Show Splash at South City campus Jack Foriska Associate Editor The swimming pool at South City campus re reopened reopened reopened re- re opened for students and the public Saturday August 26 with a grand opening Splash held from 12 to The pool lowered its rates for this event to 75 for everyone and had free hot dogs and drinks to spice up the grand opening The opening was well attended attended attended at at- tended by the neighborhood as was evidenced by the large contingent of kids who were lined up to test the spring on the diving boards Continued on page 2 t HIL 41 Neighborhood kids dive into south campus grand opening South campus pool opens 1 Continued from page 1 One local patron said she was extremely pleased to have a wholesome activity center open in the area Safe supervised and affordable activitIes activities activities ac ac- are not readily available available available avail avail- able in the area and the South Sou th High pool has been sorely missed since the school closed The entire facility had been cleaned and updated for forthe forthe forthe the opening The pool purchased after the controversial closing of the old South High has al always always always al- al ways been considered one of the best swimming fa facilities in the city There is an pic size lap pool as well as a diving pool that has two low boards and a 3 meter high dive The pool is now open on a regular basis to the public and students under the direction of Kathy Olsen Olsen is a University of Utah graduate with a teaching de de- de- de gree She has fifteen years experience experience experience ex ex- teaching and and comes to the South campus pool from the Murray High pool students and employees will be admitted free with a current ID Non students with any student ID JD will pay Fees for the General public are for adults ages 5 11 5 11 11 and 65 and andover andover andover over with children under 5 free Thursday will be night with Mondays Monday's being family night at per family There will also be frequent frequent frequent fre quent swimmer reduced- reduced rate punch cards and swimming swimming swimming swim swim- ming lessons for all ages In addition special lap swimming swimming swimming swim swim- ming times are scheduled every day and time will be available for special interest groups such as scout merit badge certification The pool is located at 1700 South just east of State Street t |