Show BOULDER NOTES r X mrs airs kate alus jalman celebrated her birthday sunday the lath everybody in boulder arrived at the 4 1 M r ranch anch at noon with present mid lunch adf we all wished her I 1 ciany ciany more years of life I 1 rev spoke I 1 I 1 sirs airs let L brady was called to the charl charlie e mess ranch thursday friday and monday to give medical attention to littee litt e jack moss I 1 mi air and mrs 11 douglas took lu idec cil out to see dr johnson at cortez ed hairel is working for mr 1 franklin I 1 I 1 idonier IIo rogers called at the leu lee L brady home for medical aid mori and saturday Sat Satu iday last we week elc t ell ed Yr franklin anklin made a call at the carl carlson carlon on ranch last week guy wheatley called caled at the pierce nerce 1 and sinclair ranch last week waldie waklie carlson made several trips to 0 cortez and lewis last week mrs lee L brady was called to the jack drown brown home in cifors e head where mrs lown was ill last ave week eil 1 cuy aby wheatley Wh eatley ratley and mrs al lowis lewis cabled called at park dl week mrs carlson called at the pierce gianch banch last week i W floyd briddy bought the arthur I 1 jobe pace last friday I 1 I 1 i mr air and sirs mrs arthur holt called on mrs lee L brady fo for medical aid for ilas holt saturday 17 eil hattel called cald at the glum gaunt mer ranch last week ed franklin called caled at the gaum I 1 J mer ranch last week I 1 rusty kusty kl was in east bouier Sk sunday inday shirley Thomp Thomps soh spent satur day and sunday in Horsell horsehead ead bill thompson was quite ill last I 1 week I 1 mr ir and sirs mrs garland cougias Do shirla Shir lp thompson called at the lee L avdy ranch las last week v eek t r sirs lee lt L brady spent last tuesday night at the evans honie holli where she wash was cal ed cd for emma glen ajl called called at the franklin banch lust last week sir fr and mrs F J haueisen have their huse hause about read V to move in to now mrs aars ids ida baylord and herwy henry carlson front from moab saturday thie oil men froom Duy durango were looking at the boulder knell oil well sundy sunday airs II if E blake spent monday at palk paik biados Bi Di adys |