Show BABTIST conference OPPOSES GAMBLING the louisvill ky baptist pastors conference is on record with the city authorities as opposed to gambling in any form the diorec director or of safety in that city issued an order some months ago prohibiting bingo but in response to protests from certain quarters qu aiters the ban was so po modified as not t to app aal y to churches ch inches in a letter to the editor of the courier journal the baptist pastors Ps tors conference wrote in part we deplore what might seem to be a general implication that nil ail churches indulge in this practice we the baptist pastors conference of louisville wish to say emphatically that neither this nor any other form of gambling is countenanced by any of our baptist churches bolton hal a new york virney at the age of 81 baskes this observe ton t on the law is s P game played by us lawyers under complicated ule rules i made by ourselves for our own benefit at the expense of air 0 ir clients cien ts many laymen will agree |