Show CHOOSE 1 I 1 HE TIRE OF CHAMPIONS 27 consecutive indianapolis RACES HAVE BEEN WON ON OH FIRESTONE TIRES YOUR SAFETY IS OUR BUSINESS PAULS faulb P A 6 SERVICED blK CA A WHY POSTPONE THOSE alterations OR remodeling WE ARE AN authorized F H A TITLE I 1 AND LOAN AGENCY DAYTON TIRES YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT FO FOYS s sk FOY LUMBER COMPANY s monticello utah V a 6 ts s one day without eating makes one weak 1 week in and week out you cant find a better place to eat than the OUT WEST CAFE our food is GOOD our prices RIGHT and our service is PROMPT and COURTEOUS EAT AT SAN JUANS LARGEST MOST MODERN CAFE if you want the best go to the out west J M peterson manager V OUT WEST CAFE q monticello utah at good farm practice includes turning stubble under right behind the he t combine there is no better implement for this than a MASSEY HARRIS wheatland disc GLEANER BALDWIN 12 ft combine electric table hoist has cut only acres A bargain at 2200 cash or wheat randall randal barton 1 I 1 monticello Monti celfo utah vi |