Show IV c. Taxpayers Entitled to the Wisest Expenditure of Public Moneys O ONE NE of the most formidable indictments i brought against tho the present city administration tion has hns been its reckless expenditure of public moneys er E Every taxpayer er o of Salt Lake wants paved streets street good sidewalks an ample sewer 8 system stem and andis is ready to pa pay his fair and honest hOllest share of the c- c expense Tho The present administration has done much o of this tills work just ns as would all any other set of officials the spirit of Salt Lake progress would force this upon a city government hat did not recognize the necessity for it Yet for every ery dollar dollar dol dol- lar of money spent in improvements the people have ha gotten much less than that in value The favored city contractor whose influence was able to force the withdrawal from tho the citizens citizen's movement o of one of the latter's most earnest supporters supporters supporters sup sup- porters at its outset has on several sc occasions been paid for material which was not used By nr chicanery and juggling work that should have ha gone gOlle to othe others has been given to the favored ored contractor on a salver He has waxed and grown fat ho ha has given gi the people of Salt Lake an object lesson of what an Irish boy with a n penchant for politics can do with a city government Some one facetiously dubbed Pat Moran the mayor and cit city council of Salt I Lake kc while it is a well rounded sentence filling the mouth and echoing sweetly there is still till stillmore Stillmore tillmore more truth than poetry in it Money Honey raised by special taxation on abutting property to pay for improvements has been spent fr far r other purposes and the contractors have been paid in city warrants which draw drav interest to be met b by the taxpayers generally throughout the city Members of the city government many of them have ha been given gi their water service ice by the city free of charge lime have jo ridden joy in automobiles furnished and maintained b by th they l people and one head of a n eit city department who runs a little private private vate ate business delivers their purchases to his customers cus tamers in a city automobile t t 1 I 1 I I I Petty grafting is and has been the rule The merchants arc are forced to pay many and varied special special special cial license taxes for the purpose of doing busi husi- ness nes The rhe various carious city improvements are pointed to lo as a defense by the administration press when the tIle public well knows that city improvements aro are paid for by special taxes on abutting property and not from the tle general tax fund Thero There has been beena a carnival of grafting saloons and gambling an houses opium dens and other resorts have ha been forced to pay so much a month for the pr privilege of operating yet et not a n cent of this has gone into the city treasury Policemen who never earned a month in their lives pay for homes in ill two years wars time members of tho the department tra travel cl from rom a aone one end of the country to another and sport dia dia- monds American citizens of Salt Lake I.-ake are arc not wanted when the favored fa contractor has work todo to todo todo do foreigners ers o oE of every grade an and persuasion are given iven tho the preference Men who have homes in Salt Lake and are arc taxpayers aro cast aside for workmen of other nations who contribute but little lit little little lit lit- tle to Salt Lakes Lake's prosperity and who keep their money moner in a sack and a stocking until they get got enough to go o back home and be nabobs ever eer after A city ordinance provides for the employment of I American citizens yet it is not enforced the excuse excuse ex ex- cuse being that trouble with some foreign nation mi might ht result Shades of 1 What worldwide worldwide worldwide world world- wide statesmen we seem to have ha in the Salt SnIt Lake city government A change is needed good men should be chos chos- en The people of this city have ha the chance to assert assert as as- sert their ri rights Let them do so if the they do not the responsibility will be theirs |