Show i MINERS TO ASK TWO concessions NS salt lake city utah march 10 J UP P before approving new contracts f for or wages and ad hours with the united mine aline workers of america western coal mine operators will two concessions of the union they announce today 1 that western miners be allowed to continue work after present or union contracts expire march 31 regardless of outcome of cf conferences now in progress between V the he union land and eastern operators 2 that western operators be allowed to work their mines on a ax tay week weck basis for a maximum of 12 weeks each year to meet the heavy winter demand rocky Aloun mountain tain dai brict coal Are meeting eting in a breaf bi eif get together session operators explained that usual practise has been to ro reach an agreement with eastern mine owners then apply terms of that agreement ent to western areas with some modifications commenting on the agreement agre agreements emen ts I 1 they said they had little voice in eastern but were milfrd to concede increases granted |