Show happy hulda goes on dishpan duty i THURSDAY apt TUESDAY SA 0 y pattern 1383 happy hulda as chief cook and bottle washer invites you to cross stitch this set of seven tea towels 8 to the inch crosses in the gayest floss you can findl find pattern 1383 contains a transfer pattern of 0 seven motifs one for each day of the week averaging about 6 by 6 inches material requirements requirement illustrations of all stitches used color suggestions send 15 cents in stamps or coins coin coins preferred for this pattern to the sewing circle needlecraft Needle Need cratt lecraft dept 82 eighth ave new york N Y write plainly pattern number your name and address dr pierces pleasant pellets made of may hay apple are effective in removing remo Tiny accumulated body waste adv dont dona irritate rifaie Sr gas bloating if you want to really GET RID OP GAS and terrible bloating dont expect to ta do it by just doctoring your atom a ach ch w with ith harsh irritating al kalies and gas ba tablets tablet most GAS is I 1 lodged in the th stomach and upper intestine and Is I 1 due to old poisonous matter in the th constina con constipated te d b bowels that are ara loaded with ill causing bacteria it if your constipation Is of long stand ing enormous quantities of dangerous bacteria accumulate then your dilles digestion is upset GAS often presses heart bean and lungs making life trus miserable erable you cant eat or sleep your head aches your back aches your complexion is sallow and pimply your breath is foul you are a sick grouchy wretched unhappy person YOUR SYSTEM IS POISONED thousands of sufferers have found in Adl erika the quick scientific way to rid their systems of harmful bacteria Adl erika rods rids you of gas and clean foul poisons poison out of 0 BOTH upper and lower bowels give your bowels a REAL cle cleansing ansin with Adler Adl erika lka get rid of GAS A Adl erika does not gripe grip is not habit forming at all leading druggists HE HELP L P K KIDNEYS EYS to get rid of acid and poisonous waste you year hanty help to keep you yoa wa ly bering viste matter ra tha blood if your kJol lejay get tt disordered ordered df and fall to t remove excess impurities there my lay be of 1 I he am whole hl systems uj acly id cotna int anty scanty or too frequent uee ri nation may b be a warning uichi 0 of toms some issaef or ft bladder dut disturbance urbanc you YM may ufer suffer lian ling back persistent headache hesS buwik lit of dis datla eu gettine up dp swell swelling int puffiness ea ab der tj tha he eyink lm ted weak nervous sa ill rayed played oat la in suck cents it Is I 1 better t to my on an ft a medicine median that hu has won van country wido thui than on OB leu less tor imy ably lanoi mown use TJ doelves do pima we at td pa peaola coant at owr DOANs PILLS classified department miscellaneous FREE LIMITED NUMBER of hamilton 23 22 rifles falcon nari Cain eras eraa a and n d drexel pen and pe pencil sets write rat HEN HINGES CO phoenix allro llon si son box ta att W 16 SALT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY oar lobby Is hi delightfully sir air cooled daring the slimmer simmer months month radio for every hinna room bur baum HOTEL temple square rates gates saso 1 50 to tho the botel templo tempi square hm has a highly de dut rable friendly friend li sam admix will bdate comfortable anil ana tb N 7 you oab can r why this hotel too 11 you on can also iu appreciate rhys whys iris if murk of dit to ta top at t hosteny hotl ry ERNEST ROSSITER air |