Show Algebra Sherrie Martin For a long time I have believed there is something wrong with the math requirements requirements requirements re re- re- re to earn a Bachelors Bachelor's of Science degree While in high school I was told that algebra was required required required re re- re- re in college My counselor counselor counselor coun coun- told me that if I wanted to attend college I needed to take algebra in high school Even the teachers said that algebra would help me Ine understand understand understand un un- un- un math better I was convinced I took the class All I saw was a math teacher who smiled a little too much while writing letters and numbers on the the board trying to convince us they meant something I was and andam am still completely completely com com- satisfied with my ability to add subtract multiply multiply multiply mul mul- and divide When I get my Iny paycheck I can figure my gross income by multiplying the number of hours worked by my hourly rate I can decide if the deductions listed equals the total amount listed Im I'm even farenough far farenough farenough enough advanced in normal math Inath to figure out the percent of the gross amount per deduction While at the store I can multiply multiply multiply mul mul- the tax after adding the item and come within a penny even on a large pur pur- chase If the cashier makes a l' l 4 r r r- r T mistake of any kind I almost always catch it before she he does I can decide which size can is the best for my money by dividing the cost of the item by the volume or weight I have been getting along without algebra all my life If a student doesn't need to know how algebra works why force him her to take it There are many answers to this question the most common common common com com- mon being Because You are then given some noble reasons because it will improve improve im im- prove your concepts of math because it will make you think in a more abstract way because because because be be- cause math offers the only guaranteed and exact answers in life Then there are the practical chemistry and engineering require require require re re- re- re quire algebra because basic math is not enough to com coin f r r pete in the business world today The people making these statements are all ail college graduates What do they have in common which would make them say these things They all took algebra A friend of mine asked Why do I need to learn this foreign language at this point in my Iny life The simplest explanation tion is the truth which is never you want a college degree you must take algebra It doesn't matter what degree you are pursing or if you will ever use algebra in your career The administrator administrator ad ad- of any institution of higher education will say I took algebra you have to too I think the requirements for algebra should be if you dont don't need it dont don't take it |