Show WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS world opinion resets resents conviction of EVL Es ekzey zey dewey bewey espouses liberalism in m party parly policy EDITORS NOTE when opinions a are re expressed in these columns they a are re t those h ose of western newspaper val unions 0 ns analysts and not necessarily of this newspaper gets life term the trial of cardinal Mind Y primate of hungary was over and the verdict came as no surprise the cardinal was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of trea son and black marketing it if there were an unexpected element in the outcome it was that the primates life had been spared but at trials end even that hung in the balance cardinal still could lose his life under hungarian law while his sentence of life could be appealed the supreme peoples tribunal last court of appeal could increase the severity of the sentence which in this case could mean only death THE CARDINAL was doomed from the outset his plight had so stirred the christian world that denunciations of the hungarian gov ern ments actions were almost universal powerful western nations through their leading churchmen had attacked the trial procedure anc this in turn had incensed the communist dominated hungarian court to a point where the issue was never in doubt it was generally believed that it was only reluctance to make a martyr out of the cardinal that averted the death penalty hungary lost no time in assailing american representatives who actually or purportedly sided with the cardinal among targets of these attacks were cardinal spellman of new york who delivered a scathing sermon against prosecution of and selden chapin U S envoy to hungary AMONG OTHER THINGS cardinal was accused of gathering information for chapin in a scheme to overthrow the hungarian government chapin immediately branded this charge as pure fantasy general opinion was that in the prosecution of the cardinal russian communism had made its first great blunder for in the move was disc discerned arned the fact that religion and religious concepts whether catholic or protestant would not be permitted to stand in the way of soviet aims of expansion and domination the russians had resurrected a policy which once before had so alarmed them that they had for or sworn it but now they were publicly and dramatically re committed to it a policy of the kremlin versus christ and this time the soviet union was up against an adversary for whom there can be no defeat DEWEY new liberalism for a man who was strangely reticent about plans while seeking the presidency of the united states new yorks thomas E dewey turned vocal and voluble in his lincoln day address in washington in the diminutive governors remarks there was no apology for defeat and no supine bid for favor instead he lashed out vigorously against party policy and advocated a purge of anti liberals from GOP ranks that there was a noticeable paradox in his position apparently disturbed him not at all while crying tor for those who oppose liberal progressive policies to get out of tho the party he struck out also at new cealish elements inside the organization urging his party to stop bemoaning the past he recommended that it dedicate itself anew to forward looking programs of social progress but without trying to outbid the democrats with the public money it was deweys deleys first public address since his defeat last novem mf 5 55 77 T 77 A CARDINAL for a principle life ber and in it he reminded his lis beners that the last GOP platform expressed wholehearted belief in unemployment insurance increased old age assistance broader social security generally slum clearance and public housing public development of water power and farm price supports these words must have left some of his hearers stunned surely they must have asked themselves why some of these things mentioned during the multiple app appearances ar of their presidential candidate last year but dewey ever the realist in facing a situation however he may react to it conceded that the party was split wide open in a fight between two extremes of thought and then he uttered a remark which must have brought some sly smiles he said what we ought to do is to make it everlastingly clear to the country where we stand and why A BOMB DATA reds demand it the russians lust stay out of the news but in an utterance which commanded american headlines they revealed themselves as almost childishly naive the cold war as hot as it could be short of the bullet stage the soviets had the gall to demand that the united states tell them how man A bombs this country has and provide full data on armed forces aej an armaments never modest in demands the soviets set a deadline for receipt of this information it was march 31 1949 1 HOWEVER they be completely selfish about the matter they demanded that the report on these matters be made to the united nations of which russia is a dembei warren R austin U S delegate to the U N dubbed the soviet resolution a succotash ot ol all the beans and different constituents russia has put to the U N on the arms and atomic questions since the world peace organization was formea even a non betting citizen might be excused tor for risking a sawbuck that abe russians would have nothing but their pains in proposing that the U S bare its atomic war potentials pot ennals to the kremlin GREEN LIGHT waits faithfully harry S truman T ruman of dence mo is getting into a habit of popping up as a poll topper in this or that department man of the year most popular etc etc are some ol of the poll winning titles he already possesses now he has come up with another mr truman is the nations no I 1 pedestrian no less an authority than that national safety council has so designated mr truman THE associations magazine public safety pictured mr truman on its cover and commended him for his interest in safety the traffic advisory board of the district of columbia hailed the presidents firm decision to wait faithfully for the green light before crossing pennsylvania avenue mr truman turned down a suggestion that a special traffic control be established for his daily walks between his temporary residence at blair house and the white house mr truman said he preferred to obey the traffic signals like any other citizen INFLATION people curbed it the people themselves can c a n claim major credit for the recent check to national inflation that is the conclusion of the family economics bureau of the northwestern national life insurance company which conducted a study of the subject THE STUDY developed that a slowdown halt or reverse of six main factors in the 76 per cent rise from prewar pre war price levels had bad been brought about it found that as late as last september the public still was bidding frantically