Show Humor from Horizons Horizon's morgue Cleova Williams Feature Page Editor The newspapers newspaper's name evolved from tech topics to Points West and finally to Horizon Buried Burled within the paper morgue are copies of the early issues dating back to 1972 Each year the staff changed and the personality personality personality per per- of the paper changed also Humor runs through some of the years Not all of it was intentional This page is filled with both intentional and unintentional humor from the years 1972 to 1980 Golf Club 1972 These two partial articles are from Tech Topics at the beginning and end o of f the school year Sept 25 1971 and May 19 1972 NURSES lay down your bed pans BARBERS put away your razors WE NEED YOU Everyone needs a little R R and the GOLF CLUB is here to offer you all you'll need You gals come on out and check out our groovy instructors instructors instructors tors and guys you can check the gals GOLF GOOF CLUB Luck was finally with the Golf sun began to shine A group of club members members members mem mem- bers hit the greens exuding excitement and anticipation After much Keep your eyes on the ball and You hit the ball well we'll watch where it goes things began to shape upa little A was formed and we were off to display our newly acquired skills Well at least we hoped we had acquired something new other than a new vocabulary Fred became so excited he in kicking up his heels kicked one off and proceeded through the course a little unbalanced Helen Jonas had her problems too She hit Freds Fred's ball into the water and gentleman that he is Fred gave her another At the end of play Helen returned the ball to Fred with her thanks Whoops That wasn't Freds Fred's ball Some poor golfer is still looking for that ball Helen Some weary sunburned and blistered golfers slowly fade into the west A feeling of accomplishment was felt by all The word for the day was Hide the Score Cards |