Show LOCAL STOCKMEN TALK FOREST regulations A special meeting was held last saturday at the court house some forty stockmen stoc kmen and farmers being in attendance S S stewart stew art supervisor of the la sal forest was present and the meeting resolved itself into a discussion of forest regulations and the possibilities of the swall small men securing grazing in g permits within its boundaries chairman claud young asked that tile the small local stockman be range more conveniently situated to the town than had bad been set aside for them last year and invited discussion of what the meeting judged should be the maximum protective limit for herds and flocks grazing on the forest foiest supervisor stewart was asked to give his opinion of what could be done in the matter ile he stated that the forest officers ers were guided by ciders emanating from washington and tile the higher departments of the service he being unable to state just what action they would finally take in the matter A motion was finally put and carried stating that it is the sense of the meeting that the protective Protect lie limit of cattle should be and that of haep 70 head the effect of this resolution if sustained by the forest service would mean that present users up to those numbers would be protected in their grazing gezing rights while those grazing numbers in excess could be cut to acom new applicants with lesser numbers the meeting adjourned to reconvene at the annual meeting the third saturday of march |