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Show The First Cbi$ Vcar Cboose B 50,000 American Citing Christmas Tree Xmas Tree Christmas most of are concerned with the environment, the ecology on which all living matter de- pends. If you want to extend the joys of Christmas for years ahead, environmentalists rec- that you choose a living tree, set in a pot of as a Christmas tree, and later put it in the ground outside your home. Among the best varieties are the Douglas fir, balsam, cedar, hemlock and host of pines. Probably the most popular Xmas tree is the Douglas fir, with its dense green and This Christmas traditions date back thousands of years . . . to the Druids and ancient Rome and beyond, but the first Christmas tree in America was brought into being comparatively recently ... in 1847. May every joy and blessing of this season be yours. We're happy to have the opportunity to thank you for your patronage. Silver Maple Service The place was Wooster, Ohio. A young German immigrant, August Imgard, a youth of 21, is said to have introduced the Christmas tree to America. As Christmas drew near that year, it proved to young Imgard a season of somewhat dismal anticipation. He missed the fund of entertainment and observance which marked the Day in his homeland. So he decided to have one like those in Bavaria. Two other reasons, very personal ones, were his nephew and niece. He wanted to bring added joy to their Christmas, and make it one they would never forget. Young Imgard went into the woods and chopped down a spruce tree. From the village tinsmith he obtained a twinkly tin star. The family made paper decorations, and thus the Christmas tree, as most of us know it, came into being. blue-gree- n needles. A fresh SUBCONTRACTOR while that of other Christ-u- s mas trees is usually brown, The long needled Scotch pjn(. is a handsome tree, although its foliage is not quite so thick as other Christmas PLUS trees. Young Scotch Pines hold their amid shape, but as they gt older become more irregu-eartlar. Blue - green needles reach three inches in length and give a soft look to your join hands with prime company with volume work. Must be financially sound with good credit. No experience neo.a 'Tis $ary as company will tram. to be jolly! Here's hoping your holidays are filled with only the very best! Call Mr. Perkins in Salt Lake pyr-omme- h, COLLECT (801) thru Friday, 486-309- 6. 10:00 Monday a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for full Lambard Agency living room, Invest in a living Christ-sprucmas tree, bring it inside dur-- a ing the holidays and enjoy its evergreen splendor in your garden for the rest of the year. Walk through the nearest nursery and check e, Ponderosa Pine, which usually the vcrY hardy Colorado darker, and one way to test its freshness is to tug gently Spruce, and loves contain-a- t the needles. If they come ers- Austrian Black Pine, a ne sma tree for table-top- ; out readily the tree is not at Monterey Pine, more its best for several weeks inside a ular; and Alberta Spruce, heated house. In a young The Alepo and Japanese also recommended, tree, needles are about X Pines are After inch long. Christmas, when are rea(ty to plant your Another popular tree call- - Y011 check your tree outdoors, ed the Silvertip is really the local Silver-granurseryman to see Red Fir. and is best for "hnt procedure needles grow straight green from its symmetrical branch- - that particular variety. And es making it a formal, stately then give it all the love it deserves. e tree. The bark is tree is s - nt y gray-whit- Something to Remember Over the Holiday seuSon m-- The Yuletide season brings thoughts of Christmases gone by... and thoughts of friends like you. We sincerely hope that you enjoy the happiest of holidays Ferg's , Were glad to have the opportunity to wish each and everyone of our friends the happiest of holidays. May Christmas bring the realization of your hopes. America honors August Imgard. His tomb stands on Madison Hill in Wooster. This year, as in previous years, a lighted Christmas tree will probably stand at its door, a tribi i to the man who first brought lo America the symbol of joy and peace and love that should be Christmas for us all, all over the world. Nephi School of Music Fine Arts Center U When winter fringes every bough With his fantastic wreath, 'i n.O1' C')T! ' And puts the seal of silence now Upon the leaves beneath; Methinks the summer still is nigh. And lurketh underneath. Uf'NR.' DAVID MOREAU Nothing appeurs so peaceful and tranquil vvi the holiday season as a farmstead cloaked m a new f lien mantle of snow. But beneath the blanket of while lies the farmer s labors of the harvest season lust past and the growing season soon to mine. Mmnent.iiilv dor mant. the fruits of his labors will spting foith again to help feed and clothe a nation and a woilJ. while his land dozes, the f.irmei and lus family lend live stock and prepare for yet another year of rebirth and renewal. The farniei continued devotion to the land t is one of the gifts each of us receives on this or ary Christmas. grc-ales- A churchman, John Pierpont, composed the gay Christmas song, Jingle Bells, which has been popular for over a century. 8 The Times-New- s Nephi, Utah December 26, 1974 ! May's Market Service The townsfolk gathered round to admire it. Before long, the word had been spread far and wide, about the beautiful tree in Wooster, Ohio. It became art' American custom. 'I'! ' the season Seasonal tribute to our farmers and their families from A Floyd Carter and family It's Christmas once again! May the season be a truly joyous one for you, our many fine customers. Thank you for your loyal patronage. BD T Q, E TT D7 Glory to the newborn King! May all the blessings of this holiday season abide with you & your loved ones. Leo W. Christensen Distributor, Standard , Oil Co. products We know we re on the right track when we say, we Santa hope brings you the nicest gifts on Christmas day! Sincere holiday greetings from the folks at Pexton Wholesale Co., Inc. Tis the season to Ik jolly! We hope your holidays are filled with good cheer and lots of good things! Thank you so much for your patronage throughout the past year. Nephi Drug Co. |