Show I r The r s II 1 v THE Q OF flUTTER Editor of or The Republican Herald Salt Lake City is today paying the highest price for butter o of any cit elt city in tho the country countr The Thc table of or the whole wholesale prices in a ew ev large cities citie explains the cause Salt 33 ti cents for or fifteen oun ounces dunces tl per pound 4 1 1 3 S 15 Philadelphia per pound 39 19 New York Tort per pound 38 per pound 38 Chicago per pr r pound Buffalo per pound V St. St Louis per pound W CI Cleveland per pound 36 36 per pound 35 5 Kan Kansas 8 City per r pound 33 San Francisco cl per pound 34 31 Los Angeles per pound i t 31 24 1 This excessive price Is not due to irremovable able economic causes There I Ino Is no shortage in production Population Population Population tion has not increased sufficiently to tomake tomake tomako make mako any any cl change c ang-c n mm the demand Buit But Bu it ItI is due to an unjust immoral and anc and shameless raid upon the time helplessness of the people This condition offers offer a convincing illustration of how th the law 1 If we had one to fix Ix the pound at sj sixteen t 1 o ounces cou could 1 compel lion hon est esty in Inne me ne 01 Ot DUtter UI Until il we get such a a. law Jaw public sentiment sentiment sen sea alone can overcome the taking of unjust profits Here butter is sold in a. a supposed pound of oC fifteen ounces Elsewhere re a pound is and must be sixteen ounces In lU Utah the time creamery cream cream- er ery men men regulate the whole price upon a sh weight short pound to keep it above the thc market price in producing centers centers cen ecu where the time weight Weigh t must be bc government government gov gov- standard of ot sixteen ounces to the thc pound v The price of or butter has a roach far Ing InS effect upon the welfare of or a com corn It is an undisputable and pro proven n fact tact that the rise and fall In Inthe Inthe Inthe the price of butter marl marks s the the- variations variations varia varia- in fn the cost of or living in iii that com corn This is as stable an economic law Ja Jaas as 15 as' as that which fixes the rise anc and nil fall of bf all commodities following the changes hanges in the price of pig pig- iron J Jis Jt it itis is a common occurrence for people who propose settling in a new cIt city to look tip up time the prices of the necessities I of life lite in the cH city into which they expect to c move Their notion of the of is determined cost ver very largely large lars ly Ii Ir b by what they observe to be e the tho pre- pre g pr price ce of butter Thc They unknowingly ar are arc thus proving that the price or of butter te is the thc chief regulator of or the price of ar all articles of food Do time the business men of the cit city jf to be bc known that Salt Lake is the c most expensive ell city in the country country coun tr try in which to live To maintain the wholesale pr price e of oC butter at 38 cents nt f for fifteen tec ounces will ym mark the time cost or living Jiving nere as being higher 1 than an anywhere where else But that would be bc a gross misrepresentation of oC the cit city for fol there are arc no eco economic causes to make it such Furthermore it would be he le a a. derogatory commentary upon the reports sent out of ot the rich lands tributary to tho the city But happily hap hap- there are aro no good reasons for an excessively high cost of living living- to obtain ob tam tain here The lands of oC Utah are as as' productive as the most fertile in the thc count country The causes for fOl the prevail prevail- ing jug high prices are only slightly economic and largely largel moral And in this instance of or the price of butter it is Immoral through and through We Vc protest therefore against agaIn the injustice and immorality in Iii the present present pres pres- ent out method of fixing the wholesale price of oC butter at the highest point in all the country countr Ve We ask aj th the public even en though they ther may not agree with us on the immorality of the practice at least to agree ree with us on the cco- cco value of our argument on account nc ac count of or tIme the harm hann that Is done the elt city and state b by advancing the high high cost of or living living- which works against progress and development SOCIAL SERVICE COMMISSION OF EPISCOPAL CHURCH I IN THE DISTRICT OF UTAH FROM A A. PEEVISH BRITON Editor of The Republican Herald I am an Englishman I have been in this country about eighteen months I am an ex-color ex sergeant of ot the BritIsh British Brit Brit- ish arm army having served twelve years ears I have been extremely Interested Inthe in inthe in inthe the remarks of oC Secretary of ot War Stimson regarding res-arding the strength of ot the American army compared with those of other nations and in In my estimation he is on the right tack Your article in today's Herald- Herald Republican Is exactly what is to be be expected from someone with a rig half halt knowledge of military matters and a avery avery a avery very garbled knowledge of ot the tho ne-ces- ne it I. I AC- AC f tf w yat OT YO TI TI n r-f r o Y r n. n In the first place your reference to the time handful of ot unkempt and colonists who succeeded in bumping the Lion JIon and amid nd the Unicorn to so severe an extent is not quite quIto In keeping with history Am American rican citizens won and and won de deservedly in a a. war in which aUth all aU th the right and reason was on their side but they were neither unkempt norun nor un and moreover er the they were ero mostly British fighting hUng against a mixed force o of paid supernumeraries supernumeraries' of oC several European nations at a a. time r when Great Britain had her hands full with pretty nearl nearly the rest of tho the world troops fighting hUng thousands of ot miles away from their base and with no real he heart rt in the struggle At that time also the facilities for tor the transport transport trans traIls port of or troops were ridiculous compared com corn r pared with those of or today and it Jt Is 18 t quite within the bounds of possibility for a large ar e. e equipped well and drilled drilled- army to be landed In a comparatively short space of time With the tho Boer war and your our remarks re To- marks thereon I am much and humorously hu hu- hul- hul Interested seeing seeing- that I was was f fin vS in the arm army at that time The uncouth uncouth uncouth un un- couth farmers were wore armed with the very latest pattern quick firing guns and most modern of rifles Every man man was a horseman and as a race they are absolutely absolute the best shots man for tor forman forman torman man in time the world and there were 70 of them It is news to me rue about securing an aim honorable peace I al always aI- aI ways was imagined unconditional surrender der det was tho he eJ end d of tho the business f NOW point Is this Had those tf Boers Boors possessed an army d and 1 equipped as the time European armies are arc the time struggle would have been Jeen much longer for tor however brave brav and willing your citizens may be they have not as ns a whole the tho stamina for standing fatigue and continual marching marching- as f have lUl trained men whoso profession son militarism is As to the strain upon I Intelligence and muscle there is nothIng noth noth- ing lag which needs greater intelligence on the part of or officers officers' and men than warfare Nor is the time British army officered officered of of- f. f by second sons ons of ot impecunious impecunious- noblemen but rather by the tho backbone of an any nation the tho middle classes classes- w well educated and clean living hiving men who have hae the time fighting hUng spirit born in it them a a. legacy from a thousand years ears of history the most brilliant in the tIme annals annal of df the tho world Possibly your volunteers could clean up a mess like th time the Boer war much quicker than England Eng Eng- land laud did but the Philippines business busIness' rather discounts this assumption I have o worked alongside the most willing and bravest men in the volunteers volun volun- III teens but for tor hard work worl and no J grouching grouching- give me mc the hard ham well well- l trained soldier officered b by men who 1 know kno their thell business from its tactical point of view Thc They can deal with f any amount of ot brave mob that ever started out to fight even 1 If 1 it takes a fairly ahI long time Yours ours trul truly BRITISH COLOR SERGEANT Idaho Dec 1 12 1911 J |