Show 0 I f c i T 7 r r Y nj t r f I I r. r Jl C J t J iI v.- v. f JI 1 t i. i 1 7 o t r I J I B I 1 t Ss J Jf I I 1 J r 1 1 7 of a l I o r feM f J t 1 t Jf hJ I. I v vaI aI J y tJ t- t i. i r f- f 0 1 J Wf fl I Quit Qui t Stroking Smoking The Salt Lake City County Health Department is offering information for those interested interested interested inter inter- ested in breaking the tobacco habit The will provide its self- self help kits kits which include useful information on quitting methods s and on the health affects of tobacco and secondhand smoke to all interested interested interested inter inter- ested individuals The kit also includes a resource directory listing many of the tobacco support groups and cessation classes offered in the Salt Sale Lake valley The kit is free The self-help self kit includes J numerous methods on how to quit how to deal with withdrawal or setbacks setbacks setbacks set set- backs and why quitting now is so important To order these materials of to obtain any additional information please call 2742 or write Bureau of Health Promotion S S. S State Street Salt Lake City UT 2150 Warning to New Nar Grads Gratis How would you react if a job candidates candidate's mother called during the interview to request that you hire her recently-graduated recently son as an level entry-level Vice President of Operation or if an applicant arrived for an interview wearing an impeccable impeccable impeccable cable new suit with the tags hanging from the sleeve Hiring executives have had the dubious honor of witnessing these and other unfortunate bloopers performed performed performed per per- formed by recent college graduates An survey of company company company com com- pany managers nationwide indicates that the behavior of some college graduates today can be counterproductive counterproductive counterproductive to their primary objective objective- landing the job The survey was developed by the nations leading staffing service specializing in highly highly highly high high- ly skilled temporary office and administrative professionals and it includes responses from executives of the nations nation's 1000 largest compa compa- nies meso Managers were asked What is the funniest thing you have ever heard of happening in a job inter inter- view Here are some of the responses A young candidate showed up for the interview with his long hair tucked into the collar of his suit He didn't think anyone would notice A grad remarked to me that coincidentally two separate firms ms she had talked to that day had inkin ink inkin inkin in their name An applicant brought in a pet lizard to display his creativity We are in Decatur Ill TIl The applicant went to Decatur Ga and called us to ask where we were I 1 interviewed an individual over dinner After the meal I watched her chew her entire fortune cookie paper and all Then she pulled the fortune out of her mouth and read it to meAn me meAn An An applicant brought his entire family and babysitter to watch the children in the company's lobby After the interview the family cane in and asked questions such as when would he be able to start and when would their health care benefits benefits benefits bene bene- fits begin l M Motorcycle Rider Education Courses According to a study by University of Southern California and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 92 percent of motorcycle riders were self- self taught or learned from family of friends Motorcycles riders training teaches riders how to ride responsibly bly within their abilities and reduce their chances of accidents motorcycle rider education education education tion courses are divided into a ridi riding g gand and street skills course and an experience experience experience rider course The riding and street skills course is offered every weekend through November while the advanced course is held one of two times tunes per month All All' nine instructors for the courses are certified certified certified fied instructors by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation To register of for more information information information tion call Law Enforcement Academy at Ar American rican Express Egress and Skills Center Cater Skills Center has joined together with American Express to offer students a credit analyst pro pro- gram This specialized nine-month nine program is designed to offer students students students stu stu- stu- stu dents both classroom and practical experience with potential place place- ment The Skills Center developed this new program in keeping with its mission to provide term short-term vocational vocational vocational voca voca- programs for students This spring about 15 students enrolled inthe in inthe inthe the program which took less than five months to establish The creating of the program included forming the partnership agreements polling students regarding regarding regarding regard regard- ing their interests creating curriculum curriculum curriculum lum and establishing a classroom devoted to the the American Express credit operations complete with confidential phone data and FAX lines separate from the College system To learn more about the program call |