Show milk price situation alarms dairy leaders logan feb 4 dairymen are getting jittery over the milk aprice price situation merrill N warnick ilic k president of the utah dairy federation declared today how much longer can the downward trend continue without up I 1 setting the nations food economy this is the critical question asserted warnick confronting the consume consuming ng public as well as the agricultural side of the nation ile he pointed out that cow numbers continue to decline and there is a growing D shift of labor from from farm to factory unless something is done to correct this Ibis condition soon a drastic decline in milk production is in prospect even though farm wages have increased eased considerably over the past eight years adding to the cost of all food prices he elaborated farm wages are still lagging behind wage advances on the industrial side it now becomes a question of how to keep the boys down on the farm dairymen have only one source of income from which to pay wages and other milk production costs and out of the price they get for their milk mr warnick indicated that the trend of returns in milk prices to the dairy farmers of utah was anything but encouraging during recent months milk prices to the farmer have dropped in this state from in january 1948 to 87 cents |