Show mrs H E blakes column church service at am sunday with rev L V trail in charge sunday school at 1000 at the community church the church workers met tuesday with miss melva decker at her boulder home meeting was conducted by president fern richey after a brief business session the lesson the pious killer of korea was g given IV toy by mrs may cooper A delicious lunch was served by the hostess bill mcgough who was in injured in a car wreck was taken to the veterans hospital in grand junction by mrs reed mrs pearson and mrs harrol last friday the exray ex ray showed a chipped bone in his neck they just put the ithe injured neck in a cast he was also suffering with his shoulder guests at the max daltons dalfons home are mrs daltons dalfons brother bill wright and niece betty and friend marilyn bryant of wentworth mo lloyd neilson was a business caller in town saturday from the southern part of the county mrs H E blake is enjoying a visit with her sister mrs pearl B hart from rifle colo this week mr and mrs farrell bates and family are of anaconda mont are visiting mr and mrs elmer bailey and other relatives mr and mrs donald blake and children came over from white canyon friday for a short visit going on to bluff saturday to attend the neilson family reunion on sunday richard the small son of mr and mrs compton was operated on for r removal of appendix at the memorial hospital at cortez on friday the daughters of utah pioneers met friday at the home of mrs D 13 perkins with some 25 mem members b ers and visitors P present r es en the meeting opened with a prayer by bv mrs ann E hyde mrs louie ouie frost conducted the meeting reading of minutes by secretary thora norton after A a short business session malcom young gave two musical selections on the piano miss isabel redd read the life story of her mother lucinda pace redd 86 a san juan pioneer which was most interesting two vocal selections were rendered by a group of ladies accompanied by maxine frost A lovely lunch was served by mrs perkins and co hostess normal norma young assisted by dorothy adams mrs ann E hyde made a business trip to moab friday evening returning home saturday mr and buster neilson and son of price and mr and mrs milton neilson and family and mr and mrs jack neilson of monticello attended the neilson fan family div reunion in bluff sunday mrs nielson sr served a grand dinner for the six of her eight children and families present the carl allred albre and elmer bailey families took their guests the farrell bates on a picnic to the montain sunday where they cooked their dinner western styles an item of interest to monticello people in the desert news of august is the announcement of the marriage on august 11 of venice redd jacobson grand daughter of mrs lucinda redd and former monticello resident to raymond merrill men ill shield of salt lake city mrs claudia cuerdon and son gregory came in on the bus monday from odessa texas where they chev had been visiting mr and mrs jack jordon we all are rejoicing over the moisture we are having whether the rain makers are responsible or not mr and mrs george baird and three children from manhattan beach california and mrs elva beswick of los angeles came sunday for an overnight visit with mrs may I 1 cooper they were on their way home after visiting with relatives in grand junction carl larimore and family of los A angeles ng e les ca california ll 11 f 0 r ni a ca came m e tuesday esda y t to 0 t take ake t their h e i r d daughter au ht e r virginia virgini dote home virginia has been visiting relatives for two months the alvin black family have been en in farmington new mexico this week canning peaches in a phone message to his mother junior steele says he is getting along fine in the veteran r a n hospital in grand junction ei 0 n |