Show = CRACKEUS YjJt S TIlE OLD Virvolons Stories About the Al Some rc ligl lorsin Florida said the ole 11Ttilking about gators he placed his halfchowcc CtTnf r as in his vest pocket and lit quid of tobacco offered him Ive seed tK the cigar when I old FayeU Lake Lafayette time They usler hiss and full on cm wuz ontel couldnt hear nd boiler you and ro1f rffjEcr drink I counted ninety rerseIf tnlw cr in that ar lake one arternoon ti j on em t SSdinensainan connsin I never Ut blceve anybody else dont I eed an I nnher It seems that old ever fillers boblailcd bullwhich 1eki1 Millers chawed off by a bull been his tail Hlche allers aswiinmin in he was gator hcHhit ce learned no sense by that the likChednt an lied gone iii agm This thar InihIP fur him the giIOrS wus too nHll1Y timc right thaI till kilt him thar wus ninetysix 5 of snid iiorc Er I V only one of the bull so the lter enough bull to go round thr Wtlllt ors was tol tluir i ot them gators ead om 0 thOUgh OU likes 111 trvin to git his I Ibly ffio < W son tremejus bull gator i hlur There J WIIS 1 hrp one fur keeps thaI an hc smart faster nor thes i cuU tt right could sw ° I lIe p1llUI lhe deekin > IIC lttther OUON J n quarters and swum to a blue huH hy the inlet hc kno red of When little ncr r b1ckctl in wuth hit an he got hr wmked Il is if ter say This then fllk forll I H Jive in anti 1 thars bitin dogs If 111 lItlHr gators lied follered Ihout fit tZ IS thy could an when they him they couldnt pit no fur that pint t r tt kf C U her wasnt room emiil ter pass tkak flavor they all crowded Ground n MI lul ter help themselves i ter the yi nak whilst the ole bull gator an Jiirwifl j Jld twk often the round Dont tell ot lib go I tell theyre L nt jrs cant reason you 1111 1 i eap sight perter than some mesi I know of raised the J wus born an r ermong valors an nunys the time when I wus i little towhead cuss only fit ter waste n m iioln i corn from keeuin too lonir > Ul IU11 Will n XWf CH 1 1lUlilU has laid erlong the banks of thet lake an 1 watched the funny doins of the gator like folkes an thee tor Gators i b jes munm gatorll take jess as much oe < mammy k > er of her d Jnn as folks will of them Of coore when i say folkes I mean nig per iolkes for they seem to sorter underlain T under-lain one another like an you nevei hear of no nigger never bein kilt by nc jrator Et you ever traveled much aroun here l Sunday youd see the nigger wim j ming take tiier t children in ther arm airlj Mindy inornin an comb ther liar out tel I tee ci any of them onpolite animales has been gittin inter hit Now Im gwine ter Fpeak lair I hevent saw the gators do czactly that but Ive seed em come pretty cliis ter hit an Ill tell you how hit AMIS AMISOne day my old pap was gwine ter tei a breii ter me kase he said I war toe keeriess in bowing out tutors an I run away from him thinking Id lay around the lake until he sorter forgot all about hit like I lowed I wouldnt go back tc the house h afore night so I fished awhile then I took a leetle nap an the balance of the time I jess looked around an dog my km ef I didnt see an ole mammy gator goin through the dam funniest proiumance I ever seed She were a ittin gin a tree on her hine quarters and ten leetle gators wus sittin on their lime quarters right in front of whar she wus sit tin on hem Then she actily beckoned ter the first one in that ther I line and when hit came up she jess tuk hit inter her arms and zammed it allover I all-over ter Bee if ther war any insecks or Jilt 67ie jess lilted up every scale and looked keeriully under hit to see if any ot them lake wums hed got thar Sh < zammed every one on em one nrler the < utlier The last one of em in the perces Eion appeared to be a little bit sassy like Ive seed some children in my time am didnt want tel come She jess ached out with her tail and fetched him a wipe that I know helped him I was so full of laff that I hawhawed right out an then for the fust time she seed me I neve Eel no gator so ashamed as she wa when she knowed I bed been a watching of her Ill be dogged ef she didnt fairly bluh and she jess tuk fur the water withal with-al them young uns a bilin arter her an 1 went home and tuk my whippin Th biggest gator I ever heard tell ra in all my borned days uster live ir tls lire lake The boys called him Ole A 1 v an he must of been over twenty fjt long That was about thirty year o or inebbe hit mout be fifty anyhow lut us on or tuther ot em Hit doni make ich a powerful sight of defference toerolo ic me Well Ole Mose which afore was the name oi that g iiani1 seldom kern much in sight i bu I hitelf hid in the mud aiiil Implies 1 h A gret many of the fellers tried to Mi > t liin nt odd times but Ole MH was too 0 i j or em I low that gator nuit JY I en over a hundred Y3 ole icr the 1 Ii ins I uster say their ranthers klOwed I > long before wc wus born J I got laid out one day an hit Wll rt MP 1 > laid him out too ok Uiekm Mil i no sent his boy l likf down ter the 6tn > JK day after ant a-nt of red liquor fer tho le man hed been > out to das meetm the night before like I sped youve bcfn along tlyit road oiih > tnne or other onrself colonel yell know when a Idle akos up in the inornuf tn caches way out in the air arter Ins head Weal Jake got the pint oi m hquur hit Mas only 1 one bit in them di sand started fee home His path I Pll right erlong whar Ole Mose this yer ng gator u > ter take a naP sometimes J m v JakN happening to see a russle I in S the nizsi grass muhi would suit that il hoi bllt lw fer 1 tIOt must go liar an look Hhat hit wUs 1 liik 11t l was agapin over thebank 11l iti1 I o > f1Z right ii P an > with his mouth lit kopln was starin him in ther face tnil I skfcrel f I Jake sos he lost his balance unr i Ml tlu all piuiui often hank smack into tip iSj nr s mouth Take had hilt enter ijii 1 lflt l the tf i Whisky an hit happened to hit is tIllOIl erittrs teeth and bruk That IleWtq oziI Un8 that saved the boy fer Till liik Vt3 i down in the gators innards that Was such powerful bad stuff J h pJtp I Tnlhe i > gator deathly sick and IIj 1 VT Ik 1 ikoa buzzard Out kern tin oa bt j f i 1 al0ut lcu hot up the bank and in coil Poooted fer home without say Mjtli iJ I I er h ° wdy Jake was all right his evo II f 7tlon of having a mark over a Iill a le 1ilt fui > 1 was caused by his strikin tliecim hl lddmnk when he was in el > fcoodii rbcllv I ast Jake what he wi rIij1 hll Was wiei Iwas down thar buthe said Iol ol00 1 be didnt haye time to JoroforSri i OIMOSG kept shy of the lirukrn er loiig tunc but died from er lnter his l L L k trying ter knock er big sturn pIt p-It Was i hn mouth under the impression that like M hij lou see he got sorter blind Km us ole ageCor Philadelphia |