Show lafayette family farm was model of early days the lafayette family owned an estate known as lagrange which was situated about 40 miles southeast of paris it embraced more than french acres including a park and farm the farm proper consisted of SOO aw cultivated frencl french acres which were divided into two large courts in the first writes dr C S plumb in the ohio farmer a which Is if the more considerable were the sheepfolds sheep folds cow houses bouses stables hen roosts boosts a dairy large barn and the farmers home the sheepfolds sheep folds were spacious airy and extremely clean and contained from 1000 to 1 1200 1 aw sheep some enclosures cloures en ere for the ewes and lambs file lie others for sheep or lambs there was also an infirmary for sick animals generally I IIA 11 there were two large dairies with a churn these buildings also contained on even a kneading trough worked by machinery a steam engine and wooden tubs in which potatoes were cooked as feed for cattle and especially ally pigs the other court of the farm farin consisted of first a large building which contained the years crop of wheat and the middle of holcli was occupied in both stories by a handsome threshing machine see sec ond a large building for pigs capa ble of containing from to animals remarkably clean and emitting no disagreeable smell a rather unusual circumstance for such places third a building containing elder cider press and wine tubs and fourth handsome outhouses out houses for carts and plows with large cellars underneath in which were preserved the tops crops ot of beet root and pot pota atoo |