Show I K Is s. C. ny UR I I Impre shu services were held yester- yester yesterday lay day afternoon at the funeral of ot Elmer U E. Casady at his hit lalo laic residence cn Third avenue avenue He hey c L. j It n. n Neol ot of the Central Christian church Churchs delivered the tho funeral address an and H pra prayer er was wa offered L by the Roy Rev l. l i Y Goshen n of or th FIr First t Congregational church Mrs ll's A. A S. S Peters sang sans two appropriate selections Beautiful or of fir and andA A lf cp ep In Jesus A profusion of oC floral flora tributes 6 was yas as offered Mr Ir Casady hud hind been heen a n ot Salt Lake for twenty friends i years l alS and had hada a a wide I 1 I. I |