Show 1 Congress should get off flag-burning flag bandwagon T UMP on the propaganda bandwagon help Congress flush lUMP J I the rampant flag burners down the drain We must soak this his slime once and for all Is this flag burning debate really the most important issue in the country today Did our deficit become a surplus overnight overnight overnight over over- night Do we we have fair trade policies now Do the homeless have homes and ald the jobless ss have jobs What about the SL crisis Can the government insure your savings The environment environment environment en en- is being torn apart and criminals are conveniently c claiming aiming insanity before they shoot The American Indians are being systematically driven out of their lands gangs are driving citizens out of their neighborhoods and drugs are driving people out of their minds Congress dropped everything else in order to debate the flag amendment before July Few other issues in recent history had voting deadlines but they needed to get this done before it gets too close to election day Besides there is no more appropriate day to show the voters you are arc patriotic than on Independence Day Congress seems to drop the volatile issues to avoid having their voting records tarnished by a vote on a controversial issue like abortion or the federal deficit Why not put a deadline deadline deadline dead dead- line on a vote to balance the budget or solve the SL crisis or help the American Indians the homeless and the unemployed unemployed unemployed un un- un- un employed To do that would mean Congress would have to take a stand Dont Don't expect Congress to take a stand on important important important tant issues until the politically profitable issues like crucifying the nations nation's two dozen or so flag burners are voted on As Americans we should be proud of our flag and treat it with the same respect we treat our freedoms We shouldn't burn it tear it soil it or urinate on it but we also shouldn't demean its it's value by toting it from a political bandwagon for purposes of political gain There should be a law against that |