Show Regents spar with council counci Presidents President's trip to Russia an issue Mark fark Hewitt Associate Editor EditorS EditorS President Orville D. D S Carnahan and the Institutional Council has been under fire from the Utah State Board of Regents for more than three months now over the Presidents President's October October October Oc Oc- Oc- Oc tober trip to the Soviet Union According to Carnahan Carnahan Carnahan Car Car- nahan and Warren I meyer mever yer an n In Institutional ti Council Council Coun Coun- cil member the real source of contention may lie in a power struggle between the Regents and the Council The Utah State Board of Regents has taken a dim view of what it perceives as public expenditure for Carnahan's trip which was supposed to tobe tobe tobe be privately financed The travel expenses for Carnahan and his wife were paid by the Colleges College's Institutional Institutional Institutional Investment fund created by interest garnered from investments According According According Ac Ac- cording to Carnahan all the proper arrangements for the expenditure were made and approved by the Institutional Council Although the money in inthe inthe inthe the fund is not specifically al allocated allocated allocated al- al located from tax money according according according ac ac- ac- ac cording to the Salt Lake Tribunes Tribune's Jan 9 issue regents President Douglas Foxley argues argues argues ar ar- gues that technically the money belongs to the College College College Col Col- lege and should not be used for a personal trip After Carnahan's return from the Soviet Union the regents went into a closed session to discuss the issue In December December December Decem Decem- ber another closed meeting was held and afterward it was determined that the should be reimbursed by private monies The Foundation a group which supports the college through private donations donations donations dona dona- granted a request bythe by bythe bythe the Institutional Council to replace the the Tribune says Vickie Varela spokeswoman for the Board of Regents said that since the Foundation Board has agreed to reimburse burse the college there may no longer be a problem Carnahan made a complete complete complete com com- accounting of the trip to the council who determined determined determined deter deter- mined that it had been of value to the college according according according accord accord- ing to Institutional Council Chairwoman Joan Burnside Burnside insists that now that the foundation has reimbursed reimbursed reimbursed the college the trip and the expenditure is a dead issue See Spar on page 2 Sp Spar ar Continued from page 1 In a closed meeting of the ther r council on Jan 10 which discussed discussed discussed dis- dis cussed the role of the council in relation to the Board of Regents the group reaffirmed its support of Carnahan I According to Carnahan the fuss over his trip is the result of standing long-standing friction fric- fric friction friction tion between the regents and the council Due to circumstances circumstances circumstances cir- cir only its it's me its it's this issue said Carnahan This issue began as a ques ques- tion of spending State money then became a question question question ques ques- tion of whether the regents or the Council should approve approve approve ap ap- ap- ap prove such spending When asked about animosity toward him personally personally personally per per- on the Board of Regents Carnahan responded I dont don't know if that feeling exists If it does I certainly dont don't reciprocate those feelings At a special meeting of the Utah State Board of Regents at on Jan 26 the group will meet with the Colleges College's Institutional Council to finally finally finally final final- ly resolve the issue Carnahan hopes that the meeting will articulate the specific regions of authority of each body thereby helping the groups group avoid future confrontations of this sort Carnahan joined Lt Governor Val and forty-five forty Utah business men and women on the development development development develop develop- ment trip to Russia as an education representative to advise on the improvement of Soviet vocational training facilities |