Show LIONS CLUB HOLD SPECIAL MEETING the monticello lions club met in a special geeting meeting monday to dibi discuss c u s s cand and ook look in into t 0 the possibility s 1 lity it y 0 building a community pool A thorough investigation is b being ing made to determine the feasibility of the project from a financial standpoint as well as the other problems to be met in such an undertaking ben hess lions president stated that it is believed that t the he municipal power plant with a minor change in the heat ex change could be used to heat the water to the desired temperature pera ture and thus utilize power e r th this i s no not t b being e i ng used he also said s a id that t h at mayor M a y 0 r ralph ra lph A bailey has assured the lions ot of cooperation of the city power pa plant ant if there was assurance that the swimming pool would be used as a community project |