Show news ofa H CT CLUBS LEADERS ATTEND ATTE ND ah CLUB TRAINING G SCHOOL A group of ah club leaders f from rom san juan county will leave sunday for logan where they will attend a club clu b training school which will open february 24 and continue through feb 29 those attending from san juan county will include phyllis davis cedar point de deaun aun johnson and edith youna young blanding B land i ng and beryl adams adam M malinc i n L lyman and thelma G walton of monticello the two guest speakers to be featured at the training school will be fa former r m er d director i re c tor william W i 1 fi a m peterson Pe lerson w who h 0 w will il 1 b be e a speaker sp c a k e r in the he monday meeting and elder ezra taft bensen who is scheduled to be a friday speaker mrs walton states that the morning meetings will be general sessions and the afternoon meetings will be departmental zed also scheduled to speak at one of the meetings will be mrs thelma G walton wallon her subject wi ill il be b C our clubs do their ow own n evaluation san juan county is the first county of the state to initiate initia tc this plan of members evaluating their own scoring of the work they accomplish and ithe idea was introduced to the san juan county ah clubs by mrs walton it has been watched with keen interest by the state ah leaders |