Show legal notices NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER AT PUBLIC AU AUCTION notice is hereby given that in accordance with law the STATE LAND BOARD of the STATE OF UTAH will 0 on n sept 19 1951 at 10 am on that day offer at public auction at the house monticello utah all live timber and all merchantable dead timber standing or down lo 10 located on sees 21 22 23 26 27 28 33 34 T 27 S R 25 E san juan C co 0 utah est cst to be two million BM ft in or 1 bids must be submitted on the entire unit at not less than 1300 per M BM ft payment t to be made in cash at the auction the timber to be cut under the supervision of the state land board the board reserves the right to reject the whole or any part of any bid or to w waive aeve any in informality or bechn technicality in any bid in the interest of the state of utah by order of the state land board aug 17 1951 LEE E YOUNG executive secretary first aug 23 1951 last sept 13 1951 |