Show fr r- r i Oh TL T My f i f t. t r. r lill JJ ill J 0 tom I t. t BY MARIE DARLING f Machine shop i instructor n s t r u c t o r Ralph Bown told his class that it would take a stud student nt 95 years to learn everything a about out machine shop Hearing that student Harry Crumbley asked for a softer chair Student nurses like soldiers are graded on how hov they look in their uniforms The nursing instructors instructors instructors in in- told the students this when v hen they handed out those neat new uniforms So student n nurses u r s e s Joan Greff and Olive Vincent spent ages primping for that first day in uniform They didn't just look like angels of mercy they they looked like angels Joan has a sports car see and when she and Olive rolled up to the school they hit this mud puddle see and Honest teacher that's the way their uniforms got all muddy that first day after the lecture on neatness Jerri Livingston and Johnny Roberts from commercial art artI I were vere around with a Ouija board the theother other day and the darn thing worked It told Mr Jacobsons Jacobson's age Merrill Boshard seems to be happy as long as hes he's swinging a brush Before he joined the commercial commercial commercial com com- mercial art class he was a licensed hairdresser C For years Tears man has been trying trying trying try try- ing to prove that he was descended descended descended de de- de- de from a an n nap a ape p e b but u t Charles Brigham m machine a c chi h i n e eshop eshop shop B showed shoved that man descended descended descended de de- de- de from a tree Hes He's the man Charles fell 30 feet when he stepped off a limb ale Milton Larsen a Trade Tech student goes to high school and college He goes to barber college at Trade Tech in the evening evening eve eve- ning fling program and by day hes he's a student at Skyline High School L ro l rd t |