against each other for more goods than were being produced in many lines but in the final two months of 1948 1943 consumers suddenly quit trying to outbid each other with industrial production in high gear and comparatively free from interruptions output and available supplies of most consumer goods were gaining steadily government bidding for grain in europe which ran grain prices up to record heights last year slowed down as world grain production recovered THE LONG RISE in wage costs per unit of goods was slowing down the study said continuing its listing of the six factors the study reported that rapid expansion in money supply both cash and credit due to vast government borrowing had also slowed down borrowing by business for expansion was listed as the sixth factor which was slowed down because of tightened restrictions but the first and foremost cause of the current price deflation the study concludes has been the halt in the publics scramble for goods by trimming their demands to fit within available supplies the people have recaptured some of their normal control over prices ATTLEE no invitation britain was having no part thank you of a a proposal that josef stalin and harry S truman be invited to london for a conference on world peace british prime minister clement attlee turned down coldly in the house of commons a suggestion that he invite president truman and the russian leader to hold personal talks in britain attlies Att lees statement was made to a bombardment of questions the prime minister had his reasons first he said he saw no reason to intervene moreover he continued he had received no official communication on the subject from either mr truman or stalin and he added A little initiative on the other side of europe would help a lot in getting the world started toward a secure peace then another government spokesman rejected the idea of inviting russia into the atlantic defense pact he declared it was dussias Rus sias obstruction suspicion and non cooperation that had bad made the pact necessary three labor members and a left wing independent had asked attlee to do something to bring east and west together BUT THE OUTLOOK was growing dimmer for any such meeting as the stalin statement of a few weeks ago suggested the U S was in a touchy position even had there been a disposition on this nations part to discuss peace with stalin any such decision would have appeared to be an act isolating other european nations from an action vital to their future and their favorable reaction to the U S rejection of the truman stalin talk proposal showed their pleasure at not being bypassed by passed in the matter the russians should they really want peace aie are victims of a situation of their own making their constant vetoes in the U N their unwillingness to cooperate with peace efforts heretofore and their general obstructionist tactics have made the entire western world suspicious of any proposal emanating from behind the iron curtain prosperity great big but congressional advisers were not backing down a bit on their forecasts for continued prosperity during 1949 but and there always is one the lawmakers were told that action must be had now on president Tr long range economic program it if not they warned an billion dollar depression is possible within the next decade LEON keyserling vice chair man of the council of economic advisers told the senate house economic committee the nation might lose that much in national income if it should follow the boorn boom and bust pattern of the keyserling declared that it if the country steers a straight course between galloping inflation and paralyzing deflation it could look forward to continued prosperity expanding on the danger ot of delay theme he listed six elements of increasing danger in the nations economic picture they were 1 LAG between consumer income and the amount of goods and services it will buy 2 GROWING disparity between farm and industrial prices with the latter rising at twice the farm rate since 1946 3 SHARE and continued price increases in vital products 4 DROP in consumer outlays and demand in relation to the nations total output 5 HIGHER corporation profits than are necessary to maintain current levels of business and investment 6 FAILURE of basic industries such as steel to increase basic capacities PRINCE prance RUPERT f rn for him no progeny ti tr from the days of the pioneer to the present respect for the sturdy stalwart sire has been deeply instilled in the hearts of americans the rugged progenitor father of large fa families milles whether he be fighting off indians at a wilderness stockade or battling modern economics in order to feed his family has always been first in the great american tradition and that is altogether fitting and proper since it is an accepted credo that in prorogation of his hi kind man finds himself closest to the realization of his lifes ultimate purpose it could be understood easily therefore if some tears fell in the midwest recently at the execution of prince rupert prince rupert was a bull but no ordinary bull in many respects he was owned by governor roy turner of oklahoma and cost prince rupert was a almost 1 rn 0 s t legendary among animal royalty in the midwest his career had been followed with great interest for prince rupert was victim of an unkind fate great things were expected of the prince livestock men envisioned numbers of finely bred bulls from this royal sire but they were doomed to disappointment it was discovered very early that somewhere along the line in construction a vital element had been left out bluntly prince rupert was so constituted that he would never sire an offspring science and invention w were e r e called upon and for five years the prince received special treatment to remedy the defect but he remained sterile when all hope was gone rupert came inevitably to the end more flippant observers might sum his lifetime up in a brief caption from oi stud to dud and there wa J J crowning indignity the not noble mal costing was sold tor for for bologna NORMALCY try for zero it all many sound confusing but it if you get a grade of zero youre normal the gimmick is a new fever thermometer for detecting mental illness and a zero reading on the scale means you are all right in the head and the psychiatrists may as well look elsewhere THE NEW thermometer is i a rating scale in the form of a chart it indicates by a number how mentally ill DI a person is its quite a bit like the thermometer that tells how high your temperate tempera tf TIR f above normal desce Ss this new instrument described as something new and hopeful in the evaluation of mental illness tells more accurately whether a per son is getting 0 better or worse and how effective any treatment has been released b by features feature |