Show judge Ex now attending for second time Sandra Watrous Contributing Writer JUDGE James Kilby Justice Court I Judge for Park City for 24 years retired five ve years ago and his son Larry was elected to fill his va vacancy ancy Judge Larry Kilby served in this position for four years until Summit County redefined the court districts which no longer included included in in- eluded Park City as a district Park City's Justice Court Judge Larry Kilby returned to for his second round here her at at the college After serving in the military Kilby attended when vocational school and was a learned heavy duty m mechanics He went to work for Wheeler Machinery Kilby who works as a consultant for fora a firm that handles automated court or terns has returned to to enhance his computer knowledge and sharpen his math skills to enable him to continue continue continue con con- in the computer industry Kilby's family homestead is in the area above Park City called which no longer exists Kilby's grandparents started a small cafe to feed the railroad workers who stopped there called the Well Come In It was later expanded by Kilby's parents and renamed ren the Welcome Inn The cafe located on the old 80 1 served many travelers till the state bought and condemned the property to make the new highway I 1 Because of the family's long standing in the community and contributions through the years the service roads on either side of 80 1 east of the Park City exits are named Kilby drive and Rasmus- Rasmus sen drive was Kilby's mothers mother's maiden name This past June Kilby's daughter Karen graduated from Park City High School The ceremony was exceptionally exceptional exceptional- ly special because she graduated along with her grandfather James who was made an n honorary graduate Everyone on both sides of the family ly ly-Kilby's ly Kilby's mom aunts uncles cousins his wife and all her family have family have diplomas from Park City High School Along with the graduations this past summer Kilby went to his Park City High School reunion and his mother went to her Park City High School reunion |