Show Six New Student Officers Map 4 Plans for This Years Year's s Activity j J J L' L officers told Tech Topics of their plans for this years year's school activities in the following Tech Topics interview The article tells about the aims of these officers and about the officers officers officers cers themselves President Bill Sanborn Sanborn Sanborn San- San born said he intends to support plans for bigger and better assembly programs programs programs pro pro- grams this year Bill said he is vitally interested in aiding a good sports program for forthe forthe forthe the school and added that he expect expected expected ex ex- a to stimulate enthusiasm for school dances An electronics student Bill spent three years in military service and two years at the University of Utah before coming to Trade Tech A married man Bill has a month 14 old son Bills Bill's biggest pursuit now is doing doing doing do do- ing well as Trade Tech president Colleen Stevenson the female vice president is in charge of the assemblies and conducts half balf the Student Council meetings Her big aim is to arrange a talent assembly this year drawing the talent from students Colleens Colleen's a business student who vho brought her vitality and animation from South High This years year's male vice president is Steve Toone a Weber High School graduate who is in charge of the Party and Dance Committee All committee heads report to him for assistance in carrying out their projects Steves Steve's studying Electronics He likes outdoor activities and being a spectator at athletic events Part of his duties consist of conducting the other half of the Student Student student Stu stu- dent Council meetings Nikki Salazar the secretary records the minutes and agenda of all meetings and keeps all aU the memos in a secretary's secretary's secretary's sec sec- sec sec- notebook She's a business student Nikki handles all correspondence for the She attended Olympus and Skyline High Schools and enjoys basketball volleyball baseball piano ice skating ballroom ballroom ballroom ball ball- room dancing and she does Mexican dances Dianne Taylor the treasurer is chairman of the finance committee intention of seeing that the school funds are handled in the best possible possible possible pos pos- sible way A speech and drama enthusiast she attended the Grace Stewart School of Speech one summer She spent her high school days at Cy Cy- Cy- Cy Dianne is attending Trade Tech on a scholarship Harold JR Johansen the historian attended high school near his home town of L Loa o a W Way Wayne a y n e County Ill do all I I Ican y can to collect and record record record re re- re- re cord all information of historical interest to the said JR adding I expect to do my best to have this record completed and into a fine history book at the close of the school year J. J R. R is chairman of the Decorations Decorations Decorations Decora Decora- Committee Hes He's a a. Commercial Art student H k II 7 i i 4 |