Show Rather a Pertinent Inquiry Soon after the death of the 8000000 patriot President Barrios of Guatemala it came out that one of his sons had been for the past year and a half at the United States Military Academy at West Point AVe would like to know remarks one of our contemporaries by what rule of right or justice the sons of foreign despots and dictators like the dead Barrios are made the wards of this government and educated edu-cated at the expense of the taxpaying people of America We hope this question ques-tion will be repeated through the press until a satisfactory answer is given It looks singular to say the least that tho I American people should have to educate this young foreigner at public expense and to the exclusion of the Ron of some American citizen properly entitled to the place usurped by young Barrios The point l of order raised by our contemporary contem-porary strikes us as being well taken |