Show SELL OR trade for livestock or machinery queen egg inu bator three compartments IW eggs each cart can he run separately D L BAYLES BLANDING I 1 ft I 1 al CID maihs lp 00 k ae aehl v use alt ewo wai 1 I 1 1 A ey euy td tb h hn dm trtat treatment ment U I 1 b the fresi of J 1 I I 1 of va low ate I 1 curt M W WN mu M dw lao amy na hgo sa J bwl du tyaan in aiato iato the domme cottu ol 01 OE aw own hak B so pa 11 mey I 1 bwy dy zae corre correct com ie ft oo 00 IN fa edsol impe ovle he hegr balth md amp tag hok in ov 4 I 1 ask for clairel clairol at your favorite beauty shop or write to clairol clairel inc W st new york city SELL ELL OR trade for livestock or machinery queen egg iu inu 1 bator three compartments PG 5 gs each can be run separately D L BAYLES BLANDING have you anything tv tu sell trade pa fo see th the e RECORD artt dymm M ts 0 11 1 H 11 H 1 i 1 0 11 1 J 1 MRS ELVA SPRAGUE t TEACHER OF J VOICE and PIANO will receive pupils in monticello lanti cello 4 wednesdays ip tic j 11 imp THURSDAYS and SATIER DAYS payment accepted w ht cash or trade for 4 further farther information address t SAN JUAN RECORD t 4 c 4 W M 44 I M 44 M sam AIL juan job department 11 all kinds of commercial printing done neatly and artistically on short notice letter heads envelopes sale bills statements lt pamphlets legal blanks etc etc high fligh grade mimeograph onion skin and second sheet paper carried in stock trade it at home and watch business grow |