Show j S. S Sports orts Murphy rides aw away y into the sunset After 7 16 6 seasons former retires Jody Genessy Sports Editor lost one one of its last B BASEBALL true heroes on Thursday May 26 when Dale Murphy Colorado Rockie outfielder announced announced announced an an- his retirement He is hanging up his cleats after 16 years in the major leagues with the Atlanta Braves Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadel Philadel- phia Phillies and Colorado When it comes to classy people in sports there isn't one who could outdo Murphy Many will remember remember remember ber Murphy as the only player who shined on a gloomy Atlanta Braves team in the BOsHis BOs His resume is impressive impressive impressive im im- im- im lifetime batting average of career home runs and and and- I had a afew few tears this morning II Murphy said Ill miss the game o of f baseball II 1300 Twice he was crowned the National I League 82 and 83 and five times he snagged the NL Golden Glove award 82 to 86 He was selected to the AllStar AllStar AllStar All- All Star game seven times These are some very impressive impressive impressive sive statistics but as a person his statistics if they existed would be even more astound astound- ing As a role model Murphy batted a perfect 1000 Murphy was a living model for all who came into contact with him Few men have shown the integrity and loyalty loyal loyal- ty to their b beliefs as he did especially under such adverse conditions In a sport where pl players curse chew their tobacco cud drink their booze and sleep around with women without even batting an eyelid Murphy stood solid for his morals On one occasion in San Diego Murphy then with the Atlanta Braves was sitting in inthe inthe the visiting dugout in the rowdy Jack Murphy stadium Out of all the noise and commotion commotion com corn motion of the ball game there was one fan who pierced Murphys Murphy's ears with his profanity and swearing After a awhile awhile awhile while Murphy couldn't handle listening to this anymore He left his seat 4 and climbed on top of the dugout Murphy politely asked the man to control control control con con- his tongue Not only did this stun the theman theman theman man who ime immediately immediately im- im mediately e d i ate I y holstered his tongue but the entire stadium froze in a cold silence is M Murphy u r phi went back to the dugout the man man- remained silent the rest of the day Not only was he an example on the field but often Murphy would help charities and childrens children's organizations For his charity work Murphy Murphy Murphy Mur Mur- phy received the Roberto Clemente Clemente Clemente Cle- Cle h. mente and Bart Giamatti service service ser- ser vice awards In an interview with the Associated Associated Associated As As- Press Murphy said Playing baseball is not real life its it's a fantasy world To be able to go out there and play baseball its it's a dream come true I had a few tears this morn morn- ingas I guess most guys do dowhen when they say goodbye to something that's close to them he said Ill miss the game of baseball II And Murphy will be missed by the game of baseball |