Show T Americans throw throwaway away i Y Yi i million trees annually Dear Editor D DID ID you know that as an average American you throw throwaway away pounds of paper each year This averages to million trees treesa a year These statistics and more like them are found in inthe inthe inthe the book SO 50 Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Earth Now th that t summer has arrived and some of you are looking for good summer books to read I heartily recommend this one x 1 Summer provides a perfect opportunity to put your ecological awareness to the test Dont Don't drive your car to the store in nice weather weather put put on a backpack and walk or ride your bike You will also get a healthy amount of exercise exercise exercise exer exer- cise at the the- same time Ac According According Accord Accord- ord- ord ing to the book if only 1 of the car owners in America left their cars idle for one day a week it would save an estimated estimated estimated es es- es- es 42 million gallons of gas a year Summer is also the time to cool off with more beverages most of which come in you guessed it recyclable aluminum and glass Do you realize that when you throw U r ran an aluminum can car out of your car window it will wil still be bethere bethere there littering our earth up to years later Also by simply simply simply simp- simp ly throwing away two aluminum cans you ou waste more energy than is used by each of a billion human beings in poorer lands Recycling is easy and con con- There should be a off drop-off center in your area Remember to bring those old newspapers too We can with strong individual effort save our planet Summer is the perfect time tithe to start Tamara Begue |