Show Moab jewel of Utah H v Larry D. D Curtis Managing Editor permanently in SETTLED 1880 Moab Moa Utah derives derive its name from the Bible ret ring to an n area east Of oft off 1 e e Dead Sea In the 1950 l t produced a great de mineral resources uranium This left be fid radioactive waste bei do nt currentI are r battling to have removed j Today the city's f ny is based on tourism and lit is growing into one of u Uriah's Utah's most cosmopolitan small towns 1 t Since Moab sits only miles southeast from j alt t Lake City it is an attra attractive I year-round year way get-a-way spot O w for those thos livin living in tl the 1 i J ty AV c- c i ii cording to the Grand pi- pi Tta rel Coun i 9 ly luri tg two m moll moi f tJ s st j tji h ti- ti y t does ter r J es the r g t t. t re fall b be oY lt H ir has ha's h a var variety tx of bf activities pr proximity tit to- to nature natures tures s w wonders la and temperate climate climate i t L draws f r s w worldwide T ij j vI visitors 1 0 Wj Five t ri tes u M Moab 9 a b. b j t i- i iI I ts is i s th e y v. v C i p entrance entrance e to t of w r t s 's J most unique geographic areas r Arches National Park It t cont IJ Jh J spa t concentration con con- v 9 x of of natural stone ar arches ar arches ches in the world Paved r jrr roads t lead visitors to many of the cular sigh sights ts providing s.- s. the l handicapped handicapped hand and and nd elderly the visual plea the park without much eff effort rt It is is' in fa fact J possible possible pos pos- sible never to leave th th carand car carand and still have your breath r th taken away by th l ld and form fonn fJ tP la s ike 9 to make a greater time investment by walking or hiking there are more than arches in the park Delicate arch now featured on Utah state license plates frames a spectacular view of the La Salle mountains for those willing to hike the three-mile three round trip P s st a T df t by-t bytha ha e who r w 1 n- n n tHe tle eff effort r I who ei f f 1 tt e d Forto For th ill 10 bs i ito if 1 to It paint int t 1 f r photo i pha h ie le ai aJ t l Ji Jil lands l can pecan e. e can s 1 al l y if t t Pt for a ar af r ev evl l I n er r her ecta u y m. K I x JT n r j i the th the su sup tc t can a tr very d alf if fer ferent ferent P t maki making g Q observers s feel fel fell as f they fi lad held d n never ver se seen n even even the i most r 1 sight For Fo me the park never gets stale Each day brings new lighting and new p places ori vantage tp poin i s to toy see see t the 1 for for- Arma Ar- Ar ma n lt wonders as well welK Orange rock and blue sky ta takes bri a. a a. a vastly different aspect When dusted by snowfall Truly Arches is tim timeless l ss S 4 v Arches is only one of the ti f fantastic t s attractions located locate located t x Y very very Yc conveniently to Moab D Driving 3 35 miles brings rings tourists tourists' to the Island in n the Sky district t of National Park if t ot This district pf Y of the park is am dle r t. t r SA K i 1 p I tl a access lex I e yra nar narrow row neck of land creating a literal land island in the sky It offers spectacular cular Q over y rU i V af mile mil e wheel four-wheel drive trail with primitive camping spots My favorite spot is an arch that doesn't apP appear ar on one many maps and ancl r requires quires only a walk of a hundred feW few hundred ya yards ds but offers an in incredible overlook overlook overlook over over- look of monument e ba basin basin- basin in ano n the Colorado River jj Like Arches offers the grea greatest t. t r rewards lVa to those who are willing to spend the time to hike and explore Close by is Utah's state park Dead Horse Point Sort of a miniature island in the sky it was once used to keep horses corralled One version of the story behind the name explains that ranchers once forgot about the horses kept kep there and they died of dehydration having no way to o get off ff the sm small ll plateau i I enjoy watching the birds buds t tom om this vantage point They r utter off the plateau and drop trait trait rait down as if enjoying the fall if ll seemingly for no other reason reason than to show off j 1 jj U After a long day under sweaty Veaty southern Utah skies J finding their way pack ack to the city will find r p e nty of diversions and ways to to felax elax as well as a variety of w wa was wa's s to fill empty stomachs an hed throats This is sets Moab apart from othet metropolitan Utah f towns th There There e are th limited ways t to sp spend nd time tini time in inland ri and n around the city There are several companies that offer offer high and low adventure river raft- raft in ill iru K the many rivers around lq n Moab including the Colorado and the Green One of these tours is through the f famed med Cataract Canyon which is recognized as some of x the best Whitewater America c r There Ther also are motorized boat boat tours i tours designed more to show the beautiful scenery than for the thrill of the rapids rapid During the rare winter snows cross cros country try skiing through Ar Arches tes also could be bean bean bean an option Airplanes can be e chartered for aerial views aerial views of the area f Horses ale re available le as are all terr terrain ln vehicles to view the c r In- In Ina in a vai variety ty of ways Mo biking is another popular activity and bikes are even available for those who J. J v VOwn own wn Just as there are a variety of adventures to be had there are a variety of accommodations to keep travelers happy Moab and the surrounding area is a delight and one of the jewels of Utah iLi If i io s 7 n. n 1 t y it F n. n 0 jt 1 7 f O f fA A j i I V i A f 1 j j'S b S 9 ti Ayr i t tA t C 1 A. A J 7 f f f f t j. j r J f Jy f C 1 L i 1 tM A f p- p t 5 r. r 1 t. t h lL r. r jf f I. I Y it 0 t h I 1 3 x t f 4 It w L. L v. v ij t 2 f c f t r A Lt ct 4 I Horizon photo tarry D. D cUtis Cutts Early morning sunlight enhances the shape and contrast of arches and other unique formations Jf |