Show f Gold Panning in in Utah By Michael Bundy Contrib Contributing ting writer When a person talks about panning for gold thoughts come of an old man with his mule searching for the one big strike that will finally make him rich The idea that panning for gold can be bea a pleasant way to spend a weekend doesn't occur to most people because they arent aren't aware that there is gold in them hills The first place to go in the search for gold is the library Research about where gold has been found in the past is the best clue as to where it will be found in the present Most people are unaware that gold has been found in inmost Inmost most of the canyons along the Wasatch Front Bingham Bingham Bin- Bin Canyon was the biggest biggest biggest big big- gest gold find in Utah but it has been mined for almost years and is owned by However there are a lot of other places American Fork Canyon is popular with modern day gold miners Little Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cotton- Cotton wood Canyon also has yielded gold to the diligent t pa Information about techniques and equipment is also available at your local library The next place to go is the prospecting supply store There arent aren't very many in inthe the area but they can be I found in the Yellow Pages under Metal Detecting Equipment The owners of these stores have a wealth of I in information about their hobby The best part is they are willing to share their knowledge with beginners to help get them started right t. t The equipment necessary to get started is not very expensive ex ex- pensive Ricks Rick's in Holladay offers a beginners beginner's kit for 20 2025 You need a pan a Garretts Garrett's Gravity Trap pan is recommended small bottles to hold you gold or the sand that contains your gold tweezers and a small magnifying magnifying magnifying mag mag- glass to see the gold dust Other equipment would included a small pack canteen lunch and a map of the area provided by bythe bythe bythe the United States Geological Survey What do you do after youve you've been to the library bought all your equipment and have the map of the area youve you've decided to prospect First make sure its it's not private property and if it is get permission from the owner If its it's public land you can pan but be careful about the en en- What can the average person person person per per- son expect expect- out expect to out get of these excursions Well with the price of gold around an ounce hard work and a little luck one should yield enough gold to help pay for tuition Nothing is guaranteed though You may just get to enjoy the and do some countryside hiking But that's not a bad way to spend an afternoon 0 0 0 |