Show atomic board announces plans for purchase of uranium ores the atomic energy commission at washington tuesday revealed plans to operate the vanadium plant at monticello the commission also announced that it is working out a program for buying uranium ores from private sources and to limit direct government production of ore the following press dispatch gives details of the commissions plans the atomic energy commission which took over the manhattan project after the war disclosed today in its third report to congress that it is working on a new process which it hopes will supply more nuclear fuel for bomb boulb production and industrial use it also revealed plans to operate the vanadium plant at monticello ti utah it explained in its report that this fuel is manufactured red f from rom the rare raw materials of atomic energy natural uranium and thor thorium iuni but it said there are not enough of these available to supply all the fissionable material needed for bombs and other purposes the commission also reported that it is expanding its atom bomb production and is working on oil new design atomic weapons times independent |