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Show Letter to the Editor New babies Recent births of interest East Juab County residents clude the following: Dear Editor; As a citizen of this community and a dog owner, I was most distressed to read the notice in last weeks paper of the action by the Nephi City Council relative to the cost of licensing a dog in our city. Particularly with regard to male dogs. This seems to me to be one of the most unrealistic decisions by this city council in recent memory. While I realize, and am the first to admit to a dog problem, at the same time I realize that there are many people who own dogs for very useful purposes, and still others who find comfort and security in having a pet dog. A figure as unrealistic as $15.00 license fee certainly will deny many people this opportunity. It seems to me that other avenues could be followed. Consequently I am initiating a petition indicating this concern, and invite any citizens who share my feeling to endorse this presentation to the council in order to see if we cant get them to reconsider and return to the former system of licensing. I would hate to think they are using this method to raise additional funds. I hope to have several copies of this petition available and encourage anyone interested to get their signature on one. Thank you, Lynn L. Wright I VENICE THEATRE in- Girl, born December 18 to Mr. and Mrs. William (Bill) Painter of Salt Lake City. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. James Painter, all of Nephi. are Fred Painter of Nephi, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Beach of Greenriver, Mr. and Mrs. Parley Madsen of Fountain Green, and Mrs. Arthur Anderson of Fountain Green. Girl, born December 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tolley of Nephi. She will be named Marcia Tolley. Grandparents are Mr. and M. Dean Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Tolley, all of Nephi. are Mr. and Mrs. Rex Tolley of Nephi, Mrs. Cleo Christiansen of Fountain Green, and Mr. and Mrs. Lehman Boardman of Provo. Lt. Fred A. Mayer Armed forces news Great-grandparen- LieutenENID, ant Fred A. Mayer, son of George W. Mayer of Mona, has graduated from U. S. Air Force pilot training at Vance AFB, Okla.-Sec- ond Nephi news Mr. and Mrs. Mike Golden and family of Glendale, California; Mr. and Mrs. James Golden and children of American Fork; and Mrs. James Bean are spending the Christmas holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brough. Okla., and has received his silver wings. Lieutenant Mayer now goes to Castle AFB, California for trainStratofortress pilot. ing as a The lieutenant, a 1968 graduate of Juab High School received Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown his B. S. degree from Brigham were hosts at a Christmas party at their home Saturday evening. Young University and was there in 1973 through Those attending were Mr. and the Reserve Officers Training Mrs. Frank Sperry of Payson, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Jex Corps program. His wife, Phyllys, is the of Spanish Fork, Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. HerRay Hiatt of Pleasant Grove, man Apple of 715 W. Yale, Enid, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Olsen of Okla. American Fork, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Horton of Goshen, and Mr. and Mrs. John V. Garrett of Nephi. 2 com-mision- O The Times-New- s December 26, CHRISTMAS ?! NIGHT, plays Dec. 1974 A hearty greeting to all our friends. It's a pleasure to wish you the merriest of holidays at this time. Hycldeberi Jinn Thanks for your A HusicaMdaptation PANAVISION United Artists ONE DAY ONLY DECEMBER The Ladies Literary Club held their annual Christmas party on Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of Maude Robertson. A Christmas dinner was served after which games were played and gifts were exchanged. Those present were Mrs. James Stanley, Mrs. Leo Christensen, Mrs. P. N. Anderson, Mrs. Warner W. Stephenson, Mrs. T. W. Allred, Mrs. E. Alton Ellertson, Mrs. George V. Jones, Mrs. Jack Wright, Mrs. Ray Anderson, Mrs. Floyd Lunt, Mrs. Frank Greenhalgh, Mrs. Dulcie Francom, and Mrs. John Robertson. Published Thursdays at I Juab County, j Nephi, Utah. Second class entry at Nephi, Utah 34648. 4 SHOWS 1:00, 3:00, 7:00, 9.00 P.M. 4 SHOWS Admission this show only: $1.75, 75c HENRY FONDA Si TERRANCE (Trinity) HILL RATED - WILL BE Outside Juab County: $6.00 per year j CL OS ED Thurs. Dec. 26 1 DRESSES 3 TO V OFF reg. prices ROBES -- 'a OFF- - - Some for $5.00 BRUSHED NYLON GOWNS SWEATERSKNITTOPS 1 RACK OF JEANS JANTZEN - RUSS AND DEVON COORDINATES 3 I OFF Club of Christ- partners mas party and dinner at the Fine Arts Center on Thursday. Gifts were exchanged by club members. A musical program was presented during the evening, followed by dancing. INSURANCE Raw'd Suftjieb GLL OPEN NEW YEARS EVE - 600 fo 830 pm RESERVATIONS ONLY FIRE AUTO HOMEOWNERS FARMOWNERS BONDS : LIFE CENTRAL UTAH INSURANCE MENU ne Potato Salad Salad Salad Salad 623-025- 0 Jell-- o Cole Slaw Crab Salad - Fruit Bean Cucumbers Baked Salmon Above Meat