Show Movie Review The War of the Roses Ron Hurst Contributing Writer VEN though The War of E EVEN the Roses reunited stars Danny DeVito Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner it is a far cry ay from the romantic-adventure romantic type film like Romancing the Stone and Jewel of the Nile that were we're accustomed to seeing them in The Roses of the title are Oliver Douglas and Barbara Turner Rose a wealthy married married married mar mar- ried couple whose stormy year seventeen relationship erupts into a dirty divorce battle especially when neither spouse will move out of the conjugal mansion De De- Vito plays a dual role in the production of the film as asboth asboth asboth both actor and director The black comedy that DeVito's been famous for ever since the days of Louie DePalma the slob that you love to hate on the television series Taxi is very apparent in inthe inthe inthe the movie In one scene for example Douglas dares Turner to smash his face in and she nearly does just that as she punches him across the room The War o of f the Roses is a avery avery avery very romantic funny movie By the end of the film however however however how how- ever you'll be surprised by bythe bythe bythe the kinds of things youre you're laughing at |