Show san juan cattle and horse growers hold annual meeting the annual meeting of the san juan cattle and horse growers association was held last friday feb 22 1952 at the blanding school house the purpose of the meeting was to elect new officers discuss and review all problems pertinent to the industry main speakers at the meeting were dale H kinnaman hange manager of the bureau of land management julian K R thomas forest ranger U S forest service earl S stevens Sl ovens fish and wildlife service lloyd stevens and lee kay state fish and game department mr kinnamon reviewed the navajo indian trespass case top for the group and brought them up to date on all action taken by the department and ana courts and how the problem stood at present he also reviewed the halo betin noxious weed program to the group and impressed upon them to be extremely vigilant in their travels about their allotments and if any specimens of the he plant were found to im tely report its location to the bureau of land management office at monticello considerable discussion 0 on n the existing deer problem was brought out before the members of the state fish and game department bemb members ers of the department clearl clearly recognized the problem and indicated a desire to bring about a program to correct this problem as soon as possible mr lee kay of the department gave an interesting outline of all the procedures necessary to follow on the making and setting up of deer removal in specified areas mr lloyd stevens reviewed the recent deer count made by the members of the state fish and game department bureau of land management and U S forest service final conclusion of the meeting was made by the president of the association clarence rogers picking a c ommittee committee of three stockmen stoc kmen of the association to meet with the state fish and game officials bureau of land management and forest service representatives to reach a final decision and tion lion for correction of the area deer problem |