Show graduates 1200 1 1 on Saturday June 8 8 MA M.A. Hoffman News Editor 1 I I G GRADUATION this year falls on a Saturday Instead of the usual Friday as i it t h has as been in the past For many that is not a problem Beginning June 8 a line full-line breakfast prepared by Bob Price and his staff will be served starting at am a.m. Graduates and their families are invited to attend The actual service will take place on the quad at am a.m. According to registration there are about 1200 students eligible to o graduate in the ceremony with an additional from the Skill Center Curtis Smout director of the College Center said there are approximately who people attend the ceremony There were some graduates earlier in the year who had problems with graduations graduation's being scheduled on Saturday One student is participating in two graduation ceremonies and I wanted to change This was discussed several times but I there were too many conflicts Because of the academic schedule which was approved by bythe the Faculty Senate and the week off between winter and spring quarter graduation had to be pushed back to Saturday said Smout Dr Breakfast t n The problems that came up have pretty much been solves according to Smout by having a breakfast instead of a luncheon luncheon luncheon lunch lunch- eon and no graduation rehearsal this year President Budd stated in a meeting earlier this quarter that the graduates and the ceremony should not be treated any differently than if this were the normal Friday graduation If the school treats it differently then the students will too Two students stud who will be participating in the ceremony this thi year ar are Carolyn Crook who will perform a musical present presentation presentation presen presen- t tation and Brenda Brinkerhoff who speak ko Two members of the community will be honored with doctorates doctorates doctorates doc doc- at the ceremony They are Abraham Mark Markosian and Dawna Barton Another important part of the graduation process is caps and gowns According to Heather Beck at the bookstore approximately approximately approximately ap ap- ap- ap proximately caps and gowns have been ordered already We may run short so the sooner you buy one the better They are in stock at the bookstore said Beck Each major has its own color of tassel to be used in the ceremony and dont don't forget the tassel goes to the left before graduation and to the right afterwards I 1 t I Ji iJ ft- ft i X e k i i- i I 0 ii ir c. c Lr c Ti I If c v z c i ir C 1 Y c 0 t c c. c r Co J ti 7 t t. t 0 s 15 j n c i N y Y L if w. w r 1 r ra rr Y k L l U r a ii t 1 i f i 3 t L-L L |