. 4 E. 4, NE. 4 of Sec. 30, T.44 R. 7 W.. SLM, Cont 525.19 4 Norman Haskins Trustee Beg. at the S. V4 cor. of sec. 26 T. 15 S. R. 2 W. SLM, TH.W. 1068 ft, N. 1331 ft, E 398 53 min. W. 1320 S. 1331 ft. to Beg. cont. 160.35 ft. N. 3252 E. 2175. 1 ft, S. 65 deg. ft, S. 2363 ft, ac. This property was sold for taxes in 1973. $7.07 Irel L. Chase The S of lot of the SE. 4 of the 6 or the S. SE. 4 ofsec.2.T. 16 S, R. 1 W, SL.M. Cont. 20 ac. $1.29 Cedar Springs Ranch, Inc. in care of Dale M. Dorius Beg. at the NE. Cor. of the SW 4 of sec. 10 T. 16 S, R 1 W, S.L.M. TH. S. 1380 min W. 880 min. to highway, TH. 1440 min. NE, along E. HIWY. B min Dry Fence. E. 460 min to Pt. of Beg cont. 20.9 ac. $8.03 Douglas L. Bown All of lots 36, 37 and 38 sec. 31 T. 16 S. R. 1 W. S.L.M. cont 20 ac. $7.71 Douglas L. Bown All of lots 29 and 40 of sec. 31. T. 16 S, R. 1 W, S.L.M. cont. 80 ac. $5.14 Chester Memmott and Esther H. Memmott, Joint Tenants of the NW. 4 of sec. The N. 31, T. 26 S, R. 2 W S.L.M. cont 80 ac. This property was sold for taxes in 1971. $15.42 Chester Memmott and Esther Joint Tenants 4 the S. of the and NE4 the E. of the W. H. Memmott, All of the SE all of lot 4 of sec. 31 T. 16 S, R.2 W, S.L.M. cont. 439.95 ac. This property was sold for taxes in Chester Memmott and Esther H. Memmott, Joint Tenants The NW 4. W of SW of sec. 32 T. 16 S, R 2 W S.L.M. cont. 240 ac. This property was sold for taxes in 1971. 4 $41.12 Edwin F. St. Clair, care of Paul J. Frampton All of the W. of sec. 23, T.13 S R.3 W, S.- L.M. Cont. 320 ac. $20.56 and ' Leetta ft, $20.56 640 Ac. $11.24 - $30.84 Douglas L. Bown Lots 4, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, ,25, 26, 42, 43, and 44 and the SW. of the SE. 4 of sec. 7, T. 17 S R 1 W. S.L.M. cont. 640 ac. $41.12 Douglas L. Bown The NE of sec. 7, T. 17 S,R.1W, S.L.M. cont 160 ac. $10.28 Douglas L. Bown All of lots 7, 8, 19, 20, 21, 28 and 43 of sec. 6, T. 17 S. R. 1 W S.L.M. cont 288 80 ac I,- 2,3, 4 4 $1863 Douglas L. Bow n Lots 22, 26, 27, 44. 45, and 46 and the SW 4 of theSE 4 of sec. 6, T. 17 S R. 1 W. S.L.M. cont. 280 ac. $17.99 All of lots 18,29. 30, 31. 40. 41 and 42 of sec. 6 T. 17 S., R.1W. S.L.M. cont 280 ac. Douglas L. Bown $17.99 Douglas L. Bown All of lots 9,10, 11,17. 32 and 39 of sec. 6 T. I |