Show p 1 A ii i si T Tr Ta r rf j r a i k Y Ii A Prime murder suspect John Sanchez Keven is detained at atthe atthe atthe the scene of the crime crime crime-a a mock hanging in the CT building Body found hanged in CT Building L Blaine Anderson Assistant News Editor pseudo-corpse pseudo was A found hanging in the southwest stairwell of the Construction Trades building Friday F rid a y Jan J an 12 1 2 a at t a ap approximately approximately ap- ap p- p proximately 10 am a.m. The body was a female mannequin mannequin mannequin manne manne- quin planted by the Criminal Justice department here on campus to simulate a crime scene for the Criminal Investigations Investigations Investigations class CJ John Cluff Crimi Criminal al Investigations course instructor also had actors actors actors ac ac- ac- ac tors from the theatre class portraying suspects U inthe in III inthe the investigation Evidence was placed around the scene of the crime prior to the students' students arrival One piece of evidence found along with the body was a suicide note in amazingly poor English Already at the scene when the Criminal Investigations class arrived was Jared Lawson Lawson Lawson Law- Law son a custodian here at the school He claimed he had arrived arrived arrived ar ar- ar- ar rived a couple of minutes earlier earlier earlier ear ear- lier and seen a man leave the scene of the crime identifying identify identify- ing the man as John Sanchez See Body on page 2 Body Continued from page 1 As police were questioning question question- ing Jared Ruth Jensen a friend of the victim arrived at the scene She identified the victim as a girl named Annie noting that she and Annie w were e in Ln classes together arid arid th that tt t ey were I both English maJors majors When police brought suspect John Sanchez to the scene he claimed he had been dating Annie for the last 6 months and certainly would not want her dead As police were questioning question question- ing John about Annie an old girlfriend of Jared the custodian custodian custodian cus cus- arrived on the scene and notified police that Jared had been close to Annie about 6 months ago and that she had broken up with him when she met John This turned the attention to Jared After questioning him and testing him on his writing skills police arrested Jared Lawson for murder This was a lot harder than I thought it would be said Hether Ruffus coordinator coordinator coordinator coor coor- of the investigation Other participants in the investigation investigation investigation in in- were Maria Valerio evidence technician and Richard Lewis crime scene technician Interviewers Interviewers Interviewers Inter Inter- viewers were Brad Porter and Paul Actors from the theater class included Ted Thompson as Jared Lawson Kevin Nol- Nol lenberg as John Sanchez and Pam Harris as Ruth Jensen |