Items Include Macaroni-Cra- b H!am Salad Tossed Green Baked Potato, Sour Cream with Chives and Macaroni Salad Tendered Buttered Green Peas Choice of Beverage Sour Dough Bread Beet Salad PHONE 2 FOR RESERVATONS 623-132- 33 SOUTH MAIN LARRY PETERSON Agent - Broker Prime Rib Top Sirloin Steak Steak Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimp Broiled Crab Legs r Filet Mignons SALAD BAR AGENCY NEPHI, UTAH ITEMS MEAT DESSERT Fresh Pumpkin Pie or Ice Cream START NEW YEAR'S EVE RIGHT- COME TO RAYS G I I I I Telephone (801) Roy Publisher, E. 623-052- for 5 Gibson Editor-Manag- GIANT December 30, 31 request. Office: 96 South Main Inventory! er Why its necessary to have reserve electricity generating capacity all experienced untimely mechanical problems. Automobiles break down. Plumbing stops up. Roofs develop leaks. Problems like these happen even though we keep watch and work to prevent them. And too often, these difficulties are not only unexpected but require costly repairs. But it happens to everybody... including Utah Power. SALE STARTS THURS. DEC 26 - ALL WINTER COATS 10:30 a.m. REDUCED 30 Some of the companys large industrial customers that are served from the company's reserve capacity on an interruptible basis may not get all of the power they can use until this damaged unit goes back into operation, but we expect that there will be an adequate supply for all firm customers. The older company plants which provide reserve capacity are not as efficient as the damaged Naughton Plant unit, so it costs more to generate power using them. It also costs more to purchase jxmer when available from interconnected neighlroring utilities . Unfortunately, this added expense pushes up the already rapidly advancing costs of providing the electric jiower you need. important reason why electric utilities need reserve generating capacity. And since you're a customer, you have a right to know that Utah Power is ready and aide to provide the electricity you need even in the face of unexpected circumstances. 31st 44 YARD - - beautiful new pieces! 4.11 each BATTS - 2 lb Dacron Unbelievable buys 50 QUILT OFF Ia-l- b - , 3.33 each Tay-Te- x FLORAL BLANKETS BEAUTIFUL Regular fo 8.99 buys! r Dec. DOUBLE KNITS TO we have a large selection great money-save- - - Ends Tuesday POLYESTER 77 each LEADER PILLOWS Many - -to clear - - Firm and Lovely SHOES reduced DOWN PILLOWS for luxury deeping "SO14 I25 - discount Men's -- Women's BLEACHED MUSLIN SHEETS Children's NYLON TRICOT short print pieces 63c yard For example, on November 28th at 4:20 a.m., a mechanical failure occurred in the high pressure turbine of a 330,000 kilowatt unit at our Naughton Plant near Kemmerer, Wyoming. And, working as rapidly as possible, we have determined that it will take six months and over $1 million in repairs alone to bring this unit back into service for you. Its another starts CO. Utah Power talks about your electric power: Weve After the dinner, club members were entertained by a program, and then exchanged gifts. Present were Mrs. Joseph Garrett, Mrs. Othel Pay, Mrs. Wallace Garrett, Mrs. Joseph Smith, Mrs. James W. Smith, Mrs. DeLos Garrett, Mrs. Glade Sanders, Mrs. Roy Greenhalgh, Mrs. Ralph Chase, Mrs. Alton S. Gadd, Mrs. Eugene Worthington, Mrs. Theo Westring, Mrs. David Austin, Mrs. Jesse Bailey, and Mrs. Alma Jones. LUMBER Subscription rates: Within Juab County: J $5.00 per year I I 31 MY NAME IS NOBODY Sale WINTER loy- 28 December 29, 30, Cafe. Mona news j Sunday, .Monday, Tuesday Members of the Booklore Club held their annual Christmas party recently at Mickelsons The Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mowers were visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gedge Oliver. al patronage. SATURDAY - Lions club Literary Club their Lions held theirNephi and afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Asa H. Sperry. MatkTwam't G The Nautilus Literary Club held their Christmas party at the home of Gae Sperry on December 19. The party was under the direction of Doris Anderson. Phyllis Ingram, and Thearl Park. Games were played and gifts were exchanged. Members at the party were Anita Oliver, Beth Sperry, Doris Anderson, Phyllis Ingram, Joan Reid, Evelyn Bosh, Bobbie Toomer, Karen Wright, Linda Whittington, Marilyn Park, Lou-An- n Osborne, Joyce llamberlin, Connie Lofgran, Nadine Blackett, Beth Whimpey, and Gae Sperry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oldham 1 VDigest Booklore club Nautilus club of Kearns visited on Saturday Peaders EiflinnniEs FASMDdBRIS Mr. and Mrs. Max Garrett and family of Provo were visitors on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Geneva Molyneux. Nephi, Utah iv STARTS ft to Twin sizfi 31 1 size o. Queen size 4.33 ea; Flat and filled, all sizes Ful1 Pillow Cases --1- 3-4- 4 pair .88 COLORED AND LL0RAL SHEETS AND CASES LARGE 2 DISHTOWELS CLOSEOUT Trims CSC Tapes and - Reg. to 29c ea. WOMEN; UNDERWEAR SPECIAL Mens LaCrosse THERMAL double KNIT IPANTS unbeatable insulated pacs (if perfect 120.00) pr. Many colors, sizes -- Values to 114.00 6(H) (I DISCOUNT 10 for O for 5 Pc 3) - reduced 40. INSUL-BLAZER- S 12.33 pair J |